The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

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Jimmy Akin answers questions about Adam and Eve.

Jimmy Akin was born in Texas and grew up nominally Protestant. At age 20 he experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant pastor or seminary professor, Jimmy started an intensive study of the Bible, but the more he immersed himself in Scripture, the more he found it to support the Catholic faith. Eventually, he was compelled in conscience to enter the Catholic Church, which he did in 1992. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in the book Surprised By Truth.

Akin is a Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a member on the Catholic Answers Speakers Bureau, a weekly guest on the global radio program, Catholic Answers LIVE, a contributing editor for Catholic Answers Magazine, and the author of numerous publications, including the books Mass Confusion, The Salvation Controversy, The Fathers Know Best, and Mass Revision.

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The fruit is translated as apple because in the Latin language, the word for apple "malus" is the same as the word for evil.


The tree of life is through Jesus Christ and then turning back to God the father.


I am surprised Jimmy Akin's answer this time. He is usually lot more conversant than this. The type of fruit tree is really irrelevant, the original story would have been a lot more complex, but the authors of Genesis used a Mesopotamian story to explain that man and woman became too proud and disobedient to what God wanted of them. It is obvious that God did not want two dumb Hicks to steward his garden. The deed was done and the pair became aware of what was good and what was evil through that act. They were no longer "Amoral", but "Immoral". From then on mankind is responsible for the evil he does, or allies him self to. The spiritual forces find in him an only too willing servant.


The fruit of the knowledge of good and evil is called judgment.
Internalizing that judgment is the process of becoming offended.
Grace is seeing the fruit but not eating it.
Forgiveness is spitting the fruit up once you have eaten it.
Not only do we have access to it today but in fact we eat it all day about as much as we breath air.

The difference between Cain and Abel's gifts had to do with the strings that were attached.
Able had no strings attached which made his gift a real gift.
Cain had strings attached which made his gift a bargain or a barter.
Got can't be bought.


I've heard that the word "apple" can also generically mean "fruit" in western languages. However, since "apple" as in generic fruit is the same word used to name a particular kind of fruit "apple", it would be no wonder why the forbidden fruit is often depicted as an apple in the west. To confuse this further, usage of the generic word is not limited to what is scientifically considered a fruit. For example, a potato (a non-fruit), called a "pomme de terre" in French, which transliterates to "apple of earth" in English. Even in English, you have a fruit (pineapple) that isn't even remotely related to apples, yet "apple" appears in its spelling. Although to be fair, I'm not too clear on the etymology on that last example.


For what it's worth - here are my thoughts.

Please feel free to correct my theology in love and truth. I have been theologically wrong many many times. I am Spiritually immature. I am a deeply flawed and truly vain fallen (though redeemed) Son of Adam wholly reliant on God's grace.

I am a Son of the first Adam (made in God's image divine) who fell into sin by partaking of the fruit of the Tree of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil.

I am also a son of the second Adam "Jesus" who was "slain before the foundation of the world" and is presented in a vision to St John in heaven as "a lamb slain".

I am son to Eve (made in Adam's perfect image and mother of all Humanity - definition of human being "made of humus" - made of dirt ). Eve too partook of the fruit from the Tree (before Adam, having been beguiled (cleverly tricked and seduced) by The Serpent Of Old - Satan, Fallen Angel "Lucifer" in an UnHoly state, The Devil).

I am also (in Christ) a redeemed human.

I am a Son of St Mary (the new Eve).

Adam and Eve in the Paradise Garden with God.

Adam and Eve after they partake of the fruit are expelled form Paradise "lest they the eat of the Tree Of Life".

Jesus and St Mary are the new Adam and Eve.

