I Spent The Day With Real Vampires

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For extended interviews with the real vampires of Salem, subscribe to my Patreon!

In this video, I spend the day with real vampires in Salem, Massachusetts, the famous Witch City. It's "Interview With The Vampire" IRL! These vampires are part of the Maison Vampyre “clan” or “colony” as they like to call it.

Ben & Lex are the owners of VampFangs and Maison Vampyre in Salem, They are real vampires and brought me into their world for the day to show me what it means to live the vampire lifestyle.

Vampires are peculiar creatures. Either we think of them as evil bloodthirsty monsters stalking their prey in the night or sparkly, seductive beings you might want to prey on you, like Edward Cullen from Twilight.

But all of these images come from the Hollywood depiction of the vampire. Vampires are just fictional characters… right?

Well, it turns out there are approximately 5,000 people in the United States who identify as “real vampires” and in this video, we get to meet some.

Vampire History

The concept of a corpse returning to feed off the living dates back to the Middle Ages. In the twelfth century the Latin term, sanguisuga or “bloodsucker” was first used.

The word vampire itself first entered the English language in 1732 as widespread fear of “real vampires” took hold across Europe, when the sensationalist report of “vampiric attacks” in Serbia made its way to publication in the London press.

Eventually, even the tuberculosis epidemic was blamed on vampires.

The image of the vampire has come a long way since then, as modern Hollywood depictions of the once putrid monster have evolved to seductive creatures with superhuman abilities and immortality.

It’s this kind of alluring image that influenced the real-life vampire community to emerge in the 1990s out of New York City’s goth scene.

Thank you so much to Ben & Lex and the Maison Vampyre community!

Check out VampFangs & Maison Vampyre

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Рекомендации по теме

The way you are taking apart of these so different lifestyles and staying open while doing it, without a judgment is an art itself. 🙏


As a hairstylist, I can confirm that energy vampires are real.


“Blood stays in body, we stay alive. Blood stays out of body, we might not stay alive”…. 👁👄👁 internal bleeding


Vampires:" It's not about getting blood from the neck, its about energy!"

Me:"Then why do you wear sharp teeth ?"

Vampire: ...


Your interview style is unique, you’re really engaged in the topic without being patronising. I genuinely have loved all of your experiences you have filmed. Thank you. 🇬🇧


when ben talked about psychic vampirism, like friends who steal sympathy for ex, it blew my mind and made so much sense.
i say this as someone who can’t pinpoint exactly why i feel so horrible around people who pity themselves too much?

disclaimer: i’d like to clarify that there’s a difference between someone who discusses their issues/mental health in an open conversation, verses a person that constantly seeks validation without considering the validation of others:)

i hope i’m making sense😂


The idea of gathering life force/energy rather then feeding on blood is a really cool concept and something that I can absolutely relate too. I'm introverted and someone who generally lives isolated from society due to the fact that it's completely exhausting for me to be around others. I've always believed it to be that I either too freely give my own energy or others take it from me to easily.


YES!! I love VampFangs!! My husband and I go every time we're in Salem. I've been thinking about getting a reading at Maison Vampyre, but didn't know what to expect, so have hesitated. Thank you for this video and the insight it contained!!
Side note: They hold a Vampire Ball every year. My husband and I are hoping we can save up to go next year - it looks like a blast!


Fascinating peek into a niche sub-culture in such a specific geographic location - appreciate your questioning choice and inquiry style on this one in particular! Another banger video, Sky 🌲


As someone who enjoys researching a lot about the vampire community, I have only seen videos about sanguine vampires. This is refreshing to see you highlighting another type of vampire that I have never learned about before!


Girl, your such an amazing interviewer/documentarian! Just pure curiosity and absolute non judgment ❤


I was looking for info on vampire communities last week, after watching Dracula Untold. I couldn't find much but now here's your video. Absolutely love how open minded you are in exploring different spiritual practices and beliefs♡


I've always been passionate about vampires and this is really a great interview into the real life of them. ❤️


This was so interesting, Sky! I didn't even know there was such a thing as real vampirism. xo


I'm a direct descendant of one of the 16 accused during the Salem witch trials


This was so good! I don't know how you always find so many interesting topics and people but you're awesome at it!


I didn't see anything in the energy clearing that looked like she was doing anything bad. One can't view intention through a screen but her energy is really light and the fact that you felt tingles and not completely exhausted afterwards tells me she did in fact clear you. Also, no one who wants to dispell myths about their community that have persisted for hundreds of year by doing these kinds of interviews would do any harm to the interviewer. They want people to get to know them and not to fear them because fear breeds discrimination. It would be wholly nonsensical for them to harm you.


I never understood why people do this but now I gained some understanding. Thanks to Sky and these amazing people ❤


I felt actually very drawn to this right away for some reason I’ve always wanted to go to Salem as well so this was very interesting and fun to watch keep up the good work I always love to watch your content 🖤


I feel like in a real practical sense, being a vampire means embodying an energy of immortality and, like the lady said, gathering energy to maintain that eternal existence. Not from people, but from experiences and ritual work. We cant really live forever. But... YOLO So live like life never ends anyway.
