Mind Control Skills and Psychological Tricks for How To Catch A Liar Part 2

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The Forbidden Secrets of Conversational Hypnosis (a $97 value)

Let's face it, at some time TODAY, someone is, has or will be telling you something that is simply not true. The worst (or best part) you'll also be doing the same thing.

Studies show most of us simply can't go through the day without somehow tweaking or distorting our communication to other people.

This meetup has "nothing" to do with that.

In this exciting FIRST EVER Adventure into the art and science of lie detection we'll show

The key processes you need to be aware of in order to catch someone in a lie.

The primary non-verbal cues to look for that signal someone may be lying to you.

The psycho-physiology of lying and why not knowing it could cost you friends and lovers.

The 20 most common verbal patterns liars use when trying to fool you into believing them.

Body language secrets that automatically cue you in when someone is most likely being deceptive with you.

Look lets be honest...

If you have ever had to deal with human beings you already know this meetup is one that you will not want to miss.

But remember, even after you have your new found jedi lie-detection powers you must still use them wisely and with respect for others.

if you have ever been cheated on by a significant other... this meetup is for you.

If someone has ever made a promise to you and then did exactly the opposite... This meetup is for you.

If you have ever had anything stolen from you and the only possible person who could have done told you they didn't and you could never catch them... This meetup is for you.

If you have ever been involved in a negotiation and wanted to be sure the person in front of you was trust worthy... this meetup is for you.

Ever been accused of something you didn't do? or worse yet, ever accused someone else of something only to find out you were wrongly accusing them in the first place?

Get here...

For The Mother of All Lie Detection Events. RSVP asap because this one will be too cool to pass up.

And I DO believe this will fill up fast. RSVP NOW Before someone takes your seat.

Would I Lie To YOU? ;-)


Your Loyal Lie Detection Liason

David Snyder

Do you know about STEALTH Hidden Laws of Attraction?

Find us on Clubhouse - davidsnydernlp

Please watch: "Mind Control Skills: Face Reading How To Read Anyone Instantly Through Body Language Psychology "
Рекомендации по теме

Please keep in mind that if a person comes from a very abusive home - they may have incorporated in-accurate tone of voice, facial expressions and such that can cause the person to appear like they are lying when they are not.  This is also true with emotional exaggeration.  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is often created in this type of home.   You are so right about the importance of a baseline.  Your presentation is very good!  Thank you, Sherry (Naturopath, Hypnotherapist, Writer)


HI Rachel, I am assuming you are looking for an explanation of baseline. A Baseline is the condition the subject is in when we first make contact. For example when we meet someone the first thing we want to look for is Posture, Orientation and Pupil Dilation.

We have to make note of what their original condition was when we made first contact. say for example I notice that a person has very small pupil dilation when I first approach and throughout the conversation I note that their pupils begin to dilate and grow larger. I now have a standard for comparison that tells me what is most likely going on with this person. Throughout the conversational I'll continually reference the measurements I took at the beginning of the interaction to determine what kind of effect I am generating in the subject.

The important principle to remember when thinking about "Baseline" is that its a standard of measurement that lets us calibrate where they are now in terms of body language from where they started.

I am assuming that was your question. I your question was something else regarding baseline please let me know.


David Snyder


I'm getting addicted to these lectures.
Thanks David.


I LOVE it when the experts in the audience want to show the real expert how smart they are.



Definitely too many questions. I would love to just listen and learn from this man.


“And again we see the person’s values interrupting the group”. It was funny that he actually said it—but the English woman didn’t seem to be aware of this.


"We lie to ourselves all the time... because somebody in power somewhere told us what we were thinking and feeling at some level, in some context was inappropriate, and we believed them."


