Star Fox Zero is not a bad all.

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I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what everyone's problem is.

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I was thinking the same thing, I wanted to make this exact video. I guess it is a victim of the review climate. Aka, rush through it, play bare minimal, get score. Theres a ton of let's plays and people online who go into the game wanting to hate it...and they do. "oh this controls slightly different! 2/10". The controls are fine. The bigger problem is the weird camera on some bosses. But it's a minor problem. And most SF fans seem to love the game from who I have spoken too.


It's funny how people will clamor to "git gud" but once they are told to "git gud" suddenly it's the games fault.


Star fox zero is like trying to ride a bike for the first time, but once you learn how to ride said becomes a fantastic experience!


Thank you. Fucking thank you. I'm so sick and tired of people brushing this game off as a piece of shit without even playing it, or from only playing it for about an hour or so, not even bothering to give these "different", but not bad, controls a chance. I have no problem with people not liking the game; what I do have a problem with though is people not even giving a new game a chance before calling it bad.


This is another Kid Icarus Uprising and Wonderful 101. Both criminally underrated games because most gamers are too arrogant to master the controls. Learning curves be damned!


i find it ironic that a game series that tells you to never give up, people just give up. When i played 64 back in 98 i got so frustrated but you know what i did? i practiced until i got good and today my highest score is in the 2000's. this will be NO different.


This is basically all the reviews I've seen
"It's not as good as 64 so it isn't good."


"No one played Star Fox for the graphics." The original star fox came out in 1993 for the snes, and was unique for being one of the only games with the FX chip which could render 3D graphics. It looks awful today obviously, but back then it was mind blowing; the game is fun and was unique back then, but a big selling point was the revolutionary graphics. Sorry about this, I respect your opinion that Star Fox Zero is a fun game, but I felt your statement on the graphics of the original games was under researched.


Holy shit, I feel the exact same way. I love Starfox Zero. It's quite nice to not have to feel like only my brother and I enjoyed the game.


I enjoy the hell about the game! It's StarFox in just about it's truest form. It did take me a while to learn the controls, but I didn't let it stop me from enjoying the game!


Dude, you took the words right out of my mouth here. I mean, does no one, NO ONE, remember Kid Icarus: Uprising? How many people complained (and still complain) about the controls? Honestly, if the controls weren't based around the motion of the Gamepad, there wouldn't be ANY (or at least, as much) issues regarding the game. Unless, y'know, people were being nitpicky. Granted, everyone is entitled to an opinion. I always stand by that. But, sometimes, those opinions go too far into trying to prove points into where people want to make those opinions as facts. When they really are not.

I really liked this game; it grew on me the more I played. Hell, I binged on the game the whole weekend! I really think it's fun! Yeah, it has problems. It isn't perfect. But, it isn't a bad game. Not at all. I just wish people gave games a real chance these days.


I was so against when it was revealed up into its release. I had no interest in it whatsoever, then saw the completionists review and thought I'd give it a chance, I did think he was over praising it though. sure enough he couldn't have been more right. I love zero. it's probably my favourite wii u game in the past year. love the controls, replay ability, presentation and story. it's pure starfox and I wish people would give it more of a chance. hopefully with this video and the completionists more people like me can give the game a chance and be wowed by it


You'd think that after Splatoon, people would be fine with motion control aiming. Im really glad to see people sticking up for this game


Now unlike you I actually really enjoy motion controls, I don't expect it all the time, but when I'm presented with it, be it 'forced" or optional, I give them a chance; and I do love this game, the "forced" motion controls give a similar challenge to that which real life fighter pilots deal with, and in the best way possible in my opinion.


Dude thank you so much for making this. I've been having so much fun with this game and can't for the hell of me understand why people bash it so much.


Yeah, I don't get it either. My country's webzine reviews for this game all say the same thing: the controls are tricky to master, but immensely satisfying when you get used to it; then proceed to rate it from 7.5 to 8.5 out of 10, which is fair to me.

I wholeheartedly agree, and I'm in love with this game!


Wow, the comparisons between Star Fox and Star Wars have been becoming more apparent. When the fans of each franchise wanted the next installment to be closer to the original installment, they complain when they get their wish. Hence the criticism the Force Awakens recieved, and now with Star Fox Zero.


the controls arent forced per say because the game is DESIGNED around it, as in, there is no other way to play the game with out it. you may think thats forced but thats because of miyamoto's mindset going into making this game. he stated before he skipped Wii completely for starfox ALL because he wanted to find a new way to innovate the game play. In a sense he's stifled by his own creative nature but if we dont have games like these, where we push the boundaries of how to play games, gaming WILL grow stagnant. this is partly why nintendo's whole initiative has been to stay innovative. to keep the gaming culture moving forward. but people are too annoyed of change and want to stay as simple as possible. but that kind of mind set is bad


Since I never played a Star Fox game, because I never had a N64 at the time. This is the best opportunity for me to give this series a try, because according to Jirard the game has a bit of a learning curve so it won't be an issue to take your time and master the controls so that way it will be fun as you progress through the game. Why are others complain about the game that they wanted for so long just for them to bash it? Don't they understand that this is a Star fox game to come out in such a long time! When did this gaming generation become such whiny spoiled impatient brats, but that's just my opinion.


EXCELLENT video! I also wanted to make a very similar response haha. Zero is definitely the best Star Fox game since 64. An incredible addition with great character.
