What's China's role in the Russia-Ukraine conflict?

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China is focused on becoming a "dominant military power" under Xi Jinping, according to Kevin Rudd, former Australian prime minister and author of the new book, "The Avoidable War: The Dangers of a Catastrophic Conflict between the US and Xi Jinping's China." He spoke with Anne-Marie Green and Vladimir Duthiers about his new book and where China falls in the war between Russia and Ukraine.

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Why should Ukraine blame China for the war with Russia? Why should China be blamed for everything now? I don't understand


China should stay focus and keep doing what it's right - grow their economy, keep improving their manufacturing and technological base and take care of their people. Just ignore all the empty talk emanating from the western media because it is simply playing and repeating the same over the top narratives.
Any party that keeps talking about the other side in a negative way is simply showing their insecurities and their lack of confidence.


I wish media condemned the western allies as much when the US and nato invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, and civilians who died in NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia


Here's what Xi Jinping wants:
1) have the RMB to become a globally traded currency, and as one of the reserve currency, So the Chinese people won't have to toil in factories just to exchange for a piece of I.O.U from the US.
2) move up the economic value chain, so its citizens can have better paid jobs, and become more prosperous
Now please tell me why would an average Chinese be opposed to these goals? And why would the Chinese people thank America for sanctioning China trying to attain such goals?
Why did America try everything they can to stop China to buy EUV lithography machines used in 7nm advanced semiconductor fabrication?

Please tell me why would the Chinese people stop supporting the CPC and turn to the so called "free world" when said "free world" is doing everything they can to force Chinese work in shoe factories?

Kevin save your pleasantries, as a Chinese I fully support Xi's more assertive stance against the West, vast majority of the Chinese people also harbor similar views.


china china china.... if it's all about China, why do you provoke a war near Russian


In the name of God, the merciful and the merciful. Be careful what you say, do not escalate with force and evil, be respectable and have high morals and consult. A politician among politicians who govern faithfully


This is one of the fairest interviews I've heard. We need to hear more from both sides.


This guy is withholding information so that people buy his book... 🤮


the problem with these tension, especially after sanctions over Russia, if they sanctions in China probably the west not just loosing economic resources but could be asian trading route since nowadays asian people mostly get their stuff from China


NATO and Australia should send troops to Ukraine, as they did in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Sacrifice for Ukraine, for freedom, for mankind, for God.


It seems to me that its a battle between goverment and not the people. Everyone wants to live in peace and live how they are living. Why do people in power want to change that. Alot of people in power have everything imaginible but yet will sacrifce people lifes .


not send arm to either side and urge both side to talk and settle their difference.


I will keep moving forward until I crush all my NATO enemies"
- Vladimir Yeager


PUTIN'S #1 FAVORITE CHINESE CUISINE: cream of someyunguy


🔴⭕️ عاجل جدا
👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻من يبحث عن الحق فلا يمل
🔸️🔶️⚠️لن يظهر الملك أو الامير ابن سلمان ثانية على شاشات السعودية⚠️🔶️🔸️
الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني
12 - 02 - 2022 مـ
إذًا يا معشر البشر فما أسهل فضح ناصر محمد اليماني إن كان من الكاذبين، ولكني خليفةُ اللهِ المهدي ناصر محمد اليماني خليفةُ الله على العالم بأسره، فقد جعل الله محمد بن سلمان بالذّات موعظةً لمن يُخالف أمر خليفة الله المهدي ناصر محمد اليماني من بعد ما يتبيّن للعالمين أنّ ناصر محمد اليماني حقًّا لَمِن الصّادقين، أم أنّكم سوف تستمرّون في فبركةِ جلسات المجلس الاستشاري؟ فتقومون بتجميع لقطاتٍ مِن كامِرات المراقبة المثبّتة في حيطان المجلس الاستشاري فتجمعون لقطاتٍ فتجعلونها فيديو واحد كأنه جديدٌ كلّ يوم ثلاثاء؟ هيهات هيهات.. فلن يُصدّق هذا إلا السُّذَّج فعلى من تضحكون؟ بل سوف يعرف ذلك الأغبياء فكيف بالأذكياء؟
الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني
11 - رجب - 1443 هـ
12 - 02 - 2022 مـ
08:55 صباحًا
(بحسب التقويم الرسمي لأمّ القرى)


Beijing better not help that butcher or Joe is gonna put the hammer down.


The Angel Gabriel was sent to Mary in the form of a man, with glad tidings of a child who was to be born miraculously without a father.
“Then We sent to her Our spirit (angel Gabriel), and he appeared before her in the form of a man in all respects. She said: ‘Surely I seek refuge from you with the Most Beneficent (God) if you do fear God.’ He said: ‘I am only a messenger of your Lord: to announce to you the gift of a righteous son.’ She said: ‘How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?’ He said, ‘Thus [it will be]’. Your Lord says, ‘It is easy for Me, and We will make him a sign to the people and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter [already] decreed.’” Qur’an 19:17-21
Some claim that his miraculous birth is evidence of Jesus’ divinity. However, Jesus was not the first to come into existence without a father, as Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) before him had neither a father nor mother. God says:
“The likeness of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: ‘Be’, and he was. This is the truth from your Lord, so be not of the disputes.” Qur’an 3:59-60
Surely, if Jesus is worshipped due to having no father, Adam is more deserving of worship since he was created without either


He is trying to play two sides of the fiddle.


Seriously bro, we like literally need to start an expanded ground war in Europe. I like just heard about Ukraine in a TikTok video, but bro, like we need to go to war. Like literally bro, what could go wrong, bro?


Reporter on the left nailed it! “Does the west need a boogey man to distract from issues at home”?.
