Meet The Comedian Nipsey Hussle Was Named After, Nipsey Russell - CH News

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*if you’re reading this I wish nothing but wealth and health all 2021-*


Mr. Russell's quotes are pretty much _still_ relevant in 2021, but he'll always be known as The Tin Man in _The Wiz_ forever. _Slide Some Oil to Me_ is the shit!!! RIP to both Hussle and Russell.


I’m in my early 30’s And I feel like I’m The only one my age who already knew most of this. Much respect to Nipsey Hussle but it’s funny how many people my age had no clue about Nipsey Russell


Thank you “COMEDY HYPE” for highlighting “NIPSEY RUSSELL” he was definitely a presence on TV when I was growing up.


Nipsey Russell was rapping before rap❤️


I wouldn’t know one Nipsey Hussle song if i had a gun to my head. However, I’m very glad Comedy Hype gave tribute to Nipsey Russell. He was very underrated and deserves his place in comedy history.


This was nice. Both of them wanted to make a difference.👍🏽 May They Rest In Peace and Power.🙏🏽🙏🏽


Nipsey Russell. As an Australian Kid, I loved watching Wildcats on VHS.... That film, and the Gulf conflict in the 90's introduced me to American Football... A sport I love watching to this day...


This was long over due. A lot of people didn't even know this.


I'm so glad Comedy Hype is showing Nipsey Russell love.


No offense but my unfortunate personal experience of Mr. Nipsey Russell was in about 9th or 10th grade. Some fellow students and I recognized Mr Russell @ the 59th St. station in NYC not far from the Fame school also known as the LaGuardia School for the Performing Arts. We were transitioning to another train and on the walk over saw him and were very excited to meet him. We also recognized him from The Wiz. Mainly all black kids. We were energized but not disrespectful. We excitedly approached him letting him know we recognized him and many of us got out pen and paper as school had just let out and asked Mr Russell if we could get an autograph to which he declined saying he didn't do autographs. We were disappointed but accepted his rejection of our requests to memorialize our seeing him for the first time ever and not knowing if it would ever occur again.

We got on the same train car as Mr. Nipsey Russell, leaving him in peace, at which point some white people, adults with kids, saw him and gave him praise while approaching him. Immediately he responded with his trademark smile, with an open reception to them, and moments later someone from the white fan base asked him for autographs for them and the white kids. Without hesitation, with all us black kids watching with dropped mouths, he gladly received the white fan base requests of autographs to their white kids and adults alike, to which they surrounded him and he signed every autograph he could before getting off at his designated stop. We didn't dare ask for an autograph, at that point, since he had just turned us black kids down FLAT. We felt a bit humiliated and weren't sure why that was occurring. I came home and told my dad who was also a black historian and he said he wasn't surprised because some black people and entertainers do that from time to time. Appease a white audience while disregarding their cultural home fan base. That left an indelible memory with me. I told that story over the years after meeting Nipsey Russell and evidently still tell it today as a cautionary tale to black performers that if you deny your cultural home fan base, especially when it comes to black children, it will leave a permanent mark in their memory of you, and it will never be forgotten. That story has been aired publicly, told again and again by me and perhaps others from that group of children, now adults, to alert black adult entertainers that the denial and betrayal of those whom ultimately support you fundamentally comes at a cost to ones legacy within the black community. We were all children studying the craft of the arts studying to get to where Mr. Russell had gotten in notoriety and public appreciation and yet he didn't celebrate nor appreciate we, the black children, who were the generation to come behind him in the arts.

I always thought it was shameful and disappointing culturally. RIP Mr Russell and Hussle but that story is told so black entertainers don't get so full of themselves they neglect their home fan base whom helped them sustain their fanbase in entertainment. IJS. I'm over it now but it was a moment that should never have happened and he should have been ashamed to behave that way with the creative students of the arts, children of his own black people, as if he was afraid to acknowledge us in front of whites or something along those lines. Lets not do that to the up coming generations peeps. We weren't hood kids being disrespectful, just kids trying to acknowledge and respect a legend in the game and he made us feel like 2nd class citizens of his perceptive world. That is a NO NO!!


Long Live Hussle and Long Live Russell legends dont die


The Marathon Continues



I knew it. I knew it me being older enough to remember this classic black comedian. When I heard about his death. I saved to myself and a friend. He took his name and change it.


THANKS for the Knowledge @Comedy Hype these *BOTH* Kings WILL be remembered MORE so cause of y'all *HAPPY* Black History Month & KEEP it *UP*


I remember him well and enjoyed everything he did. #BamaGirlInCali


I saw him as one of the first African Americans on game shows in the 60's. He was rapping before rapping came to being. But at the time we thought he was just doing poetry with a flow we never heard before.


Awesome segment 👌🏽
He definitely as well as Muhammed Ali had the gift of rhyming.
Salute to the originators 👑👑


I’m from Atlanta and I love the Varsity but I had no ideal he worked there wow!


You a G for this one! #Marathon_Continues
