PROOF the Canadian Real Estate Market is Heating up #shorts

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Home sales in the Canadian real estate market are starting to increase significantly
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I thought you were the one who said one month doesn’t make a trend…now apparently 1-2 weeks does?


It's funny. We had only 5 weeks so far. So, in 2 weeks, on an average 40% of the total sales for the year should occur. If you consider the first week of January as the holiday period, selling 50% in the last 2 weeks is expected. I don't understand the hype about it.


It's called a bear market rally.🤣 we haven't seen anything yet...


what do you know about the new Brunswick market and what it could start to look like in the next 6-12 months


It is probably because people who were holding their decision in the last couple months interest rate spree, they got some relief and confidence that rates might have been stabilized


Seen a few of your posts and as with most agents I undertsand the constant positive spin, it's your livelyhood. But remember with higher rates a massive amount of buyers don't even qualify now for any home. So yes sales are still happening because some people can still qualify and think it's a great time to get in. But there are way less buyers, demand will drop simply because people cant get mortgages at these prices. Additionally agents seem to miss the effects rate hikes will have on the rest of the economy, it's a process and will take a while to feel the full extent. Data would point to further price drops as affordability is very poor right now. Additionally there will be a slowdown economically as less money is flowing through due to higher costs. I am not expecting a full collapse such as the american 2009 crash, but all data points to a very large correction over the next year.


what do you think about the Manitoba market?


Renters are being forced to buy, in Calgary townhouses seem to be selling fast because it's getting cheaper to own a townhouse than to rent.


Prices have bottomed. If you don't get in now you never will because new immigrants from other countries will drive up the prices again
