Do You Believe in “No Pain, No Gain”? #nopainnogain #strengthtrainingforwomen

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I used to think the more intense my exercise routine, the better my results.

I learned the hard way that more is not more — at a certain point, it becomes too much and backfires (weight gain, inflammation, hormonal imbalance, etc.

When I dialed back my exercise frequency and intensity, I started getting WAY better results from exercise.

I got leaner, I regained my energy, and I enjoyed exercise a lot more because I wasn’t suffering every time I did it. My new mantra became “sustainable gain without the pain”.

If you’re having trouble sticking to exercise because you’re sore for days and still not getting the results you want, this message is for you!

Comment “strength” to join my Kettlebell Strength Program and start getting fit in a sustainable way.
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