Inside St Paul's Cathedral London Emgland

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Inside St Paul's Cathedral London England
Just at the entrance is the remarkable Dean's spiral staircase with each of the 88 stone treads set into the wall and carefully shaped to rest on the one below
To the left of the entrance are two paintings of Mary and Infant Jesus and one of Jesus.
You can look down to see an open grill in the floor, and ahead to toward the altar and a baptismal font. There is also a raised sculpture monument to the Coldstream Guards who died in the South African War (1899-1902).
Look to the left to see the Wellington Monument and to the right to see the Chapel of St Michael and St George.
Walk forward to stand under the dome and look up to see beautiful mosaics of the four prophets (Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah) and the four Evangelists (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).
There are four larger quarter-dome mosaics featuring the Passion and Resurrection of Christ (the Entombment, the Crucifixion closer to the Tree Of Life, the Ascension, and the Resurrection)
There are two paintings on the altar.
The pulpit was designed by Wren and the carvings are the work of Grinling Gibbons.
Look up to see the brown-coloured paintings of the dome, and then down to see mosaics on the ceiling and to the quire.
Walking to the left of the altar is a mosaic of Christ with wheat sheaves and then the beautiful gate by Jean Tijou. Inside is another view of the ceiling mosaics down to the quire.
Turning around, you see the high altar by Thomas Garner in 1888 with a sculpture of the risen Christ at the top.
At the very back is a sculpture called Mother and Child by Henry Moore.
The John Donne statue was carved in 1631-32 by Nicholas Stone; Donne was Dean of old St Paul's from 1621-1631.
I went down one floor to the crypt and looked at the Order of the British Empire Chapel.
There are many monuments including the architect of St. Paul's Sir Christopher Wren, my favourite English artist JMW Turner, and Sir Joshua Reynolds.
There are two large monuments: 1. Lord Horatio Nelson who was killed in the Battle of Trafalger in 1805, and 2. Arthur Wellesley, the Iron Duke of Wellington who won the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 against Napoleon.
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