ANVIL - Bombs Away - This Is Thirteen

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Jets lift off
Armed to go
Sights lock on
Targets below
Objects marked
Cue bomb bay
Pull the trigger
Bombs away
Say your last goodbyes
We're coming to your skies
A reckoning this day
You threatened our shores
So now we'll come to yours
And make you all pay

Bombs away
Bombs away
Bombs away

Shells explode
Flashing light
Burning fires
Turn day to night
Head on back
Reload bay
Armed again
Bombs away
You don't stand a chance
Air Force has advanced
To blow you all away
Soon you'll understand
That we will burn your land
On this judgement day

Much is gone
Fight's not done
Third wave
Has just begun
One to go
Mustn't stall
Do it now
Fuck 'em all
Nothing you can do
We're coming after you
Today is the day
Pay for what you've done
We'll bomb you one by one
Until you all have paid
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This song is tight, and those drums really cook with gas .


Love these dudes, but man that movie is like spinal tap for real.


I had listened to Anvil before, but since I saw his story (2018), I can not stop doing it, Long live Anvil!


'This is a fuckin good, catchy tune! It's just straight forward Rock, Punk, and Metal... or maybe it's not even Metal. Could it be Pop? Maybe it's Punk Pop? How about Punk Pop Metal!?!"


I think they need to make a music video for this song
