Do Stringjoy Orbiter Coated Electric Strings Feel Normal

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A Full Review of the Stringjoy Orbiter Coated Electric Strings
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I'm a huge StringJoy fan. I pretty much use their strings exclusively. So I'm not surprised to hear that they got this 'coated' thing right. Everything else I've tried from them has been superb. They're really nice folks as well (in terms of customer service, etc).


Great review/analysis! Appreciate the time and patience you gave it. Sounds like Scott's crew has hit another home run.


Ive played elixer nanoweb strings for 20 years, regular strings feel weird to me now.


I like Elixir Nanowebs myself; I'm one of those people whose perspiration kills regular strings, though it doesn't happen as fast for me as some others who have commented! That said, I plan to try these — I like the "in-between" gauges Stringjoy offers and would be quite happy if they work well for me.


I love the slick feeling of elixirs. I don't understand why you'd want more friction and string noise.

If I ever have regular strings on, I oil them so they don't feel so dry and grabby. We polish our frets to within an inch of their lives to achieve a smooth bend. Slippy all the way man!


I love Elixers strings ! I first used them because they came on my Taylor guitar and now I use mostly them and D'Addario on all my guitars.


I love Elixers, because they are so slick feeling! I’d love to hear your thoughts on the DR coloured strings. I’d be willing to bet the farm that you would hate them 😂
Unfortunately, String Joy aren’t an option for me, they aren’t available here in Australia.


I started using elixirs mainly because my hands sweat when I play and elixirs always seemed to last the longest. Over the years I found the optiweb were the better choice between the poly and nanoweb. They have a natural feel and they last a while. Just ordered a pair of the Orbiters to test them out. I tried a set of the non coated string joys before. They sounded good but they didn’t last as long as Elixirs. Hoping the orbiters will be my new favorite strings


I just picked up a set of Stringjoy Orbiters (10-48) yesterday, and will install them today on my Walnut The STRAT. I’m a long-time user of Stringjoy Nickel Wrap, which I love. I tried the Pure Nickel Broadways, but they were too soft sounding. I don’t normally use coated strings, but decided to try the these. We’ll see. Thanks for your detailed review!


Been thru most brands, uncoated and coated, found Curt Mangan pure nickel strings are my personal favorites.


Hi Dylan & Leslie have a wonderful Thanksgiving’s and weekend again love ❤️ all the hard work you both put into your channel. Love the after no guitar show also its a lot of fun!


Been seeing ads all over ig. Thanks for the review. I’m gonna try them for my acoustic and my electric!


Just tried the 9-42’s… have a big festival show coming up.

They are astoundingly good.


I have super sweaty hands when playing so coated is a must. I have been using mostly elixir for many years but always looking for improvements. Have daddario on a couple of guitars and they seem pretty comparable. Ive never had the elixir problems you described. I certainly dont rip on my strings with a metal pick though. I dont think being able to slide easier is bad; they dont feel slimy to me. Maybe its because my hands are so sweaty. Will give these a try. Thanks for the informative review.


My E-II arrow came with elixir strings, and I absolutely hated them. I've mostly used 9-42 D'addario or ernie ball for the last 20 years, but lately I've been really liking standard Fender 10-46s. Thinking about trying the bullet end strings in my strats, even though I know they're probably just a gimmick


I wish Elixir made balanced sets like Stringjoy. I love SJ and understand the sheer slickness of them is a polarizing thing but for them it's a holy grail string. They sound great to me and my sliding and bending is effortless. Never found them to be dead or dull sounding. I think anyone that really plays the hell out of their guitar can appreciate the feel of Elixirs. If they do buy strings en masse from other manufacturers, I wonder if I could send them a huge order lot of SJ to coat for me. That would be amazing! Thanks for the informative video.


Just got a guitar and Elixirs were shipped. I really like the slimminess.


Thank you Dylan, God bless you for all you do.


Can you get a set in the EU? I must say I quite like the Elixir coated strings, recorded with them and the sound was excellent, but would like to give these a try.


I use Curt Mangan coated strings for the same reason as they feel like a regular string. I tried Elixirs before and could not stand the slimy feel or the flaking.
