I Won't Let You Go Feat. Lauren Daigle (LIVE)

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When it feels like surgery
And it burns like third degree
And you wonder what is it worth?
When your insides breaking in
And you feel that ache again
And you wonder
What's giving birth?
If you could let the pain of the past go
Of your soul
None of this is in your control
If you could only let your guard down
You could learn to trust me somehow
I swear, that I won't let you go
If you could only let go your doubts
If you could just believe in me now
I swear, that I won't let you go
I won’t let you go
When your fear is currency
And you feel that urgency
You want peace but there's war in your head
Maybe that's where life is born
When our façades are torn
Pain gives birth to the promise ahead
If you could let the pain of the past go
Of your soul
None of this is in your control
If you could only let your guard down
If you could learn to trust me somehow
I swear, that I won't let you go
If you could only let go your doubts
If you could just believe in me now
I swear, that I won't let you go
I won’t let you go
I'll always be by your side
If you could only let your guard down
If you could learn to trust me somehow
I swear, that I won't let you go
If you could only let go your doubts
If you could just believe in me now
I swear, that I won't let you go
I won’t let you go
(I won’t let you go)
There ain't no darkness strong enough that could tear you out from my heart
There ain't no strength that's strong enough that could tear this love apart
Never gonna let you go
Never gonna let you go
No I won’t let you go

Jon Foreman of SWITCHFOOT and Lauren Daigle come together for an amazing acoustic rendition of SWITCHFOOT's song I Won't Let You Go. One take, one mic.
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John 16:33 " “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcomethe world.”


Tears rolling down this old man's face, heart hurting. Life is beating me down. Needed this song.


I can't begin to tell you how strong this song has affected me. God used it as a reassurance for me about 4 months ago. I was preparing and facing my 21st surgery in 8 years. Another spinal fusion. I was scared and dreading yet another huge recovery. I praying that God would reassure me that surgery was the right direction or not. I turned on youtube and checked my subscriptions and Lauren was on there talking about singing this with Switchfoot. I'd never heard it, so I clicked on the song and it was like God gripped my heart with the words. "When it feels like surgery and it burns like 3rd degree, and you wonder what is it worth?" Every lyric in this song spoke directly to my heart and my situation. I felt total reassurance. Thank you is not big enough to tell you how thankful I am that God spoke to me through your work. I did have that spinal fusion, I almost bled to death, but I received a blood transfusion and I am healing well. God's never gonna let us down. He's never gonna let you go. I'm sure that even if I'd died, that would still be true. There ain't no darkness strong enough that can tear us from His heart, and there ain't no strength that's strong enough to tear this love apart. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I deeply love all of your music and often play it during the day to bring me encouragement and peace. Much love to all of you.


I can't beleieve this is 5 years old and im just now seeing it. This is freakin' legendary <3


Listening to this at 3am to calm my anxiety attack ..my prayer to everyone needing them at this moment


I love how raw their voices are ... No filters .. no autotunes.. Praise God for your talents .. <3 love from the Philippines


When it feels like surgery
And it burns like third degree
And you wonder what is it worth?
When your insides breaking in
And you feel that ache again
And you wonder
What's giving birth?

If you could let the pain of the past go
Of your soul
None of this is in your control

If you could only let your guard down

You could learn to trust me somehow
I swear, that I won't let you go
If you could only let go your doubts
If you could just believe in me now
I swear, that I won't let you go
I won’t let you go

When your fear is currency
And you feel that urgency
You want peace but there's war in your head
Maybe that's where life is born
When our façades are torn
Pain gives birth to the promise ahead

If you could let the pain of the past go
Of your soul
None of this is in your control

If you could only let your guard down
If you could learn to trust me somehow

I swear, that I won't let you go
If you could only let go your doubts
If you could just believe in me now
I swear, that I won't let you go
I won’t let you go

I'll always be by your side
I won’t let you go

There ain't no darkness strong enough
That could tear you out from my heart
There ain't no strength that's strong enough
That could tear this love apart
Never gonna let you go

No I won’t let you go


When that bridge hits...my skin jumps out of itself!


And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus


In addition, This song has recently changed my life. I am working towards being sober. And I’m so thankful for Lauren and switchfoot for doing this song together.


The pain of losing out on someone you were in love really hurts the soul. Especially when it may not be your fault..Choices are kade, even difficult ones, without you input sometimes.
So how about we learn to trust. To love. To forget. And move on when necessary.
God bless you lauren daigle and jon foreman. For the wisdom of songs in our lives.


Big Special thank you to Switchfoot, lauren Daigle and God for maken this video possible. I cant express in words how this song has changed my heart or how it brings Joy to my heart. I play this on the daily. I suffer from a debilitating dieses called trigeminal Neuralgia. It effects the nerves in my face causing massive amounts of pain every day. I been a christian for 6 years now. 4 years into my love affair with Christ! It broke me back into peaces. I was feeling lost again. My Wife, I Thank God for her and her understand with my pain and issues. She played this for me one day. On that day everything changed for. I like to pretend That God is speaking these words start to my heart. I've since found the Strength in Christ Jesus to get back into life again. My heart overflows once again. In the midst of pain i play this or sing it to my self. Which i cant sign but i belt this out loudly. It has brought life back to these twice dried bones. So i say Thank you from the bottom of my heart and from the depth of my soul. Now threw the pain i am back out there talking to the lost and spreading the Gospel like Jesus has ask us to. This song is so amazing. Thank you thank you thank
Yours truly Ben Fisher.


This is not the voice of Jon, Lauren, your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife, but the voice of Jesus Christ, your Good Shepherd, Saviour and closest friend.


I can hear Jesus saying these words to me. I believe you Lord, that you won’t let me go. To God be the Glory.


God will never let us go. When I can not feel him I know he is carrying me. Letting the pain of the past go is so hard. God forgives me for my past of drug addiction but have not forgiven myself. He never let me go but I could not feel him. I was walking by blind faith and he is who he says he is. Been in recovery 21 months and God is an awesome God. 43 years of active addiction and God gave me a miracle. He want let you go, he is there in your darkness and he brings the light. if you are hurting or struggling with anything in your life hold on to God. He will bring you through when it looks impossible God said it is possible. Sending love, hugs and prayers to anyone reading this. I am Un broken and restored


Still to this day - this song shatters my soul in the most profound and beautiful of ways


My biggest struggle....MY OWN DOUBT AND SELF WORTH


The way Lauren smiles when she’s feeling those lyrics in the moment makes me so happy


This song is on my playlist of songs that help me feel how God longs for my redemption.

I love it most because it is acoustic, and because God’s feminine and masculine characteristics are represented so skillfully by Lauren & Jon.


This is my "mommy" song. I see myself as a mom, the deep love in my heart for my 2 boys, and how I want them to know I won't ever let them go without love. And in my own journey, it's my reminder that God will never let me go it alone.
