16 Signs You Are in Your Lover’s Mind | They Are Thinking Of You | Specific Person

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16 Signs You Are in Your Lover’s Mind | They Are Thinking Of You | Specific Person
You will be shocked when you have these signs in your life. You are on your lover's mind and your specific person is thinking about you. The Universe is working to save your relationship and get your ex back. Robert Zink reveals the keys to reading the signs from the Infinite Field about your relationship.

#thinkingaboutyou #onyourmind #robertzinklove

1. 1:14
2. 1:56
3. 2:35
4. 2:51
5. 3:34
6. 4:14
7. 4:54
8. 5:47
9. 6:51
10. 8:01
11. 8:51
12. 9:45
13. 10:50
14. 11:11
15. 11:45
16. 12:22


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Рекомендации по теме

1. You dream about them nightly
2. Feeling agitated / sad
Hypno- telepathy
3. Offering to do things for you
4. Seeing repeating numbers
Specially 999
5. Thinking about them for no reason suddenly
6. You smell them
7. See their name everywhere
8 . Sending subliminal messages through social media
9. " White Feather"
It's the most mystical universal sign that someone loves you
10.Hearing the same song ( song with a message)
11. They block you
12. Deja Vu
13. You bump into them
14. Seeing wedding ads, brides grooms wedding scenery wedding stuff
15. Waking up between 3 - 5 am
16. Craving their favourite food
17. In your home you are alone, still hear them calling you 😀


It’s my birthday 🥳 hope everyone enjoys the love and blessings coming too them


I know my soulmate is thinking about me. I know he loves me and he's coming back into my life for a committed loving relationship that will last forever. I am receiving a huge miracle from the Universe and I am so grateful for it :3


after watching this video today we r bumped into each other after 3 years
...feels great ♥️
true love never ends
thanks universe for this awesome loving relationship and unlimited blessings ♥️


I thought those were signs that my manifestations are comming, but I’m gonna share it anyways. Ever since I started manifesting him back, I always see angel numbers, butterflies, airplanes and I even heard both our names in one TV show episode. My phone also randomly shuffles on songs we were listening together when I think about him. I hope he’s on his way back to me, I miss him so much.


Don’t tell me that he’s actually thinking about me🙄 gosh everything matches perfectly 😅😅😅


The beard suits you. All I attract are cats and butterflies lol


Number 11 about them blocking you is very true! In the past I blocked my ex at the time since I couldn’t stop thinking of him and seeing him post was hurting me more. I didn’t block out of hatred or to be petty but because I was still in love.


I understand that many people look for signs but I don't need them or want to know them so I can be on the lookout for them. In my head, if I really believe something is happening, I don't need a sign to tell me that it is.

The key to the Law of Attraction is acting as if and believing that what you think about is true. If you believe, you don't need signs, you don't need to be told your manifestations are coming, and you don't need anyone's testimonials or updates. If you find yourself hanging onto these things, watch MORE of Robert's videos on developing a positive mindset and trusting the process. Letting go. Etc.


He's thinking of me every seconds of a minute. Every minutes . 24/7 365 days..I am certain 💚🍀


I am on his mind forever❤
Law of attraction really works


I see his birthday everywhere 12-13. It’s the day before mine. And when I listen to Doja Cat’s “Planet Her” I can literally see him dancing to some of the songs. He’s an Amazing dancer ✨


I dreamed twice him 2 days ago.. I'm seeing his name in the books I read.. I'm seeing 1111 all the time..thinking about him in the middle of a hectic work.. My phone mistakenly plays what he sang for the 1st time for me.. He blocked me in facebook.. Seeing wedding things all the time.. Arghh... I wake up in this odd time for 2 days.. Yea I crave for his food..
Yea I heard him when I'm alone..

I want other signals to happen, now..


I have been following your teachings for awhile now and you are spot on. As you continue to inform and inspire us thank you. This video is absolutely beautiful 🤩


Believe it or not, the moment talking about feather, I look infront, I found a feather 🥰🥰🥰 universe is great!


Wow! I identified with a few. For me it's mostly quantum entanglement. I feel his energy so strong, also moods I feel his all day long, we have a long distance relationship so I don't know what he smells like. But our love is strong it goes beyond the physical.


Oh wow 😳. very surprised, you even cld his name at the end of the video Robert 🙏🏻


I’m grateful to have come across this video…I always felt my ex was thinking of me but didn’t really have anything to clarify that theory. I definitely do now, and now that I know for sure he is thinking of and about me I’m going to manifest him back into my life…because it’s almost everyday I dream of him and it’s everyday I think of him. I cried 2x yesterday thinking about him. I knew I was feeling him…I miss him so fucking much 🤧😭


Well i need this as i am getting many of these signs. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thanks universe 🙏🙏

I believe in Universe and i know she is thinking about me all the time....I CAN FEEL IT YEAH!!!

Prayers and Love for all ❤️❤️🙏🙏


اللهم صلي علي محمد و ال محمد..Allah bless everyone
