Every Single LINQ Extension Method With Examples | .NET & C# Essentials
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In today's video we're going to cover every single LINQ extension method with examples.
We're going to cover immediate execution vs deferred execution - what's the difference between them and whether or not immediate execution necessarily means iterating over the entire list and realizing the LINQ query.
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00:00. Opening
01:14. Where
01:40. OfType
02:24. Skip
02:35. Take
02:42. SkipLast & TakeLast
02:58. SkipWhile & TakeWhile
04:14. Select
04:36. Select with index
05:01. SelectMany
06:41. SelectMany with index
07:04. Cast
07:20. Chunk
07:58. Deferred Execution vs Immediate Execution
10:55. Any
11:20. All
11:44. Contains
11:55. Append & Prepend
12:41. Count
13:34. TryGetNonEnumeratedCount
14:51. Max
15:16. MaxBy
17:02. Min & MinBy
17:19. Sum
17:59. Average
18:06. LongCount
18:20. Aggregate (overload 1)
19:58. Aggregate (overload 2)
20:20. Aggregate (overload 3)
21:43. First & FirstOrDefault
22:34. Single & SingleOrDefault
24:06. Last & LastOrDefault
24:38. ElementAt & ElementAtOrDefault
25:04. DefaultIfEmpty
25:41. ToArray
25:50. ToList
25:57. ToDictionary
26:29. ToHashSet
26:35. ToLookup
27:46. ToEnumerable & ToQueryable
28:32. Enumerable.Range
29:28. Enumerable.Repeat
29:38. Enumerable.Empty
30:12. Distinct
30:26. DistinctBy
30:59. Set Operations Theory (Union, Intersect, Except)
32:27. Union
32:37. Intersect
32:44. Except
32:52. UnionBy & IntersectBy & Except
33:40. SequenceEqual
34:26. Zip
35:43. Join
37:05. GroupJoin
37:38. Concat
38:05. GroupBy
39:25. Order
39:41. OrderBy
40:10. OrderDescending & OrderByDescending
40:21. ThenBy & ThenByDescending
41:20. Reverse
41:36. PLINQ
We're going to cover immediate execution vs deferred execution - what's the difference between them and whether or not immediate execution necessarily means iterating over the entire list and realizing the LINQ query.
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00:00. Opening
01:14. Where
01:40. OfType
02:24. Skip
02:35. Take
02:42. SkipLast & TakeLast
02:58. SkipWhile & TakeWhile
04:14. Select
04:36. Select with index
05:01. SelectMany
06:41. SelectMany with index
07:04. Cast
07:20. Chunk
07:58. Deferred Execution vs Immediate Execution
10:55. Any
11:20. All
11:44. Contains
11:55. Append & Prepend
12:41. Count
13:34. TryGetNonEnumeratedCount
14:51. Max
15:16. MaxBy
17:02. Min & MinBy
17:19. Sum
17:59. Average
18:06. LongCount
18:20. Aggregate (overload 1)
19:58. Aggregate (overload 2)
20:20. Aggregate (overload 3)
21:43. First & FirstOrDefault
22:34. Single & SingleOrDefault
24:06. Last & LastOrDefault
24:38. ElementAt & ElementAtOrDefault
25:04. DefaultIfEmpty
25:41. ToArray
25:50. ToList
25:57. ToDictionary
26:29. ToHashSet
26:35. ToLookup
27:46. ToEnumerable & ToQueryable
28:32. Enumerable.Range
29:28. Enumerable.Repeat
29:38. Enumerable.Empty
30:12. Distinct
30:26. DistinctBy
30:59. Set Operations Theory (Union, Intersect, Except)
32:27. Union
32:37. Intersect
32:44. Except
32:52. UnionBy & IntersectBy & Except
33:40. SequenceEqual
34:26. Zip
35:43. Join
37:05. GroupJoin
37:38. Concat
38:05. GroupBy
39:25. Order
39:41. OrderBy
40:10. OrderDescending & OrderByDescending
40:21. ThenBy & ThenByDescending
41:20. Reverse
41:36. PLINQ