9 LIES about Moving to Mexico

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If you’re considering moving to Mexico, you might hear some of these lies from well-meaning friends and family. But instead of trusting them, you should trust me - the guy with the fake mustache. Thanks to Ernie from Retired in Mexico NO BULL for playing along.

In this video I’m going to be talking about the things you might hear about Mexico that are just not true:

Introduction 0:00
1) Mexico is unsafe. 0:36
2) Americans and Canadians can’t own property in Mexico. 1:31
3) You can get a 180-day visa / You cannot get a 180-day visa. 2:53
4) Healthcare is 3rd world. 3:45
5) Your American car insurance works in Mexico. 4:33
6) Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican holiday. 5:45
7) You can get any prescription drug you want in Mexico. 6:18
8) Cops are all corrupt. 7:38
9) Mexico paid for the wall. 8:39

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I am a Mexican and you are 100 💯 % right
If you are in illigal activity you will get hurt
Other than that you are good


Medical care has been great! I suffered a stroke in June of 2021 while in Mexico. My surgery went beautifully, and I've been treated wonderfully by my Doctors. We relocated to Morelia, Michoacan, two days before the stroke.


We are retiring in Lake Chapala region. If I had a nickel for every Debbie Downer comment I heard then I’d burn my own money. People who have never traveled suddenly become experts.


well done, i have retired from the US Navy to mexico and have been here for 17 years, never had a problem, live very comfortably and i love your topic of the word NO, well done. if anyone wants to move to mexico, i am always looking for teachers for our language school in the state of Veracruz


What I've found is that 'yes' means yes, and 'maybe' means no. They save the word 'no' for their kids. :)


My realtor is an Anglo who grew up in Mexico. His wife is Mexican and they are both living in the US. The wife had to have major surgery that would have cost them tens of thousands of dollars here in the US, even with insurance.
She flew down to Mexico City to have the procedure done for less than $10, 000. The facilities were modern and clean and the surgeon was educated in the US.


I have been saying this for the longest time, coming from the USA you should know a lot more of unsafe/dangerous/violent countries because that’s how the USA is! Just look at the news, internet, etc and you see everyday mass shootings, violent crime, kidnappings and a lot more across the USA!
Stay away from the cartels and you should be fine. Besides that Mexico is a beautiful country with a high quality of life!


😂. I was prepared to argue with you, but you are spot on. Mexico City has provided a safer and less stressful environment for my lifestyle. It has great public transportation, amazing cuisine, a variety of cultural events, etc. I have had affordable surgery at a stellar facility with entirely competent physicians. I live on my U.S. social security benefits with a little in savings to splurge on a few weeks each year in Puerto Vallarta or Huatulco. I could not imagine this lifestyle anywhere in the U.S.


Funny story, I was in Mexico on the last day of my vacation and I got pulled over for not wearing my seat belt. I had almost no money left (but I had a great time!) So, he was going to give me a ticket and take my license. I'd have to show up at court the next day, the day I was leaving. So, I gave him my last bit of cash and he let me go. I was fortunate enough to have made friends that were kind enough to buy me drinks for my last night in town. Good times!


i'm a student moving to mexico in basically 2 months from now, i've visited multiple times and i'm actually dating a mexican girl, i'm very happy to move to mexico, i think you missed out on saying the cost of living is not particularly cheap like most think, some areas in mexico can have a heavy real state price, and crazy down payments.


Just been to Mexico City, and had the best doctor I’ve ever had in my entire life treat me, and he was such a real human being as well.


Awesome job!😂😂😂 This was soooo cool and I feel honored Brighton! Love that goatee, it looks good on you...🤪 Looking forward to doing our video. Keep up the awesome work!


I broke my foot un Puerto Morelos last Dec and the ortho doctor took really good care if me. He dudnt speak English but I had my friend along to interpret for me.

Cost was so inexpensive compared to US


Iam mexican you are 100 right about your comments keep up the good job


Wrong! 5 de Mayo it’s a Mexican Holiday but it’s not as strong as 16 of September, and it’s not just a little town we’re talking about, it is the city of Puebla. The only reason you guys are more prone to celebrate 5 de Mayo in the US, it is because you can pronounce it easier and since you’re all about convenience you have a very hard time trying to pronounce 16 of September in Mexican (noticed that I didn’t put Spanish), I’m really surprise that you haven’t change Thanksgiving to just Thanks…😝.


You NAILED EVERYTHING! I'm laughing so hard (in agreement, of course) at how accurate you are with everything you said about my country and my people! You clearly have plenty of experience living in Mexico that you seem to know more about us than we care to admit about ourselves! Thank you for your honest takes. Any Mexican who disagrees I think may just be feeling a little "hurt in the butt, " so keep on keeping on!


I moved to Albania. They talk bad about this country too. I have never felt safer! Go figure. Sure it is the same about Mexico. I bought great apartment in Albania and my kids can inherit it!. So much BS going around. I agree with you.


This is the best one yet! I thought qroo Paul was funny, but this is better! You have a career in comedy sir


This was great! I was cracking up in the first few seconds 🤣🤣😂😆. And still good info! ☮️❤️😎


The health care here is awesome! I saw a urologist about some issues I was having after a procedure in the US. It was 68 dollars for the doctor and prescription combined. I had an EKG and Echocardiogram with a cardiologist, in his office, for 175 US. I had a root canal and crown for 674 US, and the dentist was probably the fastest and most skilled I've ever had. She did a 3D scan of my mouth before making my crown, and it was the first time ever it fit without having to go back 2-3 times. I'm having a colonoscopy and endoscopy with sedation as surveillance from prior colon cancer on Friday. 450 dollars all in. Both the doctors offices are in a hospital that looks like a tropical resort. The dentists office and the endoscopy center look like they came out of the future. The US is the real shithole, between the cost of health care, and loonies shooting people everywhere, Mexico is a walk in the park. No Nazis, no lifted trucks, no flags, and rarely any political signs. I'm never leaving. And I can walk at night pretty much everywhere without fear of being robbed or messed with.
