Seachem Tidal 35 Hang on Back Filter Unboxing | Assembly and Review

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Hello Everyone,
In this video we unboxing and review the Seachem Tidal 35 hang on back filter. We provide our initial impressions and show you how it works.

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These work great. I'm happy with my 35. The only thing they are finicky about is how you pack your filter media. If you do your floss exactly as shown in the video it'll work perfectly. If you put more and pack it in tighter you're going to find the water starts to head to the overflow almost immediately. Even two pieces vertical will do this if you have it set to maximum flow. One piece, vertical, no problem.


I have the Seachem Tidal 75, it’s a versatile filter. I can pack a lot of media in it and it’s so easy to clean. It’s quiet, does a great job in keeping my 65 gallon tank clear. I really like it.


I like that there is a candy cane in the pencil jug. In June. Can relate


You addressed exactly my concern regarding the intake vis-a-vis fish fry. Thanks!


Hi JASON, great job with this video. I have three Tidal 110s that I have been running for 2 years, and I have never had a single issue. I purchased extra coarse blue sponges, and I use 2 of them in each filter along with Pinky floss. Thanks for sharing another wonderful video 👍.


I have tidal 35 on a 10 gallon it works well how I handled the water bypassing the media when its in clogged I would put a piece of a fine filter pad there so when it bypasses the media it still gets filterd but it mainly just stops water from bypassing so when media is a little bit dirty the water still goes through 5he media


Hi Jason. I use the Seachem 55, 75, and 110's in my fishroom. They are very easy to use and easy to clean. I use the blue course sponge at the bottom, then another small pore sponge on top of that to collect finer particles and then my ceramic rings on top. There are 2 things that I have noticed with these filters.... 1. They make a slurping noise if you have the water level a tad bit low if you have it on low flow. 2. With having hard water, the motor and impeller have to be taken apart about every year and completely cleaned out to get rid of the calcium buildup so the performance of the filter is not impeded. Other than that, I love them!


I’ve switched all my HOB’s to the Tidals. I love the performance and haven’t looked back


I've used them for over a year and think they work well. Couple of tweaks would make them better but overall a good reliable filter.


I have used a pair of these Seachem tidal 35 filters for a year now. I have had the Tidal 110 filters for two years. They replaced the Marineland 400 and my Marineland Penguin 100 ( both are a waist of money in my opinion) . These are decent filters. I got them primarily for the self priming feature and the fact that you can use whatever media you want. However this filter clogs very easily and the water will bypass the media. The entire line of the Seachem tidal filters has this issue.
I solved this issue by putting a small amount of ceramic rings at the bottom of the bottom of the basket, then a corse foam, then a medium foam and then a layer of Polyfil. The Polyfil will catch everything coming so it will need changing every couple of weeks. The motor and intake area will need to be hosed off every couple of months.
These are generally good filters. They are not as quiet as Aquaclear especially if your water level drops or the filter media gets clogged and the water starts to bypass.
They would be even better if they where square in shape as the Aquaclear is but they are what they are and they do their job very well. I now have a peace of mind when I’m at work or out of town knowing that they will self prime after a power outage.


I was looking for a replacement filter and liked the look of the Seachem Tidal 35, your video has just sealed the deal! Thank you <3


I would like to share my experience with this filter. Firstly it's AMAZING! I have a 110 on my 125 Cichlid tank paired with my FX6 (I like having the HOB in case of filter failure of any of my tanks I have a back up) I also have 2 modified Fluval Spec V's where I use my Tidal 35. I have heavy finned Bettas that get terribly blown around with the stock filter of the Spec's thus my reason to modify. I digress. The Tidal 35 works amazing on my Betta tanks. I love the quick and easy maintenance of them, they are so quiet and the best thing for me and my Bettas is I can turn these down to a near trickle flow at feeding time. I love love love this filter and actually purchasing another 35 from my LFS tomorrow. I can't say enough about this filter. Oh and I love that you don't have to buy anything that is made by the manufacturer that will be obsolete in 90 days! You can use ANY media in the basket. I do like to keep an second blue sponge in the bottom as well as some floss for polishing and then my BioMax on top. You can't go wrong.


I just ordered this filter just because of the basket and modification opportunity with the media. I've used the Deep Blue Professional Biomaxx nano and 10 gallon filters for a while and they don't last. The older the filter gets the more the flow decreases. The only complaint I heard about the tidal 35 is that the propellers can have a defect that makes it a rattle. Someone on Amazon suggested using sandpaper to file it down a bit to stop the noise.


I love this filter, my favorite so far. My only 1 negative for me is it could sit a little higher for the skimmer to work better


I like the Seachem filters. I had a large Tetra hanger that was doing a great job for me. Until the power went out, no one was home, and the motor burned out. That is not a problem with the Seachems.


I like the submersible motor on this. No priming can save a lot of time. Thanks for the video.


I just bought the Case bio 250 and love it so far for my 40 gallon breeder. Your video helped me set it up . I also run the Sachem Total 55 on this tank since I bought it a while back for another tank . Quality is top notch and super quiet. Thanks for your great videos. I do understand most of what you say and I'm from the U.S . Happy New Year .


We have two Tidal 110 on each our two 75 gallons. We like the ease media tub as we use it for experimenting with different media types.


I have a Tidal 75. And I think is the best hang on filter I have. Marineland is very poor compared to this one. And I think it can go for almost a month without starting to ask for cleaning. And also, never give up after power shortages where I see most of my other hang ons.


I like the Seachem Tidal line a lot and currently have the Tidal 75 on a 40g breeder and the Tidal 55 on a 25g. I've had Aquaclears for several years, finding them easy to maintain and I still have 4 running on 20g and 5.5g tanks. But in the past few years I've had issues with the intake tubes not sitting properly and therefore the lids not fitting. I also often have to stick something into the impeller to get it going again, even after cleaning this area.

I originally replaced the AC's on my 40g with the Fluval C3 and C4 models and was not happy with those after a time - they became too noisy. So I tried the Tidal 75 as a replacement and have been quite pleased with this. It's quiet, the plastic is a higher quality than the AC's, and I particularly like the auto priming feature. The leveler to properly seat the filter on the tank is also far superior to that on the Aquaclear, which constantly falls off behind the tank. I also find the Tidals pull way more "gunk" out of my tanks that the AC filters. When the AC on the 25g finally got me really annoyed, I replaced this with the Tidal 55.

But I was glad to see this review of the Tidal 35 and will probably not choose this as a replacement for my 20g tanks. I do keep smaller fish and use pre-filters on all of my tanks. Not being able to do this is a real disappointment. I was hoping this would be just a mini version of the Tidal 55 and 75.
