BONUS Tarot Reading : 999 PORTAL Brings Reckoning And Prep For 2025

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BONUS Tarot Reading : 999 PORTAL Brings Reckoning And Prep For 2025
Did this resonate with you? Watch the Extended Reading for a deeper look:



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Did this resonate with you? Watch the Extended Reading for a deeper look:




read the forbidden book Magnetic Aura on Borlest, and you'll see the secrets they're keeping from us.


Oh I have always seen my flaws. I worked on them, and it helped destroy the marriage. He didn’t want things to change.


My parents had a the little man can’t get ahead mentality. I never once agreed with that way of thinking. I always knew I was capable of creating something more. I always believed in myself. I still do.


Funny, a couple of days ago, I was driving down the street & I saw money laying in the middle of the turning lane, so I stopped to pick it up. it happened to be nine dollars in one dollar bills.


I just want to know who else has felt this calling for over a year now? To step away from our masculines and go towards our soul calling, our new beginning? I know I have for quite some time now and i've been doing the work because I knew it's been coming.


Funny. My relationship is dying. We've been together for 13 years. I attempted suicide last year. This last year has been a healing process. I have to say he is giving me space and time to accomplish what it is I'm supposed to be doing. Who I am. I no longer play the victim. I've gone from crazy out of control to super chill. I don't get mad anymore. Not good use of my energy. I love the way you interact with us. It's like a phone call. Very personal 😊.


Really love this reading and all so true MJ! Yes self worth, scarcity.. on my healing journey.. lots of inner child work. Turning 60 in 2025 best time of my life.. I continue to do my work 💙🌻🙏


That's crazy that you talked about our own toxic traits and patterns. Because just last week. I had done a spiritual work with a friend and I said, I wanna work on myself and my own toxic patterns what a confirmation thank you.


Trusting non trust worthy people. All people are not good people


Cancer here. I finally want to stop approaching life as a victim. I realize I’m co-dependent and super empath, people pleaser. I realize, how I can expect to be loved when I’m not loving myself by lacking strong boundaries, self love, prioritizing myself and my needs ❤


This has my name written all over it!

I am embracing the uncertainty.

So mote it be.


Late to the party, but lesson learned re: my contribution to a dead end situation. Moving forward.


Wow, I needed to hear this! Thank you MJ ❤️❤️❤️


1:34 - “message in a bottle”.

I don’t pull cards, but I write notes & a hour ago I was writing about the message in a bottle. The overall message was concerned with the ability to read for oneself the signs and symbols (without apparatus) and regaining sight in one’s naked (bare) eye.


And to that ending of this video, I say “Bring It!” I’m ready to move forward, whatever I do not see, I ask to be brought into the light and guided to heal with the most compassion and love for all. ❤ there is nothing that I cannot handle when I have connection to my higher power ❤


This resonated I have for the last 2 years really worked on releasing all negative patterns and since ive been watching you since 2017 I started looking in to my faults and when something comes up that triggers I ask myself why is this triggering why does this bug me have been on my own for 2 years and someone has recently come into my life and I belwive because God feels I'm ready and gonna take all my hard lessons into new part of my life ty


Interesting!! My intuition has been leading me to do this for a few months, now! This rings so true for me and what I've been doing. It feels like I'm on the cusp of starting a whole new chapter of my life. Even been doing more miniscul things like clearing out old emails from the past and closing any accounts that I no longer need. It's a very cathartic experience.

And the most important part. of course has been looking to see ways of being that no longer work for me and yet not blaming myself or others. Just what works and doesn't work.


Mary Jo. This reading called to me and it resonated. I have been on the channel sporadically as of recently. I am happy to be back and getting a really helpful message and push towards my spiritual path. Thank you!!


Wow what an amazing reading ❤
I absolutely claim this ❤
Thank you ❤MJ
Thank you ❤
