Carl Sagan-In Case We're Alone

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We need his voice now more than ever before.


He was like an oracle whom we all should heed. Sagan made astronomy the coolest thing going in his era, especially in the 70's when Americans in particular were looking for something outside of themselves. The Apollo moon-landing missions ended in Dec. '72, leaving a vacuum in our imaginations, which nothing readily replaced. Consumerism & materialism had taken hold of us to an unprecedented degree & we were beginning to sense its dangers, in addition to the rise of the environmental movement. This man came along & re-sparked our imaginations & gave us hope for the future, helping us escape the mundane concerns of boring, routine, daily life. I believe Sagan also planted within us a yearning to make contact with other intelligent life in the universe, to finally know we weren't alone. Despite our once-dedicated persistence in this area---now, however, largely abandoned---we remain alone, unvisited & uncontacted. With Sagan's passing, we're more alone & pilotless in these attempts than ever. The possibility that the great, most-popular astrophysicist who ever lived may, this very moment, be interacting with the intelligent life he longed to find, is a comforting thought, though it diminishes our sorrow in losing Carl Sagan for ourselves not a whit.


R.I.P. Carl. Sadly, many of your warnings have fallen on deaf ears. This Earth is an oasis in an infinite desert and we trashed it. "You don't what you had until it's gone."


There are 14 worlds like ours. The question is, how do we get out of our world and get into the next one. The answer is that we will never be able to create a machine to travel outside of our world. Jgd the yogi Raj


It said that our galaxy has only 4% stars like ours, the rest are red dwarves or giant stars with short lifespan. So surely there is life somewhere like on earth, it just our technology hasn't developed enough to traverse the galaxy!

Alone is very powerful word, but I think it is ok to be alone, it helps our kind be more creative!


Im guessing but I would say biological life will be found all over the universe. Complex life animals plants etc. will be rare. Intelligent life will be extremely rare but just mathematically it must exist.


The search for extraterrestrial life is a psychological human need to verify the results of science. If we are alone in the universe, the ramifications are absolutely staggering, and we'd need to go back to the drawing board when it comes to understanding the 'basics' of both how we exist and how we came to exist. Unfortunately the answer's been clear for the longest time already, since intelligent life has had billions of years to visit planet earth and to interact with things here, but hasn't. Why would you anticipate that only after we humans come about, that extraterrestrials would be coming here? Why not earlier...? Extraterrestrials are things that we humans have 'invented' ourselves, and we've made them 'in our own image'. They have noses, ears, mouths, and large heads! They travel in spaceships! They live on planets! They believe we are a terrible species, and would destroy us! Every one of these is a characteristic of human beings. We are alone in the universe. Please start facing the real ramifications of science and evolution, not going down the bunny-trail of science fiction.,


He smoked weed and was a huge user of THC. End prohibition.
