Astrophysicist Explains 3 Reasons ALIENS Are NOT From Space (Using Math & Science)

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I have given up on coincidences ... you can't just use that as an excuse.. Its why I am no longer an atheist


I love how we look at scientists as all-knowing. They don't have a clue what's going on. They have educated guesses.


at last, a sciencetist who understands Genisis


Some of my co workers are aliens. Definitely not from this planet....


Hugh Ross is the Mister Rogers of Astrophysicist . He explains things like I'm a five year old. Simplifying complex issues is the true sign of a genius. He is easy to listen to and now that I know who he is, I will be going down the Dr. Hugh Ross rabbit hole for more videos and articles.


I am glad they gave this man citizenship. We need more people like him.


This is pure speculation, but I’ve always thought that spiritual beings like angels and demons, even though they’d technically be “extra-terrestrials”, weren’t from “outer space”, but an invisible parallel reality that occasionally manifests in ours for unknown reasons.


I agree that mathematically, it's impossible to travel as we know, using things like propulsion. But, if you're travelling the universe, it's not going to be through means we currently know/ have, nor magic.


A purpose that means we were not on earth because we just happened to be by chance. The Creator of the Universe and all what we could ever imagined created us on Earth to acknowledge His Magnificent Presence. But indeed, only those who reason without a preconditioned mind will realize that.


In 1890, if you told someone about cell phones or the internet, they would have laughed at you.


I first started seeing information about "aliens" back in 2012. I even saw a flying glowing orb above a friend of mines house. There were 6 of us. 3 of my buddies were not even into the whole conspiracy stuff. They were just bros who liked girls and partying. But we were having a pool day/grilling out day. All of a sudden, a glowing orb that made 0 sound flew over the house. It wasn't traveling very quickly at all. It was about 50 to 60 feet off the ground, traveling extremely slowly. It came from the north and was traveling south. It couldn't have been going more than 20 mph. In fact, we all had flip phones back then. But we were all able to record it on our phones. The whole event lasted about 2 minutes. It was about the size of a helicopter. It was perfectly spherical, and it was a glowing white orb. After that, my friends Eric and I, who were totally invested in conspiracy theories, started looking more into what this stuff was. We kept coming across videos that showed these same types of glowing orbs kind of pulsing in and out of our reality. I said to Eric, they're pulsing in and out of our dimension. That's when I said they seemed like interdimensional beings. I was convinced that they were spiritual beings. Fallen angels. So imagine my surprise when a decade later, the mainstream media has started talking about these things and calling them interdimensional beings.


A very wise scientists would say that "our current physics can't explain how could they do interstellar travels. If they do it then our physics is limited or incomplete and there is something we ignore"


In 1968 at 4AM I was delivering News Papers in Salt Lake City. I was 11 years old.
I saw a flying disk in the Air. I came over the mountain, darted to a place, then stopped. Then darted to another place and stopped again. It did it over and over. I flew over 50 miles about 2 seconds, that is about 3000 mph, from a standstill, to another standstill in a couple of seconds.
It then flew over the mountain again.
Turned out it came from, and returned to Tooele Army base, just outside of Salt Lake City.


We are 3D beings moving linearly through time like a tunnel, locked in one direction.

A 4D (or above) being would be able to dip into and out of our reality at will, anywhere. Like you as a 3D being dipping into 2D Flatlander space. To me, this is the start of where heavenly beings reside.


One of the reasons we have advanced life on earth is the moon, a body large enough and close enough to stabilize the rotation of the planet. Without the moon the earth would be uninhabitable. Now in about 100 thousand years the moon will have moved far enough away from the earth that it will no longer have a gravitational effect on the earth. When that happens, the earth will be uninhabitable.


Very good information that I haven’t heard before. The point Dr Ross made with gravity and slightly being off center basically cancels out all other planets that are in the Goldilock zone from distant stars to have intelligent life on them even though we hear all the time there might be a chance.


Why does mainstream science always want us to feel like we and Earth are not special?


I love that this man believes in God and the Bible. I believe that the aliens are from here and they are the fallen angels the Bible talks about.


Real estate agents say location is everything.


It's ironic how these modern atheists will instantaneously call G'd a god of the gaps, but they use aliens in the *exact same* fashion. It's equally ridiculous that they claim it's "unscientific" or "stupid" to question of life elsewhere in the Universe because of its (presumed) infinite mind-boggling size, but that same fact, with all the fine tuning on such large scale can not, possibly or ever even as much as point to the intelligent creator 🤦‍♂🤦‍♂🤦‍♂

When faced with common astrophysical science fact, and classical mechanics, , which prove, without a doubt, that even If the aliens (intelligent, advanced ETs) existed somewhere at the edge, or outside of observable universe they'll never know for us or we for them, bcs. they'd need to travel millions of year with the speed of light (just lol), they call you "primitive" and "smallminded", and basically imply aliens have technology which is beyond human comprehension, and doesn't follow to laws of physics, particularly the space and matter (or even time, why not lol), hence implying they're above natural and therefore - supernatural beings. Something they vehemently reject as even a possibility (supernatural) when discussing G'd. It exasperates me how persistent are such line of thinking - myself alone observing them for over a decade.

It seems some people will believe anything at all, and call it science, so far as it's not G'd.