Yes a horse has a heart so large it can regulate your heart rate within 10 feet away. The reason they have therapy animals


Excellent EXCELLENT I agree with comment below— stop with the show-off interruptions (questions) Damn even after he so politely requests ‘ hey these are great questions but remember the more I stop ti answer the less I can share with you ..”. I guess that wasn’t direct enough because within 3 minutes someone has another brilliant inquiry that they obviously thought was more important than what a certified trainer had to share. Oye. 😡


this video including both halfs was so interesting at times but everytime it gets momentum someone in the audience raises there hand bfore the man has even finished his sentence to ask some inane question that you cant even hear cause they have no mic, but occasionally when you hear it its really self centerd and basically a class full of ppl desperate to impress the guy and he only encourages them. why couldnt they even let him finish his train of thought before interupting with some weirdly specific hypothetical that related to them, that, *shock horror* would have been answered if they just listened instead of thinking about themselves and themselves only. this guy should do videos with no audience honestly.


I write, and I found the bit of information about Agatha Christie interesting. Good prose writers, in order to get readers to fall into the story, generally try and engage several of the reader's senses at once and will use repetition and things like assonance and alliteration. For instance:

'The staccato of her stilettos echoed down the dank corridor as he lay, shoulder slumped against the hard stone wall. Dark, coppery blood pooled about him from the knife wound in his side, the warmth of it at war with the chill ground. '

There I've got the sound of her heels, the dankness or the corridor, the sight of dark blood, its copper smell (possibly taste), the touch of the cold wall. So sight, sound, smell and/or taste and touch all in three lines.


Okay, this is one of the best speeches, on these topics, that I have seen by far. CIA interrogation manuals, US ARMY MANUALS, on interrogation techniques, can generally be found in Military book and art stores, at very low prices. I have read most of them. From Jungs teaching on the Word Association Experiments: (and by the way, before Switzerland put any one to death, they would have Jung speak to that person, to determine whether the suspect had killed the person or not--Jung had to face some real moral dilemmas.) this is standard. ASK DIRECT YES OR NO QUESTIONS; If a person has done something they are proud of, they say YES. It has been said, that since we are taught lying is wrong, we half believe the people know the truth. So, if the answer is "My room has never been cleaner " or "Janeys room, is a real mess. " Thats a sign of deception. Now, Jung, very much aware, of the abuse by Catholic Clerics, would ask in his word association experiments, a baseline review. To get standard response times. Then, he would ask, a series of words, and include INCEST...…….ball, dog, When the Stimulus word, hits the COMPLEX, people BECOME SILENT. The length of non response, is an indicator of a complex. Jung, after one session, had perhaps several suspicions. Three or four word association experiments, and he got at the Truth. Also, BEFORE A CONFESSION, or when someone reveals something traumatic, there are THE LONGEST PAUSES.... The CIA discovered, PEOPLE, who feel they are about to be discovered, WILL TROPHY. They will grab a family bible, or show something of great value or integrity in their family. They are compensating. Thats how they uncovered double agents. Thanks for the lecture.


I’m w/that lady who got so offended she was accused of something...Othello’s Flaw...totally get her!
So nice to see his wife! Wonderful!


I've found this ALL to be very accurate... in fact ... It's easier for me to tell when someone is lying to me, by listening to them speak, over the phone, vs having them physically standing right in front of me and watching their body language .... their body language tends to distract me and scramble my "bull shit meter". Fantastic lecture. Thank you so much.


Hi David. Just a suggestion: when the audience is talking, that can't be heard. And is relevant to hear the questions, to understand better your answers. Regards


Really enjoyed both parts of this. Looking forward now to watching more. Really great content. Thanks.


Dear David, wow! I have to thank you, for teaching me & others such lesions. I'm very good at reading people, but you shiwed me how to learn about liars!!! . I am going to go and buy your books. You truly opened up more subject matter.
I will go and watch about the pain management. I wish, I lived closer to your office! Thank you so much.
Thank you,


Part 2 in this series is better than part 1, in my opinion, because there were less audience interruptions & more information provided. Thanks. :)


I find this topic very interesting & the constant questions are very irritating. Perhaps save questions till the end of the workshop. Thankyou.


FREE NLP LECTURE: Lie Detection Skills Part 2
