UNIVERSITY INTERVIEW Questions and Answers (PASS Your Uni Admissions Interview!)

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In this video, Richard McMunn gives you 7 sample university admissions questions and answers to work through.

Here's a full list of Univerity Interview Questions:
Q. Why have you chosen your subject to study at this university?
Q. Why have you chosen our university as opposed to the others that are available for this subject?
Q. What did you think of your A Level results? Were you satisfied, or could you have done better?
Q. What are your strengths and how will they help you when studying your chosen subject at this university?
Q. What are your long-term career goals?
Q. What can you bring to this university?
Q. Tell me what you know about this university, and in particular the facilities available here?
Q. What are your weaknesses and how will these impact your study time?
Q. Which part of your A Level studies did you find the toughest?
Q. What are your main interests outside of education?

This video is useful for any of the UK-based university, including Cambridge, Oxford, Lancaster, Manchester, and London. The content is also useful for the Skype University Admissions Interview.

If you would like to learn more about how to successfully PASS your University Admissions interview, get free access to Richard's online interview training course:

Good luck with your uni admissions interview!
I hope you pass :)
Richard McMunn
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And here i am again 15 mins before the interview 😭✋🏼


I don't usually comment. But this video is the only one you really need to see as universities can ask nothing more than whats mentioned here! all the best


20 minutes left for my interview, this was really helpful, thank you so much


Tomorrow is the big day for me 😭😭 I’m not nervous neither am I relaxed.


Thank you so much Richard, I had my interview yesterday and I got accepted. I watched a day to my interview and it was so helpful.


Wow, these tips are so good for an interview, I have an interview tomorrow afternoon. I got a lot of knowledge from these questions. Thank you sir for sharing such knowledgeable stuff with us.


Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I was interviewed last June 19th and I just got the result. I GOT IN!

Thank you for these tips because it really helped me gain confidence and made me less nervous of the interview. Some of the questions here (like the "why you chose this subject" and "why you chose this university" questions) were the questions they asked and you guys helped me prepared an answer for it. So thank you very very much!


A lot of these questions are clearly designed for someone who is fresh out of sixth form. I have a university interview for my second degree tomorrow (after 10 years out of academic studies). I really hope they’re not just going to ask me about my A levels!


Watching this an hour before the interview. Im shivering rn from nervousness and my hands are all cold. Thanks for this! I really hope that I get to be accepted in the university


i know, this video is going to be very beneficial for me because i am having my university interview in a couple of days or in a week and if i am able to pass it out the entire credit goes to you.


Watching this an hour to my interview wish me luck ✌️🏾


I have an interview with DAI on Friday and just stumbled on this, I can’t explain how relieved I am even tho I know the questions might be different. I’m relieved. Thank you


What a hard questions that could easily lure the unsuspecting prospect,
but the provided answers are on point, safe and give the university just what it is looking for.
Bonus points if you actually live as you preach, as the questions are really good and if you mean what you say you will really be closer to success.
Thank you very much for the great UNIVERSITY INTERVIEW Questions and Answers video!
Soon I could have my Uni Admission Interview, so I get confidence to PASS it!


That's what I was looking for. Just amazing. My interview is on the upcoming Monday. Fingers crossed. I will only stick to these suggestions. Thank you very much, sir. Hats off for you.


I’ve just written down all my answers for university interview questions as part of my college assignment and using this video as a check list is making me feel so much more confident now knowing I’ve almost hit all the point and can now fill in any of the points I might’ve missed, thank you! this is just 👏🏽


Nervously watching it day before my interview OMG


These has increased my confidence to face my interview when due. Thanks for this.


Absolute gem of a video for interview preparation!


Thanks and happy forever, believe me I got much more knowledge and tips because today is my interview to university of Taipei, Taiwan in morning.


Thanks. I got my uni interview this Friday. This was truly a great advice for me.
