Stuff That Sucks: Star Fox Zero

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Stuff That Sucks: Star Fox Zero.Greg dives into the mystery surrounding Star Fox Zero, a game meant to revive a forgotten franchise.


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the control options are good, and allows me to play the game in a traditional way, almost like no motion controls. Not much force of motion controls. Really like it! people play this game in wierd ways. just chill and figure out your way!
Im over 30. StarfoxZero 8.5/10


I'm in my 30's since you asked.

"It's average" is the honest truth, and it's why everyone is losing their shit because people have to love or hate everything. They can't just agree, "it's okay."

Assault was supposed to "revive" the franchise too but we all know how that turned out. Maybe, just maybe, it's not a franchise that needs to be revived (or at least should just recognize it's a niche title at best). Maybe it just had one game that came at the right time and was lightning in a bottle and recapturing it isn't going to happen.

Though it can't be that hard or expensive to make a simple rail shooter and not muck it up with mechanics nobody asked for.

The fact that they keep remaking Star Fox 64 speaks volumes about how they have no idea where to go with this franchise. They only keep making it because people keep demanding it. They learned the wrong lessons from the negative reactions to past games and now are too afraid to deviate from 64, their only major success with it. Paradoxically they don't 100% trust the core gameplay mechanics which is the reason people play the games in the first place.

Platinum is one of my favorite Japanese developers in the past decade so I hope the shakeup in their leadership doesn't do too much damage to them.


Well I am 16 years old. I am a HUGE Star Fox 64 fan, hell it might be one of my favorite games of all time, it had great levels, bosses, gameplay and has aged really well.
As for Star Fox Zero...I must admit, the controls aren't bad, they are just different and take a while to get used to, but people make it out to be the biggest problem with this game which in my opinion it isn't. Zero has many flaws, and one of them is that the nostalgia appeal Nintendo threw at this game is just flat out gross, way too many old levels, old bosses, the exact same history (only this time with some portals...yeah) and those old liners are all over the place to the point that I have gotten annoyed at some point, I mean, it is all right to have some nostalgia appeal in games and Nintendo has always been good at balancing the old and new but this time they got off the rail.
The content is also a problem in this game for me, I know more traditional Star Fox games tend to not have that much content mainly because of it genre, but...this is 2016. I know that it is pretty hard to make a game with this kind of genre have more content, but I think they could have added much more levels (which I think is one of the key parts of a game like this), a battle mode, more bosses and a freaking alternate ending (I mean seriously, why they removed it), hell I guess Star Fox 64 has more levels than this game (I think, haven't researched yet).
And then there are some other minor complaints. I don't think the Gyrocopter sections were that bad, they were quite interesting actually, but yeah, it missed some potential and the tiny robot thingy was pretty unnecessary. Some levels felt way too similar, the escort mission levels were in my opinion the worst ones in this game (Looking at you Sector Z) and I think this game is lacking in original levels with many of them being levels from Star Fox 64 just like Titania and Fichina but levels like Fortuna and the Space Graveyard showed how great this game would be with more original levels. Don't get why there aren't any on rail bosses anymore, well some bosses worked well in all range mode, like that giant worm, the giant spider and the giant gorilla (wow, lots of giants ha ha), but other ones were just atrocious like the Space Carrier (which was a on rail boss back in the day) and Andross, and oh god they destroyed Andross battle.
Well after reading all this monstruously long comment to this point you must be thinking that I think the game is bad, but that is not the case. Most of the levels in this game were great, they were pretty well designed, had a lot of action going on and were beutiful to look at, just like Corneria, Titania and Fortuna. I also don't get why people hate the walker so much, I thought its sections were pretty cool despite having some wonky platforming at times. This game had few bosses but fortunately most of them were great, just like the ones I have already said before plus Star Wolf and, the Water boss and the Bird Boss. The soundtrack was also pretty good with some sweet remixes like Andross theme and Star Wolf theme. Also I know it might be an unpopular opinion but I think this game looks gorgeous, the colors are great and the animation is very good, I don't know why people think it is ugly, maybe it is just me that I am not picky about graphics.
That said I would give this game a 6, 5, it is far from bad and has many things going for it but it has a lot of flaws. Sometimes I guess this game was rushed despite having been delayed for a year but if you are a Star Fox 64 fan and don't mind motion controls you might like this game, but it is FAR from getting in the same level as Star Fox 64.


