Scientists CAN'T Explain Why This Audio HEALS People! 111Hz • Binaural Beats

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➤ This track has been created using our Quantum Miracle Healing Formula Frequency. This makes this audio very powerful and extremely effective in aiding meditation and healing, the secret is the blend of these hertz when combined with another of our stunning harmonious binaural tones which lends itself beautifully to execute the perfect brain enhancing soundtrack.

Findings of MRI scans suggest that at exactly 111hz, the brain switches off the prefrontal cortex, deactivating the language center and causing temporary switches from left to right-sided dominance, which is responsible for intuition, creativity, and holistic processing, inducing a state of meditation or a trance.

There are a number of megalithic sites and ancient temples that all resonate specific frequencies some embodying the 111hz one including: “The Maltese Hypogeum is a temple hewn out of the rock during 3600-2500BC that covers some 500m2 with the lowest room being around 11 meters under the ground, mirroring Temples above the ground that are the oldest free standing structures on Earth. Testing that analyzed the sound within the Oracle Chamber in the Hypogeum was found to match the same pattern of resonance at the frequency of 111 Hz”.

Your brain produces these waves when you’re not focusing too hard on anything in particular. Whatever you’re doing, you’re probably feeling relatively calm and relaxed. These waves measure 111 Hz.

Here are some of the comments from listeners hearing this frequency:

“My body was even more relaxed. Loving this!”

“Really like the sound and ‘feel’ of this frequency. Seems to go deep.”

“Felt tingling all over, like when you sit on legs too long. I went deep and was slow to come back.”

“Felt tingling where body had issues.”

“Dropped into deeper state quickly.”

“Floating/levitating/tingly sensations – wow!”

“Experience was a lot more powerful. A lot of tears afterwards – big emotional release.”

“I felt like I was in a cradle being gently rocked from side to side, then went into a place of deep peace. Came out with a huge grin and laugh.”

“The sound faded in and out as I went deeper into a focused state. Seems like the healing was amplified.”

“More detached than usual! Soft, fuzzy, buffered sensation all around me like a deep massage or a long, hot bath.”

“Put me in a totally different reality. Didn’t want to leave.”

“Deeper, and quicker getting to free space. Ended much sooner than expected. Didn’t want it to end.”

We recommend listening to this track for at least 30 minutes once a day for best results.

However, despite studies being on-going - we are relying on feedback from YOU - our listeners on this channel to collaborate sufficient data, so please leave your feedback in the comment section below.

#111hz #DivineSound #BodyTingling

Listen to this track as much or as little as you feel comfortable, either sitting or lying in a settled position. We always recommend using headphones for optimal results; however, this isn't always essential.

Please note: ALWAYS consult your GP first before trying to cure any medical problems (including depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, phobias or any other cognitive - or physically related illnesses) with an alternative.

~ Peace & Love ~

© ‖ ℗ Meditational State
Рекомендации по теме

My 20 year old lovely beautiful gorgeous daughter Shanyra has been in a coma almost a year now I'm gonna play this for her so she could wake up before her son Jeremiah turned 1 years old next month ❤ please pray for my daughter's speedy recovery 🙏 Thanks stay blessed & happy I love you all kisses.


May everyone listening to this receive the healing they need.💞


To whoever is listening to this music, God loves you and wants you to be healed NOW!!!


Please send Prayers for our Daughter she’s only 34 year’s…sending blessings for all


What a lot of kind people in these comments. Earth needs big help: it requires humans who are grounded. We're in this together, dear ones. Take care. ✨


After losing my partner and my best friend in the same day, I’ve been experiencing nonstop illness for 9 months.
I’m laying here with a fever, listening and praying for healing.
Thank you for all the beautiful comments.. a reminder of the goodness in the world. ❤


I know God will heal my daughter from all the giant cell tumors in her lungs, blood stream, hip and tail bones. She also live with Autism. I will play this for her. Pray for us and I will pray for you all.


May this sound will heal my wife, Moinah.
She is suffering with cancer right now.
May God hear our prayer. Amen


I listened to this during my heart operation. Everything turned out excellent.


I got shot at point blank 29 yrs ago and I had really bad nerve damage in my legs and lower half of my body and listening to this music the nerve damage is almost gone and my doctor says it's a miracle he doesn't know how music can cure people


Praying for healing from brain cancer, Stay positive everyone. You are loved more than you will ever understand by your Creator and Father inheaven


This is my 2nd day opening this music I cannot hear though Im totally deft but I can feel vibrations Im juat hoping that every pores cells and nerves in my body can hear it


Grandmother passed away and then my mom also passed 😢 Its been a rough journey🙏🏾I am praying to keep it together for my wonderful partner and baby boy. My child was recently diagnosed with autism. Alot of people also let me down. All I can do is pray. I'm in need of a spark for life again ✨ 🙏🏾


May our actions towards each other remove hatred and embrace love as this music truly does and that choice will heal humanity


Im sending my love and best wishes to everyone reading this 🙏


I am IgA Nephropathy Patient..and i got affected in my both one of kidney is please pray for me❤ please pray for me ❤may lord Jesus heal me❤..


Whoever listening this audio, everything is gonna be alright.
Trust in the process, Trust in God’s wisdom.
Life is beautiful,


Please pray for my girlfriend she is in intensive care battling a huge crisis in her life! May all the blessings fall into her life like it will into yours! ❤


Have had 1 of the best year's in recovery, im actually now beginning to enjoy life and have thing's i longed for may god bless us all with good health.


All things will pass
Even the longest rope has an end
Ask for guidance
Walk in peace
