Linear Regression with dummy variables in SPSS

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This tutorial shows how to interpret dummy variables in a linear regression in SPSS.
I will use the following example:
For a hypothetical dataset, I want to explain the income with two categorical variables only. Gender - male or female - and the person’s highest achieved degree - none, bachelor or master.
Gender is naturally dummy coded in this data set. Degree requires creating dummy variables a forehand, which I have shown in earlier videos:
If you have dummys for a categorical variable with 3 or more values, you have to leave one dummy out of your model, to avoid a perfect linear relationship among your predictors. You can redo the claculation with a different reference category to get further comparisons. The F-Test, model fit and all other parameters will remain the same throughout those re-calculations.
If you have any questions or suggestions for interpreting dummy variables in a linear regression in SPSS, please use the comment function. Thumbs up or down to decide if you found the video helpful.
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I will use the following example:
For a hypothetical dataset, I want to explain the income with two categorical variables only. Gender - male or female - and the person’s highest achieved degree - none, bachelor or master.
Gender is naturally dummy coded in this data set. Degree requires creating dummy variables a forehand, which I have shown in earlier videos:
If you have dummys for a categorical variable with 3 or more values, you have to leave one dummy out of your model, to avoid a perfect linear relationship among your predictors. You can redo the claculation with a different reference category to get further comparisons. The F-Test, model fit and all other parameters will remain the same throughout those re-calculations.
If you have any questions or suggestions for interpreting dummy variables in a linear regression in SPSS, please use the comment function. Thumbs up or down to decide if you found the video helpful.
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