SSX One Level Playthrough using the Ps2 Action Replay Max 50,000 :D #Playstation #Sony #Ps2 #Gaming

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This is a one-level playthrough of SSX using the Ps2's Action Replay Max 50,000 cheat codes to give me various cheats. Therefore in proper 90's style TV sound playthrough, I finally play this game again using the Action Replay Max 50,000 cheat codes for Ps2 :D

Before that, I found the Action Replay Max 50,000 cheat codes at these great websites below to finally complete this game :D


At this point I found a cheat I liked by searching my game title and the ps2 platform, thankfully it was already on the cheat disc but if it was not I would find the master cheat code normally consisting of 13 numbers or letters with multiple rows and find a cheat I liked for the game as in order for that cheat to work you need the master code to then activate that cheat.

After finding the master code I would go to the main menu on the action replay max. Select expert mode by pressing the x button then find the word add new game at the top and press x again to add a new game.

Then I would enter game title using the x button then press ok using the x button, then on the next screen, I would start typing my multiple rows of 13 letters & number master code found on the website then press x on ok when done. If I need more then one row just keep on entering your row and it will take you to the next row automatically.

At this point, I would go to my game title I have just typed the master code for then press x on it and press x on the words add new code.

Then using the same principles as the master code I would find a cheat code I liked on the website which is normally 12 digits or 2, 3 rows of 13 then give my cheat code a name, type my 2+ rows of code and once finished you will have a cheat ready for your game.

At this point, you would switch the code on by pressing the x button on the cheat code name, for example, max health this will give the cheat code a tick to show you have selected it. In order to activate it press the start button then press it again on the word start game (1 code) to enter the game with the cheat code selected.

This is the point where you will change discs then press the ok button using x to take you into the game with the cheat selected.

Hopefully, after viewing this cheat disc in action, it will convince you it's worth buying just to complete this game or any other Ps2 game :D


1: This is a games list for the Action Replay Max 50,000 cheat codes:

2: As above shows the Action Replay Max 50,000 cheat codes in action:

3: A Link to the Bonus Features of this cheat disc:

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