Sun Tzu's The Art of War | Overview & Summary

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Sun Tzu's The Art of War is a classic piece of military wisdom, still applied today. This overview will cover the highlights of the 13 chapters and will hopefully help you understand!

Sun Tzu's background 00:51
Chapter 1: Laying Plans 01:51
Chapter 2: Waging War 02:54
Chapter 3: Attack by Stratagem 03:53
Chapter 4: Tactical Dispositions 05:30
Chapter 5: Use of Energy 06:11
Chapter 6: Weak Points and Strong 06:49
Chapter 7: Maneuvering 07:41
Chapter 8: Variation of Tactics 09:09
Chapter 9: Army on the March 10:04
Chapter 10: Classification of terrain 10:52
Chapter 11: The Nine Situations 13:30
Chapter 12: Attack by Fire 15:24
Chapter 13: Use of Spies 16:49

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Here's one from my experience that I developed by applying The Art of War advice: If you catch someone lying, never tell them, because if you do they are going to make the next lies even harder for you, use this at your own advantage, like double spy concept.


Current day application: if a rival business is to the west of you, wait until morning, when the sun is in his eyes, to set his warehouse on fire.


So simple, yet so wise; so old, yet so current!


"Do not allow the enemy to grab your testicles." Sun Tzu, Chapter 5


I was just talking with my son about this book and his ideas. And it came to me how I actually used this in my life. I had a teacher who was mean to me and was failing me. I came to him one day and thanked him because i didnt want to pass and go on to middle school because i was afraid of being bullied. He ended up passing me lol.


I am Thai and my dad taught me to read Sun Tzu since I was young. So while many people think you need to win the war “at all cost” but Sun Tzu’s best and 1st strategy is WIN WITHOUT WAR. This way you save lives, damages, collaterals, money and time.

Too bad the youngsters these days spend too much time on boost and instagram.


“The Art of War” is the best strategy book ever written, and it’s philosophy is exactly the opposite of what we were taught in school and religion; it’s about focusing on winning every time, by letting your enemy win the small battles, (let him/her gain confidence), so you can win the war at the end; which is symbolic and can be applied to life in general (relations, work, love)...Great Video! 👍


Often times those with great lessons are remembered long after they are dead. Sun Tsu is going to be remembered for an eternity.


I am confident that Anakin Skywalker didn’t read The Art of War.


It was really nice of Technoblade to shout this Sun Tzu dude out


"Do not destroy supplies that you can use do not burn food that you can eat"
Anyone fighting the russians: Wow this is useless


Having read a translation of the book, the devil is in the missing details, but this is an EXCELLENT summary, and makes the KEY points!


I was told once before that every man should one day read this book


Dame this is the BEST summary/explanation of each chapter on YouTube in my opinion.


I'm thankful and forever greatful for THE ART OF WAR book. This book help me and my gang to take over the whole neighborhood. We kick out all the rival gang even though our gang only consist of about 24 member and our rival has almost 100 member.


sounds like Sun Tzu was the first influencer ever, with titles like "5 weaknesses you should know about", "3 strategies anyone abuses" etc :)))


10:12 11:03 Always have the high ground? Obi-Wan Kenobi was right! Anakin should have listened


"If she leaves you for another! There is always her mother." Sun tzu.


The Art of War is actually a mandatory subject taught at all US military academies. It's not only applicable to business but also in sports, politics, and even in online multiplayer games too.

If you want wn example, here's one. During the Democrat primary election campaign of 2008, Obama targeted states with lower electoral college which were numerous while all his opponents were too busy taking a long time securing votes in states with large electoral votes. This is an example of Sun Tzu's teaching where he says _'Avoid what is strong. Attack what is weak...'_ .


Hopefully you this enjoyed this summary of The Art of War! Thanks for watching!