CFE Day1 Detailed study approach. How to prepare for Day 1? Do this exercise.

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CFE Day1 Detailed study approach. How to prepare for Day 1? Do this exercise

If you are struggling to understand how to prepare for Day1 - follow this simple exercise that will give you clarity and understanding for preparation in your CFE.

Here is the link to CPA website where you can find the Day1 cases.

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Thanks for the video. Nicely explained.


Thank you. I have registered for CFE Sep 21 and happen to attempt Day 1 (Cap2 version) and totally lost despite knowing the outline etc. I was thinking if there is a systematic approach to Day 1 but now I understand there its holistic approach (not specific) and high level and also needs practice. Steps you have suggested seem to be the best way to learn the expectations. As I dont want to waste my time and attempt anymore, I think it makes sense to withdraw and to above as this can not happen in few weeks and needs in depth thinking other than on technical. Thank you.


I had few doubts on Day 1 and would appreciate to know your view:
- Should we do quantitative first or qualitative?or Should we do both parallely as we read? Did you go on filling outline solution with case facts or drafted paralelly as you read the case? I am facing challenge how to execute. Solutions are there to read but there would be a preferred approach to execute just like we usually had in India while solving complex problems where also assumptions and unknown factors existing (e.g. in Bus combination / costing)
- Should we go para by para to ensure everything is captured or do some other way for a particular strategic AO?
- Are we supposed to write all cap 1 points in SA? Or delete not relevant later on as we will come to know what is relevant only after reading case? I know my questions are bit rampant but I tried Day 1 and faced these preliminary challenges.


how to read day 1 case of more than 50 pages at exam, whether need to read all pages and how to manage in 4 hours day 1 case. Please help.


Hi! It is really very helpful to prepare for the exam. I am a Chartered Accountant in India. I am appearing for September 2021 CFE. I have registered through the MOU route where I am not required to appear for Capstone 1 and Capstone 2.

I have not purchased Capstone 2 Material. Just wanted to know which two versions of Day 1 Exam is available in Capstone 2 Material? I have registered for “Waste Disposal Case” Is it worth buying the capstone 2 material?
