Lies On The Brexit Bus

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That the £350 million to the NHS slogan written on the side of the Brexit bus was a lie is well known. But what’s perhaps less well known is that this was merely the most visible tip of an iceberg of lies, disingenuity, and misdirection. This video breaks down the four tiers of falsehood behind that Brexit slogan, a slogan that could be said to have marked the start of the post-truth political era in the UK.
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It was all about tax havens in the end.


Another good presentation, thank you. Will anyone be made to pay, be called to account for these lies? How would the perpetrators be put before English law? Or are we powerless in this country against lies that cost the people money, health and mortality?


Amazing video. Being a EU citizens that follow Brexit closely I have never seen this information before. How small part of the budget the EU contribution was. What a perfect stunt this was. Painting it as a huge part of the UK budget when it wasn’t.


Which MPS had something to gain by leaving ?


That was a surprisingly good, really good recommendation right there. One of those "didn't know I needed it till I saw it". Thanks very much


The net amount going to the EU is actually even less as there was also a significant amount going from the EU to the private sector in the UK through for example research grants to universities and service contracts to UK companies.


The biggest lie by far was that the UK would remain in the single market, that free movement would continue and the UK would have the easiest trade deals ever - starting with the US. The biggest advantage is that European's are now acutely aware of the risks and their votes will not easily harvested. People will want to know: what version of "exit" am I actually voting for? No one - not even Farage - ever campaigned for the Brexit UK voters got.


The Brexit referendum was treated like a football match with players diving etc.
Not how to have a referendum in a modern democracy I'm afraid.


Jonny, as always your videos are spot on!. I like your comments about post-2016 politics: it seems not only lies are now institutionalized, but the media is very much complicit in speading them and not confronting the liers!


It's sad people are still going on about and if you are surprised politicians lie, well if you always take what politicians say is false you will never be far off.


Remainers obsess about 'the bus'. Every Brexit voter I've ever spoken to says they voted instinctively for leaving. No bus slogan, promise or rallying call ever moved them. It was a heart decision. A bit like the desire for Scottish indeoendence. The economics says no, but the heart says yes.


You have put a lot of factual evidence into your videos and I like what you are saying very much, but for me the main reason for leaving the EU was that rich people didn’t like ATAD (anti tax avoidance directive) that was to become EU law and that member states would have to comply with. Just look at all the millionaires/billionaires that were supporting the leave campaign!


One other area in which the UK has lost out is a large help towards flood damage. Now you're on your own!


Excellent analysis Jonny. One other point I would add is that the 8.5 billion also had financial benefits for the UK. Proving standardised Europe wide legislation, Machinery of Government, project and research funding.


Wow! I remember working that out in 2016 & 2017. Wonder if you find even more than I did.
Great job, good explanation about the fall in tax receipts.
It's like having job where paying a membership lets you earn more, economising by cutting the subscription loses you money.
There were lies about the whole of immigration.
Sovereignty has turned out to be less not more as a result of Brexit.
They said they would control borders, but still no inspections, a recent sample one found food safety breaches in every stop. Criminals are exporting to UK due to lack of phyto-sanitary inspection.


I'm really sorry that the British can no longer blame the EU.
This is what happens when you fall for populists.


You missed the biggest lie - that we GAVE the EU x billions every year like it was an act of charity, not self-interest. In fact the “experts” at the CBI in 2016 said the financial benefits of membership, was that for every £1 we paid in we got £10 back and that membership was worth £3000 a year to the average U.K. family. The government’s own figures at the time said access to the single market was worth between £30 and £90 billion so again that’s an over 1000% return. But that’s experts for you, with their tedious facts and tiresome vindication.


I am African but have always been fascinated by world politics, and thank u for simplifying Brexit lies, which every educated economist warned will be a disaster for the UK. Imagine if the European Union decides to remove the UK as the financial hub for Europe,


3:29 So only a tiny tiny "slice" that was potentially freed up to be spend on NHS in stead... Now consider that the "pie" (technically a donut) got smaller in the years after Brexit as tax revenue was reduced, the total amount available to NHS will be even smaller. I always wondered why no-one was calling out these "lies" during the Brexit campaign - experts, media, politicians or maybe they were drowned in misdirected blame, hate and shouting aimed at the EU? As a "continental European" I simply don't get what good Brexit was supposed to do and I know I'm not alone. It's a bit like self mutilation... on a national level... for the sake of being spiteful.


It's depressing that "culture" has a larger share than environmental spending, housing and overseas AID.
