Example 5, Chapter 3, Class 11, Maths | Trigonometric Functions | NCERT, CBSE

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Complete solution of Example 5, Chapter 3, Class 11, Maths, NCERT | Trigonometric Functions
If the arcs of the same lengths in two circles subtend angles 65°and 110° at the centre, find the ratio of their radii.
In this tutorial, you will find the explanation of the following:
Class: 11th
Chapter: 3
Topic: Trigonometric Function
Example: 5
Textbook: NCERT
#Class11 #ncert #ncertClass11 #Mathemafia #SunilSyal #Class11Maths #class11math #mathemafia #mathemafiaclass11maths #class11math #mathsclass11 #mathematicsclass11 #trigonometricfunctions #trigonometricfunctionsclass11 #class11trigonometry #class11mathstutorials #class11mathsolution #class11examples #examplesclass11maths
If the arcs of the same lengths in two circles subtend angles 65°and 110° at the centre, find the ratio of their radii.
In this tutorial, you will find the explanation of the following:
Class: 11th
Chapter: 3
Topic: Trigonometric Function
Example: 5
Textbook: NCERT
#Class11 #ncert #ncertClass11 #Mathemafia #SunilSyal #Class11Maths #class11math #mathemafia #mathemafiaclass11maths #class11math #mathsclass11 #mathematicsclass11 #trigonometricfunctions #trigonometricfunctionsclass11 #class11trigonometry #class11mathstutorials #class11mathsolution #class11examples #examplesclass11maths
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