What causes Paranoid Personality Disorder? 6 Signs To Tell If You Have PPD & How To Treat It

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#Paranoia #PersonalityDisorder #MentalHealth

One of our Psychological Counsellor's Vasiliki Gkofa talks about Psychopathy. Vasiliki Gkofa is a Clinical Psychology graduate and has completed her MSc in Clinical Neuropsychiatry from King's College London and MSc in Mental Health Research from University College London (UCL).

In this video Vasiliki discusses;
Key features
Attachment styles (during childhood and in adulthood)

Book mentioned: “The Clinician’s Guide. Diagnosis & Treatment of Personality Disorders” by Daniel Fox.

Dr. Becky Spelman is a top Psychologist in London, Becky is the Clinic Director for Private Therapy Clinic which has clinic's based all around central London including; Harley Street, Wigmore Street, Bank, Earls Court & Canary Wharf. Becky uses Psychodynamic Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) and Mindfulness to treat a range of difficulties with a particular interest in Borderline Personality Disorder and the difficulties that go with this condition such as relationship difficulties, anxiety, depression, low-self esteem, social anxiety, fear of public speaking, fear of intimacy, interpersonal difficulties, anger, body image issues, eating disorders and addictions.

For further help with this topic you can contact us here:

Dr Becky Spelman c/o Private Therapy Clinic
3rd floor
63 Wigmore st.
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Please consider adding educational content for the spouse or family members of the person with PPD. Thanks for this enlightening discussion.


I'm grateful that you actually have something covering the treatment. If you or anyone else has resources for someone with it who can't afford therapy but would like to help themselves, please share. This has ruined my life and I really want a chance at a fairly normal one.


This has made me finally know why i have always mistrusted people. And have a inferiority complex. I used to think that everyone was self focused and were not nice and lacked respect. I know now that people are too focused on themselves. If people show disrespect they lack respect. Not everyone cares about other people's feelings. If we can find a few respectful people we are lucky.


The first thing to realize is that this disorder stems from thought patterns. Once you realize you are having one of these thought patterns you can learn to be able to shorten the duration's and be less controlled by them.
Remember - You are loved and lovable. It's important to remember that and that imperfection is OK. Both in you and other people.


This video was informative and helpful regardless of other people's negative comments. Thank you.


Paranoid Personality Disorder is NOT laying anywhere on the schizophrenia spectrum. It’s part of the Cluster A Personality Disorders characterized by odd thinking. You are confusing PPD with paranoid delusions but the two are very different.
I think to say ppd is on the schizophrenia spectrum is giving misinformation to the public, especially with a topic as sensitive as schizophrenia with very critical ramifications.
So please read and educate yourself more.
A mental health professional.


Mine has gotten so overwhelming to the point where “you know what” has crossed my mind. It’s become unbearable. I feel safest when I isolate. Not too long ago it became so strong that I had to leave the room and go somewhere private. I hardly cry ever, but I broke down sobbing and kept thinking about how I just wanted to die so it could stop.

I came out too my family. My parents were not supportive about it and still aren’t after all of these years. My family will say homophobic things around me knowing I’m in the room, not giving a single shit. I try to stay strong and ignore it but idk lately I just haven’t been able to handle it. I feel like I’ve gotten weaker. Idk how much more of the whispering, snickering, and pointing that I can take. Sometimes I drink to help me relax more. I hate how this post sounds. I’m not usually so sensitive like this. I’ve really been trying to go back to my more so nonchalant self but it’s been getting harder and harder to hide it lately. Idk what’s happening. I’m so tired of going away and sobbing alone in dark rooms at family gatherings.


Some survivors of WAR have PPD. They seem to have trouble overcoming fears. Emotions passed onto their children.


Ha sounds like my childhood . . .Great!!😐 Thanks for the Video 👋


I have this .. I didn’t know this Iv been trying to work it out all my life .. even told doctors I get paranoid especially if I’m emotional & tired x


....Brilliant and so very helpful! Thank you. I lived it and you nailed it.


Trauma of years of regrets and threats causes this


Also the roots could be trust v mistrust connected to Eric Erkison 8 stages of development


I have this except I do open up too much which makes it worse and it only started recently in life because of high stress living situations


Hi! Did you mention prozac at the end for medication? My mum suffers from ADHD and paranoia, we live in a country without good medical resources, so would like to know some preliminary options for medication before we get answers from the local hospital. thanks!


Brilliant insight, I love listening to you *


Ty so much! That was great! And very informative...❤


Much talk about the solutions would have been appreciated


I am totally thankful, some other videos made me think like i am a Little demon 😅
I really appreciate your empathy


I have a friend who has become so toxic. Just I think she has BPD and Paranoia disorder based on the symptoms that I have watched in several videos. She always thinks we are talking behind her and up to doing things that will be on her disadvantage. I did try to understand her for several years and tried to make her feel that I am someone she can trust. She always fights with others over small things because she thinks it was intentional to make her feel or look bad. Now, she always starts tension between the two of us and leaves me wondering what I have done wrong. But several concerned friends have told me that my friend always thinks I betray her and that I influence others to be against her... And that I did this or that to her. I am like 'Huh? When did I do that?" "What made her think that is my intention?"

Now we dont talk to each other coz she's getting worse. She has become so toxic to me that I have to be distant to her before my sanity will be affected. But the prob is she never accepts her mistakes or that she has problem dealing with people around her. She always thinks she does not have a problem at all. It's the people around her who have problems. I think she needs professional help.
