6 Tips to Prepare for the Coming COVID State or National Lockdowns / Shutdowns

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🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️ "Show of Hands...Who's Ready for a Lockdown??" 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️

🧬 With COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations spiking, there have been several announcements or news stories about potential lockdowns or shutdowns in the near future. As such it's time to review your preparedness plans, or if you don't have a plan, hopefully, this video will give you some places to start.

🧬 Many states including Oregon, Illinois, California, Maryland, and Idaho and cities like Chicago and San Francisco have announced some type of restriction over the last couple of weeks. It is predicted that many other states and cities will join in as hospital systems start to strain and overflow (including Kansas, North Dakota, and Utah).

🧬 President-Elect Biden’s Coronavirus Task Force Chair also said, this week, that a 4-6 national shutdown might be possible and/or necessary to curb the spread, but that wouldn’t be until January. Unlike with the initial outbreak and lockdowns, we have a little more time to prepare for this eventuality.

🧬 This video goes through 6 tips to help you better prepare for either a short local shutdown or a longer national shutdown.

🧬 Do you think there will be a National lockdown or shutdown? If there are tips or ideas that I didn’t include, please leave them in the comments below 👇👇 and we might try to make a second video with additional ideas 🤓

🎁 Here is the list of some of our favorite Gear and Gift ideas that we've featured in previous videos with prices as of today and links to purchase (some links are affiliate):


#covid #pandemic #lastminutetips #lastminutepreps #Prepare #CommunityPreparedness #KeepKidsSafe #lockdown #shutdown #biden #Preparedness #coronavirus #StudentSafety #EmergencyPlanning #DisasterPlanning #EmergencyKit #SurvivalKit #GoBag #BugOutBag #EDC #EarthquakePrep #HurricanePrep #TornadoPrep #WildfirePrep #SHTF #PreparednessJourney #Prepper #Prepping #PreparedNotScared #urbanprepper #cityprepper #cascadiadispatch #oregon #california #kansas #utah #newyork #maryland #northdakota #southdakota #virginia #washington #newjersey #iowa #indiana #michigan

Links may be affiliate links.

*Disclaimer: These tips are anecdotal and for entertainment only. These tips are based on my personal experience and may not work for everyone. I am not a professional financial advisor, insurance agent, healthcare provider, or member of the military/first responder (past or present). As with medical advice, please consult your local professional for specific and technical questions.*
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I live in NY and I have been preparing for awhile with meds, water, canned vegetables, tuna, cereal's, flour, honey sugar, pasta, yeast, peanut butter, jelly, batteries, toiletries and my cats food and litter. Don't forget first aid kits for humans and your animals. I was taught this since I was kid to always be prepared for anything!! Be safe and be well everyone.


I grew lettuces in pots inside during the first lockdown to extend my produce. All stocked up now. About to restart my lettuce pots


Starting January 2021 this life will be not the same. If 2020 is being terrible, we need to prepare for all is coming, mercy Lord🙏


not everyone has the money to buy ahead or plan ahead, they live month to month


I’m sorry, but a 4-6week National shut down for our whole country would be the start of the 2nd Great Depression.


Biden was asked the same question after this came up. He said there will be no "national lockdown". It would be determined by area. He also said stores that sell food would remain open regardless. There is no need to do a major stock up. The biggest problem the last time we had a surge was people hording. It's already happening again. I live in a small rural community and we had people coming from the big city in the next state to our little town trying to clear our stores out of TP, kleenex, disinfectant spray, rubbing alcohol & bread. Our local market owner showed them the door.. with their loaded carts left behind. I've always kept enough food to last a month for my family and rotate those goods - oldest out to use & replaced in each shopping trip. No matter what you're calling it - this is still panic buying. I also have a container garden growing in totes I picked up used at yard sales over the last few years that gives me the produce I need. I have them in a small greenhouse that has a vent from my house to the greenhouse to keep it warm.


Get books, movies, puzzles, items needed for projects, and hobbies to stay busy


Good tips. I laughed about the gov reimbursing lost wages. I live in FL and there are tons of people still waiting for their unemployment from the first time we went on lockdown and lots of people lost their jobs. Never depend on the gov to help you when things go wrong. Gov should always be your Plan B or Plan C for that matter. They really don’t give a damn when individuals are evicted, homeless, can’t feed themselves, etc. So sad that most of these people paid taxes and supported others who were down on their luck for YEARS and now that they need help, there is none. 😢


I like to save money as much as anyone else, but sometimes I feel I'm better off buying something at full price when it is available and I have the money to purchase it. You don't save much money in the long run if you have to make a special trip to buy something on sale.


As a retired person living alone, I see no need to meal plan. I have prepped enough food, supplies and the means to collect and filter water. Enough for daughter and family as well as self and pets for four or more years! If one shops at Grocery Outlet or similar there is no need to collect coupons, they do not accept them. And, their prices are 50-75% less than regular grocery stores. Have a 'working pantry' as well as short and long-term storage. Be prepared for long term power outages, have generators that use petrol and/or solar power. Everyone can grow sprouts in the kitchen, to supplement fresh salads. If folk are not prepared now, they are making a big mistake.


Its sad that people can't be responsible and take the necessary precautions on their own, that the government would have to step in. I can't believe that the most advanced country in the world (us), had the absolute worst handle on this virus.


Get non perishable food too such as rice, pasta, beans, broth or bullion cubes, canned fruits and vegetables, shelf stable milk, oatmeal, flour, sugar, bottled water. Also get medicines and first aid stuff, personal care items warm clothing. Also make sure you're prepared for a potential power outage too, have and alternate light and heat source too.


I did a two week meal plan, then multiplied by 2 to get a list of what I needed for four weeks of meals and snacks. I added in two bonus items (a cake and a pie) for special treats every couple of weeks.


toilet paper is gone in most stores, people were lined up in eugene at costco. it's already getting bad again


Great, now I have to run to the store and panic buy Lego models.


Also, keep your vehicles maintained. In March 2020, my one and only vehicle was in the shop for over a month. Because one part took over four weeks to get to the mechanic s shop.


We have been stocking up as we see good deals since March. Then I watched a few minutes of Brown's video today and feel ok. We will need perishables at some point and our children are already all online school for middle and colleges so we are as ready as we can be. Oh we have lots of snacks so kids will not complain.


The kids will not forget the snacks, and you won’t survive the whine 😂
Food fatigue is real! We’ve even added soda and treats we NEVER buy to use for moral boosters.


Yes to the meal prep pdf! Exactly what I need
