Getting to the Heart of The Matter: Your Health is Your Wealth

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Did you know that heart disease is the number one cause of death in women and men globally? Did you know that heart attack symptoms can not only be the same, but also different, between genders? Moreover, recent research has shown that anxiety, depression, socioeconomic status, breast cancer treatment, pregnancy-related conditions and inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis are also risk factors for heart disease. And, of course, traditional risk factors such as diabetes and high blood pressure continue to play a significant role in heart health, particularly in those of Central and South Asian origin. The majority of risk factors, fortunately, are preventable.

We invite everyone to join Dr. Shahin Jaffer, Internal Medicine Specialist and Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of British Columbia; Dr. Zeeya Jamal, Family Doctor and Lecturer at the University of Toronto; and Nadia Tajdin, Clinical Educator and Rehabilitation and Senior Care Expert in a candid conversation about what’s new in heart health and healthy eating, centred on the Five to Thrive healthy eating pillar. The panelists will also share tips on healthy eating on a budget and making the best use of the Canada Food Guide.

Dr. Shahin Jaffer is an internal medicine specialist in the Vancouver area, and has been in clinical practice for over 25 years. She holds a Master’s degree in Health Care and Epidemiology and is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at UBC. Her main areas of expertise are cardiovascular health, diabetes and weight management. Dr. Jaffer is involved in clinical research and is an author of articles in peer-reviewed journals. She is a former Board member of the Heart and Stroke Foundation and currently serves on 2 working groups at the Canadian Women’s Heart Health Alliance at the Ottawa Heart Institute. Dr. Jaffer is also the National Director for Strategy and Impact on the Non-communicable disease portfolio, National Health Board.

Nadia Tajdin is a clinical educator at Jintronix, a health care startup that creates interactive technology solutions for rehabilitation and senior care. She has a Master’s degree in Dementia Studies, with a research interest in improving the quality of life of people with dementia and those who care for them. Nadia is currently completing her Masters in Public Health, studying the reasons behind physical activity decline in early adolescence and identifying and evaluating school and community based physical activity promotion interventions.

Dr. Zeeya Jamal trained in family medicine at the University of Toronto and specializes in Emergency Medicine and Interventional Pain Management. She is a lecturer for the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto. Dr. Jamal is a hospitalist at Uxbridge Cottage hospital in the GTA. As such, she works in rehabilitation and palliative care at the Queensway Carleton Hospital in Ottawa. Dr. Jamal practices privately in her interventional pain clinic at Kemptville District Hospital, using a proprietary pain management method that improves mental health, outlook and overall well being, while reducing chronic pain.

Dr. Jamal is passionate about guiding patients on their journey towards optimal health and wellness. When not in a medical setting, you can find her operating at the intersection of motherhood, family and faith.

Dr. Saara Manji holds a Doctorate of Pharmacy (PharmD) from the University of Waterloo, where she also completed her Bachelors in Honours Science (BSc Hons). She is currently employed at Hoffmann-La Roche as a Regulatory Program Manager, where she works closely with health authorities to facilitate drug approvals and maximize patient access to innovative medicines. Saara is also an Interprofessional Unit Volunteer at St. Vincent Hospital and a Youth Mentor for Community Living Ontario.
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