SHINIGAMI / The Great Ace Attorney

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THEMES i got em

my old laptop fought for its life trying to clobber this togther and has now been reduced to its last legs ... everyone give it a hero's farewell

NOTE: "ajarakamonkuren tekerettsu no pa" is a chant followed by two claps that is used in the titular rakugo play to chase away the reaper.

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sometimes i think, "i need to feel insane about great ace attorney again, " so i watch this vid and writhe on the floor howling for a few hours like a perfectly normal person would


1:10 Wow, I've never noticed that Iris and Kazuma have such similar backstories.


If The Great Ace Attorney ever got an anime adaptation, this better be the opening/ending for real


This was absolutely incredible. I think the most powerful part was the leash. Showing the progression of what we learn and who the real dog is. Kazuma going after Barok for being the Reaper, Klint in a moment of weakness using Balmung to kill someone who's escaped justice, Strongheart using Klint to kill even more targets, Strongheart setting up Genshin to take the blame while Klint tries to atone with his life, and finally back to the present.


Kazuma as the hound is genius then Iris's family portrait turning into Kazuma's too


I'm a Japanese fan who likes this game. I've never seen such a wonderful video! The expression of the illustration matches the game and this song very well. I am very happy that the wonderfulness of this game has been conveyed to foreigners. I love this video!!! Since I am using a translator, it may be a strange expression.


Personally, I'm a fan of the last scene. Stronghart thought he had extinguished all fires of truth about himself, but Ryunosuke had lit the fuse and sealed his fate.


BRUHHH THIS JUST GOES TO SHOW HOW DEEP AND DARK BAROK AND ASOGI'S HISTORY IS!! I love how they contrasted Barok and Asogi in different sides to show how different they are and how they "hate" each other but in actuality they've just been manipulated by the same person as shown when Asogi was in the dog leash with all the other people like Klint and Genshin getting used by Stronghart. The light fading away from Asogi's lantern shows how he is coming to the darkside and letting the "demon" in him have control just like in case 4. Also the jury in Barok's trial being all the people used by Stronghart and all disappearing one by one is just PERFECTION chef kiss*


I put this in my Watch Later two years ago because I hadn’t finished the game and didn’t want to get spoiled. Just finished the game tonight and I’m glad I finally got to watch this masterpiece


The final of Ryunosuke and Stronghart tho
Imagine if Ryunosuke had never greeted Dr. Wilson in the first case, everything would have been different. The whole truth was revealed thanks to him, that's why he will be one of my best protagonists in life


this is incredible!! I think the part with the rapid switches between the dog and Asougi and then Lord Stronghearts bloody hand is my fav ♥♥♥


this art style is so crisp and clean and stylish that i want to fold it up and put it in my mouth, congratulations on your hands????

in all seriousness though, where do i fuckin START
- the COLLAR i'm losing my MIND??? the shot of it swinging down into kazuma's face like a noose with klint grabbing his shoulders is delicious?? it being used to control balmung then klint then genshin then kazuma??? weeping, wailing, stomping my feet
- also balmung's framing at 0:30 is the same as kazuma's at 0:57 and that makes me cry
- also also can i just say you draw a very very pretty barok, we love an emotionally-tortured victorian gentleman in this household
- recontextualising the flame being blown out in the original song as ryunosuke re-lighting it here is GENIUS. imagine plotting for years and years and it's all undone because one english student happened to say hello to a teacher he recognised one time and it got wildly out of hand from there


the subtitles at the end matched it PERFECTLY, the “good part” being that stronghart has erased everyone linked to the professor case, ryunosuke ruins his plan. i love this video way too much


I've been watching this on a daily basis, god it's so good
I love the part at the very end where Naruhodou looks Stronghart dead in the eye and clicks the lighter. If I were to guess the symbolism, it's that Stronghart has disposed of all the evidence and witnesses to his crimes (or otherwise stripped them of their influence), hence all the flames being snuffed. But then Naruhodou ignites one more flame, illuminating Stronghart's crimes.


I just realized something... In the part where Stronghart is holding the leash, the only ones with a taut leash, willingly attacking is Kazuma and Balung, while Klint and Genshin was passively standing there


No lie, this is literally the thing that got me into DGS. I watched it who knows how many times, and finally decided that considering how obsessed I am with it, I should probably give the game a try.


dude your attention to detail and eye for visual symbolism is always so fucking good. i’m a huge sucker for dog moments. tfw you go on a murderous revenge spree that’s being orchestrated by the head of the british justice # JustDoggyThings. this video is so well edited, the timing of the music and the cuts, CRISP. your work, always so quality. phenomenal job!


The fact that you matched the symbolism not only to the game, but also to the original rakugo is amazing. The flames going out at the end is a perfect touch


I came and rewatched this after more than 6 months of playing the game. You slay as always eiha-san!


omg this is so good
It really depicts the last cases so perfectly well, with Kazuma's turmoil and Barok's burden - along with the conspiracy that took Genshin's life away and just

The part with Kazuma being on a leash and images changing to reflect how everything happened - just bloody perfection.
