BONUS Tarot Reading : The Truth Tellers - Jupiter In Retrograde

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BONUS Tarot Reading : The Truth Tellers - Jupiter In Retrograde
Did this resonate with you? Watch the Extended Reading for a deeper look:



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Truth tellers, mount up! We ride at dawn! Much love to all ❤
♒ ♊ ♌ ♓ Venus ♏ Uranus ♉ Jupiter/Lilith


People can only meet you where they have met themselves


There is definitely a higher power at work here. I had my rude awakening last December, and I started writing poetry almost out of necessity. I used to be very logical and grounded and skeptical about the existence of a spirit. WELL. For months the muse has been whispering about the importance of telling the Truth no matter what, as well as demanding equal give and take in relationships. I found this channel a month ago, and these seem to be major themes. The universe is up to something💗


They made love feel like a competition with no winners


I am now in the "between". My inner world blew up when I realised they have no consideration for me and now I took back my power and have no ideea what to do and where to go, after a lifetime focusing on others, I have no clue how to focus on myself ! 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yep I did blow it all up. I had been feeling fed up since Jan of this year. Then during the 8/8 portal I gathered some funds went out of state and leased an apartment for an entire year. Am I disoriented and unmoored? Absolutely, and scared. I'm doing this new life no matter what!


This is EVERYTHING I'm going thru 6.5 hrs/day of therapy! Ptsd, trauma, panic.

I'm getting rid of the crap!🎉


Are you telling my story? wow. Thank you. I've grown past the horrid youth. It was my Moms story too. So I was her punching bag. No one dares approach me rudely now.


I'm moving from one country to another, sold my place but have no idea where I'm going, I'm just going! The Fool! I'm a Gemini and a definite truth teller. ❤😂❤


Thank you for sharing Gabor Mate with the collective. He is truly amazing.


Gabor Matte is my dude! Love The Myth of Normal...and listening to his is almost hypnotic!! This time is sooo freaking confusing energetically. I am so glad you have been teaching us how to listen to our intuition. It has made ALL of the difference!


All I can say, especially after the extended, is wow. MJ, you have described what is my life. I delayed watching the live presentation so I could meditate on the topic beforehand. I am so glad I did because my meditation showed me exactly these messages. I was loving this video before the extended and bought it because it seemed so spot on. Spirit has used this reading for me as a 100% confirmation. I am so very grateful for you and your teachings. Much love and light to all who read this. ❤💫🌟


Sheesh Ty MJ💜 it started with my narcissistic mom belittling me, and i attracted the same partners with personality/behaviors and jealousy issues. I have cut everyone off from the past and i dont want anyone fake around. I can't stomach it anymore, so im convinced I'll end up alone. And that is ok with me. 🍂💛


These reading are scary accurate of my life. And I dont even like videos that say "If you are seeing this, then this message is for you" videos. Because I wasnt even subscribed nor have I been searching for any videos on this topic but its all happening exactly like in this video. Thank you for putting the time in to channel in and give us this information. Stay blessed with your work.


I am done with my husband
I know who I am
Thank you, MJ🙏


I've never felt so seen! Thank you, MJ, for this reading! The reminder that I am worthy was much needed. ✨️


Oh wow! Just moments before I watched this video, I told my truth to a friend that wants to remain in victim status. I said “peace out”. Yeah, not remaining in any situation ship that is low vibe! My light is meant to shine in high vibration. I wished him well, but told him the truth in what I know is his truth. Yep, he didn’t like it, but that doesn’t make it any less the truth.
He said, “wow your strong”
Yes, I am. Not because I haven’t been through a lot, but because I have and have learned my lessons!!! Can you say…exit stage left?
Then I watched this video. Boy, MaryJo…this reading is in real time for me. Thank you 🙏. Spirit has spoken and given me confirmation through YOU! God bless you and keep you healthy.
Your gifts and life purpose work has been of benefit to myself many times over the years! 🙏💝😘💜✝️💯☀️☀️☀️❣️


Incredible reading. I have always been a truth teller and it seems to have ejected many out of my life. Like a full hard reset to an old program. I knew it was coming, I’ve learned to have a fresh beginning anything that doesn’t align must go. To resist is pointless. I have been a spiritual self taught individual and using teachers as yourself as inspiration to learn and evolve plus my own intuition. It’s been an isolating journey for a few years. It seems what I need to learn always finds its way to me via utube, experiences and Devine intervention. I appreciate you MJ.


I am Gemini sun, gemini mercury and Gemini southnode. I was pulled to this video as I have been a constant truth teller for the 50 years of my life. A very hard aspect at times as I've always been the one to tell people the hard truth that no one wants to hear.


Thank you for being a guiding light. 🍃🌸🍃