St Mary (at the cursed tree - IE The Crucifixion Cross of Christ) is given to "the disciple that Jesus loved (St john) as HIS MOTHER. We are each (believing Christians) that disciple. For Jesus is called "My beloved" by God when St John The Baptists baptised him. Straight after this Jesus (The Beloved) is led by the Spirit to the wilderness to be tempted by Satan (Ego and Deception and Rebellion to God). The Devil tries to re-define Jesus by demanding that Jesus "prove his worth" by being defined by Satan on Satan's beguiling deceptive terms (just as Satan did in the paradise with Eve). Jesus rejects the temptation and claims His real identity "God's beloved". St John recognises that he (John) in Christ is too "God's Beloved" and writes St John's Gospel so that anyone called to Christ may know that His (John's) story is OUR Story. St John is the "disciple Jesus loved" and we too are "the disciple Jesus loved". jesus is "My beloved". St john is (in Christ) "My beloved" and we too (in Christ) are "My beloved".

St Mary is said by Christ "to be blessed" because "she heard the word of God and obeyed it". St Mary is given to St John as "His mother".

St John is given to St Mary "as Her Son". So all "beloved of God" are St Mary's Children. She is the new Eve. The new Mother of all Humanity (the lost children of God whom jesus came to redeem).

So we can see that there are clear parallels between the Genesis account of Original Blessing and then Original Sin (never forget the Original Blessing came first) and the 4 Gospel accounts of Jesus. Jesus came to redeem humanity from the "curse of evil" and reclaim the Original Blessing. jesus talks mostly in His ministry of the Book Of Genesis. And very very clear parallels can be seen between Genesis (Old Testament) and Gospel (New Testament).

One of those parallels is the good and perfect TREE in The Paradise Garden and the evil, deathly Tree of Crucifixion. The Garden of Gethsemane and the Garden of Paradise. The Tree of Life and the cursed "tree of woe" (For cursed is he who is hung on a tree). Tree of Good and Tree of Evil.

The misuse of the good tree, with good fruit which looks good to the eye and seems good to eat (growing in a paradise garden made only for good by a good God in His VEY GOOD creation) ) brings death (for on the day thou eat of it''s fruit thou shall surely die).

The evil death tree (The Cross) which rightly is horrific and woeful and brings only pain and death is used (by Christ) to bring life (Eternal Salvation).

Jesus lay down his life (even to death on a cursed tree) to save us. He dies - We live. Jesus taught "if you want to LIVE you must DIE". If you want to "be great in the Kingdom of heaven" then "be servant to all". In jesus the proud are laid low and the lowly are raised to great heights.

Another parallel (remember the Old Testament is forerunner to The New) is the birth of Man (Adam) and the birth of Jesus (man and God). Both made in perfection. Both horrendously effected by Evil. One crushed by it (Adam) and dies, the other crushed by it (Jesus) and dies BUT He crushes it and rises to life. The fruit of the woman (Eve - St Mary) has His "heel bruised" BUT "he crushes evil and kills it (for in Christ even death will die and be no more).

There is the weddingS. The wedding of Adam and Eve in Genesis and the wedding in the Gospel where water is miraculously turned into wine. Both are a celebration. In Genesis a fallen angel says to Eve "Did God really say for surely you will not die if you eat the fruit but have you eyes truly opened and become like God knowing good and evil". That was such a beguilement because jesus is God (who knows evil and good but remains Holy and Good). Eve already knew good (that was God's holy gift to her). All she received extra by eating the fruit and disobeying God was "the knowledge of evil". Eve listened to a fallen evil Angel and tempted Adam to sin too. But St Mary (the new Eve) listens to a Holy Angel (the Annunciation) and conceives by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Her Son Jesus being "The bread of life" who when born is placed in a manger (a food trough for grain). She is the Ark of The New Testament Covenant (as compared to the Ark of the Covenant in the Old testament. Both Arks contain the same (IE The Septa, The Commandments and the Manna from heaven AND the Son of God (Royal Authority). the Bead of Life and the Word of God).

The parallels are undeniable.

HEY - SORRY I HAVE TO RUN - I have meeting to get too - I will come back later and continue :)


more children were born from whom when Eve was the only woman created?


In the book of Genesis on the SIXTH day the Lord created man, male and female and he stated it was good!
After Cain killing his brother, he was driven out and he later took a wife from the land of Nod. Please read this scripture for yourself do not put your faith in men but in the Lord


How did we get 7 billion people from two without complete and total incest?  ;)