Mastering Logistic Regression with Categorical Predictors: Always Positive Odds Ratios (4K)

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Enjoy! 🥳

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Рекомендации по теме

I have to agree - beautiful as always! Always happy to see an new video by you!


Your video's are great, explaining things very clearly, and making my journey learning data science much simpler! thank you. Also, are you planning on doing a video for GLMs?


again again and again, awesome video, I would love to learn from you directly


Excellent and educating.
Thank you.
We now don't have access to the details of your tutorial on the website!


Thank you for this amazing video. Can you please do a video of confounding correction using regression and using the residuals for downstream analysis such as PCA, Vocalno plot, and t.test.


Thank you for video! How can we flip the levels in gtsummary as you did in emmeans? To have a >1 odds ratios in your example: 1st/3rd. I mean choose the reference level.


Since you've been covering the use of emmeans in some of your videos, apparently, how about you will discuss the use of contrast constants? On the other hand, I am recently creating an R package that will also covers it (base R's usage or other packages' usages are somewhat clunky) and I will really make it sure that your "design" is more readable and "fast".


Thanks again for a beautiful presentation.
One question: Since odds ratio scale may be very large, and I want to present the final plot as probabilities instead (to have the predictable 0 to 1 scale), is it correct to use the pairwise comparison inferences and p values (based on odds ratios) to show the contrasts between pairs of the probabilities in my final plot?
Thank you.


Can you make video about path analysis process?


thank you for the video, can i still use emmeans in multinominal logit model ? and i have a mix of continuous and categorical variables as my independent variables
