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Thank you Justine & Michael 💚

A large part of being alive is feeling emotions. It is a blessing to be aware enough of that which goes on inside us. And having the ability to confront all of our feelings head on and be present with them, is one of the most important gifts we can give to ourselves.

All emotions are valuable and can teach us profound lessons if we are willing to see them in this way. Anger shows us what boundaries have been crossed. Grief shows us what we are profoundly attached to. Fear shows us where our deepest doubts live.

But these emotions do not define who we are at our essence. We can choose how we react to them. We can choose to feed the dark sides of these emotions that only breed more darkness. Or we can choose to use these emotions as a compass pointing us towards our light.

“The best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched. They must be felt with the heart.” - Helen Keller

Filmed in Cape Town, South Africa.
Featuring Craig Makhosi Charnock

Craig can be found at...

All of our films are made possible through the generous support of our patrons.

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Who is Green Renaissance? We are Michael and Justine - passionate filmmakers, living off-grid and dedicating our time to making films that we hope will inspire and share positivity out into the world.

Editing - by Jackie Viviers
Sound mix - by Tamryn Breakey

The Unfolding - by Sean Williams
Oceans Inside Us - by Sean Williams
Fortitude - by Sean Williams
Invitation - by Sean Williams
Remember - by Sean Williams
A Certain Distance - by Sean Williams
We Fall We Grow - by Sean Williams

A huge thank you to these guys, who so generously gave of their to time to help with language translations:
Arabic - by Mohammad Alkhudhair
Catalan - by Pau Zabaleta
Chinese - by Loretta Jiayi Mao
Croatian - by Davor Bobanac
English - by Justine du Toit
French - by Natalia Hoffsteter
Georgian - by Qeti Giorgadze
German - by Tanja Pütz
Hebrew - by Sea-van Rachel
Hindi - by Parul Sharma
Indonesian - by Ary Nuansa
Italian - by Vincenzo Mocerino
Korean - by Chloe Park
Persian - by Mona Zadsham
Polish - by Anna Konieczna
Portuguese - by Jonatha Koeller
Russian - by Assiya Marzhanova
Slovak - by Zuzana Beratsova
Slovenian - by Jasmina Kovačič
Spanish - by Marianne Carrere
Thai - by Pimmi Uamart
Turkish - by Ahsen Aygören
Vietnamese - by Thi Le
Рекомендации по теме

I commend him for recognizing that the anger he felt within was projected to his brother and that he was able to express this to his brother. He mentions never having been taught how to recognize his emotions and how to deal with them, I hope he recognizes that his parents or caregivers probably had no idea how to deal with their own feelings and couldn’t help him, most people do the best they can with what they know and hopefully more people grow and learn to do better when they know better.


I loved it when he said "The more loving gentle kind I am to myself I'm more able to be like that for others." So so true. Lovely video.


This channell is what Social media and Media interaction should looks like."I am loving life and i'm happy where i am".


I am always amazed how often people have a dog that looks and feels just like them. These 2 are soul brothers for sure.


Wow My brothers name was Craig
He moved on 2 years ago at 53 I am now 53, this was our connection
I understand, understood his path
It was one of anger and resentment
And all the while he just wanted to be loved like us all
He is at peace now and so am I.
The bond never leaves us
Rest easy Brother
My rock ❤️


A HUGE shout out to this fabulous crew who gave so freely of their time and energy to help with translations on this film...
Arabic - by Mohammad Alkhudhair
Catalan - by Pau Zabaleta
Chinese - by Loretta Jiayi Mao
Croatian - by Davor Bobanac
English - by Justine du Toit
French - by Natalia Hoffsteter
Georgian - by Qeti Giorgadze
German - by Tanja Pütz
Hebrew - by Sea-van Rachel
Hindi - by Parul Sharma
Indonesian - by Ary Nuansa
Italian - by Vincenzo Mocerino
Korean - by Chloe Park
Persian - by Mona Zadsham
Polish - by Anna Konieczna
Slovak - by Zuzana Beratsova
Slovenian - by Jasmina Kovačič
Spanish - by Marianne Carrere
Thai - by Pimmi Uamart
Turkish - by Ahsen Aygören
Vietnamese - by Thi Le


"One of the most sacred of emotions is shame" I was just amazed when I heard this because I first learned it from my religion. The Prophet ﷺ said, “Every religion has a distinguishing characteristic and for Islam that characteristic is shame.
I heard that in a moment I was getting the feeling of shame of not feeling ashamed even though I had failed to meet my own ideal and that got me to think about my principles.


Paused midway just to compliment the beautiful compositions here. Truly gorgeous frames.


Emotions are the most wonderful gift given to mankind: or its greatest curse; depending on which kind you allow to express themselves.


You hit the nail on the head 2:10. We are all robbed of our innate, natural and true nature by conditioning/ parents/schools and existing in this unreality/realm. We are all good and full of wisdom when we are young, we have to uncover it now and start properly living. Everything is impermanent and is always changing. :)


It always boils down to hurt people hurt people.


I have lived offgrid on a romanian hill for some years, daily learning and working with our Mother and can safely say that she helped me a lot to mature, let go of many new-age superficial ideas i picked up while living in the cities, fake, complicated concepts that i see also in many brothers and sisters from cities, that brought us to becoming more gullibile, submissive, on the brink of losing our health, freedoms and lives to globalist's depopulation and total control agenda and in the same time destroying the surface of the planet due to our "cosy" city living. Can't agree more with native americans that so paciently kept inviting us to return to nature, the only healthy way to carry on. We are out of balance because we ignore our providing planet.


Ahhh....his courage to question his anger moves me. He speaks beautifully, maybe he could narrate audio books ? I could listen to him & gently sigh & fall asleep. I feel he will always belong to his mountains, and his beautiful smiley dog. Sending love. 💖🌍🔥🦋🐕


Some of the best conversations we can have are the ones we have with ourselves.


as a young man, I suffered the curse of a long life ahead of me, often living as if this journey would just go on forever, if only just for me. now as an older and sometimes, somewhat wiser man, the moment by moment emotions that travel through my existence, consistently remind me of how amazing this life has been, and continues to be. I live a fuller life today simply by allowing myself the pleasure to feel, to emote among those I care about beyond those youthful perceptions of formality. just an ordinary man living an ordinary life full of wonder and amazement around every curve in the road I


It's amazing to me how compassionate we can be with others, and turn around and be so hard on ourselves. I have spent most of my life that way. I finally got to a breaking point a couple of years ago and shifts are happening. A guaranteed way to unhappiness is to deny our emotions and the reasons why we feel them. None of us are flawed, and we are also all flawed as humans. If we can see that, we see that we're all the same. I think that the only way to truly change is on a spiritual level. Thank you to Craig for this video, his honesty, vulnerability and humility show a wise soul. For me, being in nature is a necessary part of my life, and is sometimes the only thing that feels real in this crazy world.


I am so amazed by these videos. I feel like their friends of mine that I haven't heard from in a long time. Thank you for sharing your story. 🌿🌱🌿🌱🌿🌱🌿🌱🌿🌱🌿


My brother is several years younger than the other three of us. He was born with a cleft palate and had a speech impediment. We were merciless towards him. I will never ever understand why it was allowed by our parents and it hurts me so much to think about till this day and I am 54. It makes me angry on many levels.


Beneath every anger, shame, guilt is love. A path from the outer surface to the inner core of who we are. I am grateful for the ones who saw me and loved me when I was lost, confused and oblivious of who I am.


So true, we should be taught how to deal with emotions. I like Craig's positive interpretation of carrying shame, something like humility