Excellent review, I agreed with almost every point made. I'm 28, absolutely loved the original SNES Starfox and thought 64 was great when it came out too. Playing through Zero I found it to be quite fun but often seemed to come up short.

The controls were a little tricky to get used and I can see them as being a quick turnoff for some. Once I got enough practice in it actually grew on me considerably and really expands the range of what you can do in dog-fights.

The variations in gameplay using different vehicles was amusing but on a play-through the hovercraft thing becomes really slow and tedious for the fast-paced game this is supposed to be. I did however really like the walker and being able to switch back and forth to the arwing made some missions really fun. I loved landing inside a boss ship, running to to destroy the core, then running out and flipping into the arwing to escape - really cool!

There's still a few missions I haven't made it to yet, but what may be my biggest issue with the game is how lacking in content it feels. Much of the content felt pretty solid, I just wish there was more of it. Also the graphic content was pretty nice in terms of art style (felt correct for the series), but the rendering was a little boring in some levels while looking incredible in others (like the last mission's glowing tunnels).

Overall I'd give it 7-8.5, I just feel like there was way too much missed potential. It's kinda sad to see for a game this iconic that took so long to release.


I thought Zero was ok. I am 16 and this was my first Starfox game.


I'm a huge Star Fox fan but I didn't get this game because I DESPISE motion controls. I've always been a loyal Nintendo fan, never owning anything else but Nintendo products but I got a PS4 a couple months ago because I feel like Nintendo thinks I'm still a child that enjoys dumb gimmicky controls. I've been playing PS4 a lot more than Wii U lately and at first I felt bad about it but with the delays of Star Fox and the upcomimg Zelda, I don't care anymore. Nintendo is a huge disappointment and hopefully they won't lose anymore fans to Sony or Microsoft. I'm 37 btw.


Of all the things to fuck with, why the controls? Change whatever you want but don't fuck with the controls. Just put a map on the stupid gamepad screen and call it a day, stop forcing weird motion controls down peoples throats.


Recently replayed Starfox 64 and Assault to see if I might be interested. Naah, when those came out it was great, but there's just not enough there to keep me coming back or warrant replayability for me. Maybe I just don't enjoy those types of games anymore or the genre itsself is stale or antiquated in this day and age. Seemed to lack some ambition. But all that aside I probably would have given it a purchase were it not for the control scheme. 29, fan of the early games in their time. Even liked Adventures, but that's not really a Starfox game and doesn't have a whole lot of merit in a debate of Starfox games.


I feel like graphically star fox zero wasn't that bad honestly

the controls...can get used to. motion controls? can be annoying although motion controos can work in games. the controls are really annoying with the gyrocopter actually.

wouldn't say star fox zero is bad. is it good? it's core I feel yeah. it isn't really just ripping off 64 there are new elements in there to.also using multiple vehicles isn't exactly a bad thing (well except gyrocopter)

is it worse then 64? yeah but a bad game? no. didn't really have difficulty spikes though

not every new thing was half baked. like the walker worked for example. flying landmaster works to.

I was 13 when I got the game for my birthday and now im 17 I really did enjoy the game as not my first star fox game ( I did play 64 but my progress couldn't save so I never beat it)

hard to tell why the game took so long go make though


There is no mix reaction when it comes to star fox zero. It sucks coz its controls sucks.


the game is meh and dissapointing, i prefer a more star fox 64, im 18 and good video
