DCD || The morning routine

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100% accurate, the only way I can avoid these things is if I wake up 2 hours before I need to.

It'll be like have a shower, wash my hair twice because I can't remember if I washed it in the first place, get dressed, put on coat because I'm sure the weather said cold today but 5 mins later I'm sweating buckets, don't put my shoes on because I drive barefoot, quickly brush my teeth for 20 minutes. Realise the toast I put on as soon as I got up now looks like the charred remnants of hell, put stuff in my bag, take stuff out my bag I'm sure I don't need, put stuff back in because I probably almost definitely do, walk away, lose my bag, do this 6 times, go to leave, can't find the door keys, eventually find them. Leave the house, go to my car, go back in the house because I haven't got my car keys, find them, get in the car, where are my car keys? Oh I left them in the car door AGAIN. And that's before I leave the driveway.


lol, I gave up on shoelaces years ago :D
I only buy Velcro now, don't care what people think, it's just not worth it to have shoelaces.

Also this is my morning routine, there are some similarities and some differences:
* not hear alarms
* unconsciously press the snooze button every time for 30 minutes up to an hour
* try to get out of bed
* fall on the floor or run into a well
* poke my face while trying to get my toothbrush in my mouth
* turn on music that I know the length of so I don't stay too long in the shower
* put on at least 1 piece of clothing the wrong way around and realize it when trying to open door
* eat if I have time, if I do, get distracted and stress out about being late for work. If I don't, put breakfast in a bag for eating at work and stress out about being late for work
* miss the keyhole of my door to open
* do the same to close
* go through the same misery at the door of the building
* go through the same misery at the door of my car
* try to drive while forgetting to put my keys in
* go through the key misery again at the door of my office (have you noticed that I don't enjoy keys, yet?)

this sums up about 2 hours, so when I have the morning shift, that's from 5 until 7 -_-



Daydreaming is the bane of my lol

As usual thank you so much for these videos, the representation of dyspraxia is much appreciated <3 <3 <3


Words can't describe how much I love this video. So accurate.


This pretty much sums up my mornings. I start preparing breakfast and then realise that I am meant to do something else and go do that instead... then 20 minutes later I see my breakfast that I was in the middle of preparing and by then it's too late to eat it.


Exact representation of my morning routine every day before school 🙃


I was told i had dyspraxia at a really young age but i was never told what it meant and i was told id grow out of it. Ive only just found out what it means and i feel so much better that there are people just like me. I used to think i was alone and i was weird because i was different


I thought it was just me that was like this.


Yessss I have this and this is me every day. 😂


The end part is me everyday and then makeup and bun is me every time I try and dress up to go out! hahah


I have dyspraxia too, im 13 years old and its frustrating for me because im suffering a lot of bullying, and its kinda I cant tell them that i have this condition, they will LAUGH at me as alway, i never ever talk to anybody, my teachers also LAUGH at me, im have the Best notes at school so im not stupid but how can i show them when all they do is be bad with me, and yell at me. It very difficult dont make it evidencidence at sports, im have shame for that,


Yep! That's just one of those morning rituals...


I have dyspraia and learning disabilities


I regularly lose the battle with the "mystical beasts of claspness"!
Win Xx


This is what I'm like all mornings lol and I have dyspraxia and it does make my mornings harder


Can someone please answer this to help me understand what dyspraxia is I have it yet I don't know what it's about but I've just had a look and this is what I can gather from it
*I also run things to hot
*I am surprisingly good at sports
*I'm not so good at typing or things like that with spelling and stuff like that
*I can tie my shoelaces but I think that's because I've been taught since I was like 3
*Top set everything yet bad concentration
Yeah it would be nice if someone could answer so I can get some insight on what's going on aha


I identify so much myself in you but boy way ahah
