Dr. Jeffrey Kreutzer: What Keeps People from Moving Forward After a Brain Injury?

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After at TBI, no one wants to think that they are stuck with long-term symptoms like memory loss, cognitive impairment, slow processing, and so forth. Acceptance can be especially hard for perfectionsts and high achievers; they have a hard
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You are suggesting that it is worse for people who when to school and have a degree, and I'm suggesting that YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! I Fell from a 2nd floor balcony when I was two and nobody really believe at the time that anything was different with me, except for the fact that I was been difficult. I had sleeping issue mood swing, hanger issue, concentration issue, and everybody just thought I was been a spoil brat. I was raise by a step father who thought slapping me around would motivated me to run strait! I never got a Higher education. Now when I see the doctor they think I've made it all up! Today I'm 53 and I can barely get out of my house ... So thank you for making it sound like It's not as bad for me! Today I'm stuck with sun downing syndrome or "sundowner's syndrome, " it is not a disease but a set of symptoms or dementia-related behaviors that may include difficulty sleeping, anxiety, agitation, and of coarse anger management just to name a few. But I'm just peachy! 😠😠


I was 37 years old in law enforcement and in the best shape of my adult life and my TBI completely changed everything., lost my career, my home and relationships with some people I thought would stick by me


Some of the things that helped my son were:
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (really good)
Vision therapy (very important as it help not only with the vision but with balance too)
TMS and of course physical, speech and occupational therapy
Each case is different and I just urge you all to pray and ask God for fuel recovery and restoration in your brain (those who said had a TBI) and He will restore all of you by the blood of Chris Jesus. Amen


Very nice when people imply that you are lazy or lack ambition, since they don't understand that you have had brain injury.


I need to hear this.
thank you so much.


I was a nurse for 35 years before my TBI.. This is very true.


I respect him as a doctor BUT doctors have their limitations too. God has the last word. My son had a TBI and was not supposed to walk, talk or even breath on his own and he is doing all of that and more in less than 2 years. He is almost at his full recovery and we keep researching for different therapies which many of them had helped him A LOT. So, God is the almighty and Is who will give each person full recovery if you believe.🙏🙏 Thanks to science but first thanks to the Lord who gave my son a second chance❤


It can be just as hard to deal with the people who don't get that you have struggles because t has been years since your injury. n fact those closest don't even believe you have a brain injury because your not all bruised and swollen anymore and tend to try to go on with life the best yo can, at least in public.


This Dr Dude in on target. I've myself a career lost to a TBI


As a person with long term effects of a TBI and someone who has worked incredibly hard for the career and income I had, I’m offended at how he continues to discuss people who’ve “worked so hard…attorneys, surgeons…” as if they’re loss is any more then someone with a “lesser” career. My income was in the 6 digits and took years of time and education that I have now lost also. He only serves to discuss that these losses and long term effects aren’t felt as deeply or as shattering to someone who hasn’t “invested years in education”. It’s unfortunate that this expert shunned a large portion of TBI survivors who were looking to his information to assist in their healing process. Does he know what he’s talking about and does it resonate? Yes. But the loss of my career and way of life is just as devastating as a surgeon. Perhaps he should consider his target audience next time.


My biggest issue after my TBI is the widespread burning pain. It's so severe and the lower half is worse then the top. Sometimes me feet will be extremely more intense then the other areas. But always 24/7 my body or nervous system doesn't ever get a break.

I also have a hard time finding drs that understand or how to even diognosis it. How can I help myself and my drs to get better? Its been like this since 2014 it started going a lil lower once I got on CBD oil and was on the 15 mg oxy every 5-6hrs and then I got into another accident hit the head the same place! And now I have stage 4 adrenal fatigue, multi organ Dysfunction, endocrine issues.
But even after all that new stuff. It's the pain i still need gone.
I also have inflamed trigger points that never seen to go down, I feel like I have something eating away at every layer of my body. Even the top of my skin burns. I need someone who understands this.


So worried about my dad . What if he won't be just as before and how he will deal with that. . ❤
