Project Andoria - Crewed Mission to Pluto Part 1. | KSP RSS/RO/ROKerbalism

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Project Andoria begins! In Part 1 of 3, it's time for orbital assembly of a massive cargo ship to transport fuel, habitats, and a lander to Pluto quickly.
This is the largest Crewed Mission I've ever constructed in KSP RSS/RO. It took months of planning, filming, and editing! I hope you enjoy this trilogy :)
Primary Mods used:
AlphaMensae's Modular Launch Pads
AtmosphereAutopilot (Fly-By-Wire)
B9 Aerospace Procedural Wings - Fork (wings)
Camera Tools continued (filming)
CanaveralPads (LC-39A and B)
CRFP - CarnationRED Flexible Parts (Avro Arrow body)
Ferram Aerospace Research Continued
Hangar Extender (HangerExtenderExtended (build giant rockets)
Kerbalism - RealismOverhaul Config (Life support)
Kronal Vessel Viewer Continued (Blueprints)
KSC Switcher
KSP Wheel
MandatoryRCS Part Pack
MechJeb 2
Near Future Construction
Near Future Electrical (Fission reactors)
Near Future Propulsion (VASIMR)
Near Future Solar
Near Future Solar Core
Persistent Thrust (Handle VASIMR burns)
Physics Range Extender (multi-launches)
Procedural Fairings
Procedural Parts
Real Antennas
Real Fuels
Real Plume
Real Solar System
RealChute Parachute Systems
Realism Overhaul (And all its dependencies)
Realistic Progression One (RP-1) (But this is a sandbox save)
RO Capsules
RO Engines
RO Library
RO Solar
RO Tanks
RSS CanaveralHD
RSS Visual Enhancements - High Resolution (RSSVE-HR 2.1.4)
Test Lite (engine burn time limits)
Textures Unlimited
Waterfall Core
VASIMR drive is custom configured, based upon the same stats as lab-tested ones, just scaled up linearly much bigger to reduce part count.
Space Forces by WinnieTheMoog
Time Is Running Out by Frank Schröter
Familiar things - The Whole Other
Youtube Audio Library
Gates Of Glory by Alexander Nakarada
Rinse Repeat - DivKid
Youtube Audio Library
Digifunk - DivKid
Youtube Audio Library
Sleipnir by Alexander Nakarada
Foreverlands by Alexander Nakarada
Unstoppable by Ross Bugden
Olympus by Ross Bugden
The Empty Moons of Jupiter - DivKid
Youtube Audio Library
0:00 Intro
0:26 Janeway 1 - first robotic exploration of Pluto. [1970]
1:45 Why we are going
2:35 Orbital Assembly plans
3:42 Launch #1 - Seayuz, 3000t "Propulsion core" [2000]
8:06 Launch #2 - Seayuz, 3000t "Booster tank A"
10:30 Launch #3 - Seayuz, 3000t "Booster tank B"
12:10 Launch #4 - N2, 1000t "Shran Core"
14:50 Launch #5 - N2, 500t "Ice Giant"
16:35 Dual Launch #6 & #7 - Saturn V, 100t "Habitat"
18:50 Launch #8 - IEV, 200t "Interplanetary Exploration Vehicle"
21:10 Launch #9 - Saturn V, 140t "Return module"
22:53 Orbital Assembly of USS Shran complete
23:50 Departure for Jupiter [2003]
This is the largest Crewed Mission I've ever constructed in KSP RSS/RO. It took months of planning, filming, and editing! I hope you enjoy this trilogy :)
Primary Mods used:
AlphaMensae's Modular Launch Pads
AtmosphereAutopilot (Fly-By-Wire)
B9 Aerospace Procedural Wings - Fork (wings)
Camera Tools continued (filming)
CanaveralPads (LC-39A and B)
CRFP - CarnationRED Flexible Parts (Avro Arrow body)
Ferram Aerospace Research Continued
Hangar Extender (HangerExtenderExtended (build giant rockets)
Kerbalism - RealismOverhaul Config (Life support)
Kronal Vessel Viewer Continued (Blueprints)
KSC Switcher
KSP Wheel
MandatoryRCS Part Pack
MechJeb 2
Near Future Construction
Near Future Electrical (Fission reactors)
Near Future Propulsion (VASIMR)
Near Future Solar
Near Future Solar Core
Persistent Thrust (Handle VASIMR burns)
Physics Range Extender (multi-launches)
Procedural Fairings
Procedural Parts
Real Antennas
Real Fuels
Real Plume
Real Solar System
RealChute Parachute Systems
Realism Overhaul (And all its dependencies)
Realistic Progression One (RP-1) (But this is a sandbox save)
RO Capsules
RO Engines
RO Library
RO Solar
RO Tanks
RSS CanaveralHD
RSS Visual Enhancements - High Resolution (RSSVE-HR 2.1.4)
Test Lite (engine burn time limits)
Textures Unlimited
Waterfall Core
VASIMR drive is custom configured, based upon the same stats as lab-tested ones, just scaled up linearly much bigger to reduce part count.
Space Forces by WinnieTheMoog
Time Is Running Out by Frank Schröter
Familiar things - The Whole Other
Youtube Audio Library
Gates Of Glory by Alexander Nakarada
Rinse Repeat - DivKid
Youtube Audio Library
Digifunk - DivKid
Youtube Audio Library
Sleipnir by Alexander Nakarada
Foreverlands by Alexander Nakarada
Unstoppable by Ross Bugden
Olympus by Ross Bugden
The Empty Moons of Jupiter - DivKid
Youtube Audio Library
0:00 Intro
0:26 Janeway 1 - first robotic exploration of Pluto. [1970]
1:45 Why we are going
2:35 Orbital Assembly plans
3:42 Launch #1 - Seayuz, 3000t "Propulsion core" [2000]
8:06 Launch #2 - Seayuz, 3000t "Booster tank A"
10:30 Launch #3 - Seayuz, 3000t "Booster tank B"
12:10 Launch #4 - N2, 1000t "Shran Core"
14:50 Launch #5 - N2, 500t "Ice Giant"
16:35 Dual Launch #6 & #7 - Saturn V, 100t "Habitat"
18:50 Launch #8 - IEV, 200t "Interplanetary Exploration Vehicle"
21:10 Launch #9 - Saturn V, 140t "Return module"
22:53 Orbital Assembly of USS Shran complete
23:50 Departure for Jupiter [2003]