Why was Giordano Bruno killed by the Catholic Church?

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Giordano Bruno believed in and advocated the Copernican or heliocentric theory which was in opposition to geocentrism, the prevailing belief of the Catholic Church at the time. He suffered a terrible fate for his beliefs. How does this happen? How do some Catholics justify it to this day?
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As a complete and untroubled atheist, I like your presentation and your conclusions on the truth of this matter. God might indeed be god, but religion is human. Love.


Wondering how many people in the name of religion has been killed, including any religion not just catholic church but that one has been the most notorious one .


Pretty horrific way to die. Sadly those who have power, often do horrible things to maintain their control.


This story of Giordano Bruno and his imprisonment, torture and death always saddens me, every time I hear or read about it. Yet sometimes I hear or read of people justifying it. It's like pouring salt into a wound whenever a person justifies such a criminal act. They said Bruno was guilty of heresy. But who was, really. And how do we trust religious authority if they insist on denying the truth and going even further to punish and torture, and even kill them? Please feel free to comment; I'd love to hear from you.


Not "may have been", because there is a writen court decision. If you want "explanations" for this or that decision of an inquisition court you can read them. Everything was writen down in the catholic inquisition, including the acts of torture. Here in Portugal the files of the Santo Oficio are preserved in the national library of Torre do Tombo.


even if he was an outright atheist, which he wasnt , that wouldnt give the catholic church any right to sentence him to death

And while they have apologised for Gallileo, no apology has been given for Bruno


Bruno is a unique character and I try to go back an imagine what people who heard his theories would have thought at the time. Never worked out why he wanted to remain a Catholic when he denied the Divinity of what the Catholic Church refer to as the Holy Family. And I think that is the hub of why they executed him. One thing that comes across is he refused to shut up and I imagine that he was a passionate speaker and passionate speakers can come across as odd, unbalanced, like a modern day Alex Jones. The Inquasition turned a blind eye to him for years and the claim they clipped his tongue seems to suggest to me he was ranting and blaspheming. A more wise person would have not been so outspoken in those times. He was Genius well beyond his times, but I feel one that came with a personality that was difficult to warm to.


I know this video is from a while ago but Giordano Bruno is an ancestor of mine he is 6 generations back from me and I came here to find out more about him becuase I’ve never even heard about him in school or from anyone else! So thank you for the informative vid I rly appreciate it!!!


I wonder what Mohammed would have done to someone who had come and told him that the earth is round. 🤔


اللهم صل وسلم على محمد وال محمد الائمة والمهديين وسلم تسليما كثيرا


I stumbled upon this video after trying to search some catholic scientists and it lead me to Bruno. After reading a brief summary of his life I took it to YouTube to inquire a little more. Very cruel way to go indeed. I also do not see how it could be justified. His legacy still lives on. He'd probably really like watching spiderman's into the spiderverse with his view on multiple worlds lol. Any way thank you for the video :)


Homie (Bruno) was condemned for his theological position. He was an occultist not a martyr for science. Definitely a martyr for free speech, but no more no less. Ave Christus Rex!


Please note Giordano Bruno was a genius that in sixteen hundred had the intuition that everything in the Universe is made of the same substance that can be changed but can not be destroyed in other word he discovered Quantum physics, that is beyond brain capability
of any church institution past or present. He was millennium ahead with is thinking
as Galileo said science and religion there hare two differed think, both been persecuted for it


راسليني ضروري نعمل مع بعض لإزالة الشبه عن الإسلام


The Catholic Church killed him?! I smell a self-loathing, former Catholic lady with an axe to grind.


Very interesting et well presented. Thank you very much


Yes, let’s talk about Catholic persecution from 500 years ago, instead of Islam’s persecution of today 🤦‍♂️.


thanks for this fantastic video doc... i just know the word of Galileo is from queen lyric of bohemian rhapsody... but don't have any ideas what is it actually...its sad but truth


Because he tried to find the boss’s identity


Copernicus was a clergy, he dedicated the theory to the pope who liked him. it was literally the church who came up with the theory.
