Why People Are Leaving Texas in 2024 - Don't Move to TX

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In today's video, Richard Soto discusses why 1,000s of people are leaving Texas.

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It’s not just Texas it is the whole of the US. The price of food, schools are not good, living conditions are either slum lords or too high to afford.


When finding a place to live dont look at the cost of living. Whatever job you find around the area, you will match it, dont worry. Find a state or place that you feel comfortable in. This isn't hard. Dont move to a place because its cheap, it's a reason why its cheap. Move to a place you dream about.


Here at least some reasons that I can think of why people leave Texas:
1. The weather (particularly during the summer)
2. The traffic and terrible drivers particularly in the big cities like Dallas, Austin and Houston
3. The pollution of oil and gas companies (some Texans have breathing problems thanks to the pollution)
4. The rising cost of living in big cities (particularly Houston, Dallas and Austin).
5. The politics (if you are a Democrat or Independent who leans Democratic, prepare to be politically frustrated). I had a Democratic gay friend who is an accountant who lived in Texas for 7 years (summer of 2016- summer of 2023) and left for Colorado in June of 2023. The election in 2022 was his final straw. He no longer feels safe [particularly from gun violence] nor welcome [he knew a few people who picked on him for being gay or liberal {mostly the latter}] in Texas. He is now happy in Colorado.


Conservatives won't tell you that more than 450k move out of Texas yearly. This is about the same as California.


Born and raised in Texas. Didn't feel I would ever leave even just five years ago. Now, after the driest hottest summer of 2023 I can ever remember, I'm thinking of getting out.


I’m a Texan. I lived In Burbank, Ca for 19 years and moved back to Houston in 2021.
Texas is very different than when I left it in the early 2000’s.
Many people have moved to Texas making it congested in the city areas. The traffic has vastly increased in the last 2 years alone. People are coming here having sold homes In expensive places like California and are driving the prices of houses up.
The congestion on roads and insane drivers who are often rude makes driving stressful. It didn’t used to be that way.
Also the once friendly culture here is changing into a more impersonal one because a lot of non Texans don’t share the same friendly ways and are rushed and self absorbed. I’ve also noticed a lot of trash and litter along roadways and we didn’t used to have that.
In the more rural areas the crime is lower and people are more laid back but the city isn’t.


As a Texas native, California was worlds better in terms of “happiness”. If California had good politicians I can only imagine who much better it would be. Like Michael, I was also placed in SoCal because of the Marines when I was in… and man… it opened my eyes.


Lived in Dallas, Texas for 13 years moved several months ago and didn’t look back!!!


I was born and raised in Florida and moved to Texas. My husband is from Texas, I would always tell him if he just ever visited California or Florida he would never look at Corpus Christi the same well it finally happened. He went to Florida to look at a boat and now he’s been back three times. He loves Florida and their beaches so much!


Several things I hate about Texas is: Rude People and Neighbors, Traffic Jams, High Prices, Quality Income, Voting, hard to make friends, hard to get a job, how big the state is and it takes forever to drive out of the state even when you're going to New Mexico and Louisiana, Six Flags Over Texas is not one of my favorite parks at all, hard to get a driver license and not the best state to work for me.


I lived in Dallas for 16 years I'm originally from New Orleans I visited San Diego last year for a military funeral and I absolutely fell in love with the area by God grace I will be West Coast living by the end of this year or beginning of 2024


Texas has gotten worse because of all the people moving here, so i pray more people see this video so they can leave back to the state they came from, so things can back to the way it was. I love it here and i live in the hillcountry and i dont deal with traffic or over crowding, people who do, is cause they live in the metro area, thats going to happen in any state u move to.


Speaking as a Texan, the corruption here is OUT OF CONTROL. It has finally started destroying this state. Texa as used to be so awesome. The politicians, hateful laws and complete mistreatment and lack of protection for average citizens is appalling.


Finally someone being completely honest thank you


I’m a 7th generation Texan. We have so many different styles of land scapes. Texas has always been a “tough” place since 1824/1836.
California has ruined my hometown of Fredericksburg. And with crime hello we have the border. I’m from the valley as well born and half raised there. I join the army after high school I couldn’t wait to get back to Texas.
The weather has always been crazy here we joke about it. San Antonio Austin Houston Dallas Fort Worth have so many Texas history yall all want to change it to California ways stop. You move here learn our ways costumes and how to be Texas.
Love it or leave it
Remember the Alamo
Come and take it
Some sayings we have and installed all true TEXANS


I moved to Texas in 21 from Chicago. I like alot about Texas like no income tax, no sales tax(groceries), laws on guns. That being said I still want to move back to Chicago? Idk why it doesn't align with my political views but I just miss it so much. I can not stand the summers here and the weather sometimes is extreme. Don't get me started on the food, it sucks here. Also somehow the traffic is waaay worse here then in Chicago. How is that? I think mainly the infrastructure is not ready for the population increase.


Never seen so many Texas plates up here in Montana as I have this year. Texas is definitely on the move. Insane numbers up here from Texas.


I lived in San Diego for 20 years and loved it, but if you care about public education for your family….. nope. Homelessness, crime, overdevelopment. Many problems. But yes I miss it! Landscape is beautiful and weather very good (although not as perfect as people seem to believe- plus wildfires and earthquakes are a real issue). Anyway I love the area and hope it will turn around before it’s too late. Might want to go back once my kids are educated.


i appreciate the very valid points and the non biased approach i think texans are a little too proud to be honest and as a results they get blinded to think there is anything better outside of the state. Im from Chicago although my city been getting lots of bad media for years, i love it here and mostly for the reasons stated here i appreciate this great lakes region and Chicago land even more.
