Ukraine's neoliberalism on steroids, Europe’s economic suicide

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To analyze the conflict in Ukraine, political economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson are joined by economic geographer Mick Dunford. They discuss the aggressive neoliberal reforms being imposed by the Ukrainian government and Europe's suicidal policies.

|| Geopolitical Economy Report ||

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Our special hour! Prof. Radhika Desai and Prof. Michael Hudson: thank you very much for your wise insights and remarkable knowledge! We are always learning!


Neoliberalism is better termed neoliberal fascism, fascism with nuance


Good What an enlightening hour with these excellent analysts on Geopolitical Economy Report. Thanks Radhika, Michael, and Mick. Looking forward to the next session.


Thank you
As a layman interested in geopolitics and economics I learn so much from you


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Such a gem when three proffesor share their view and lecture for us free.
Hope you get 100k subscriber soon.


Radhika: I fully agree. By levying sanctions upon Russia, the US &Co, did Russia a great favour. Russia decided to be independent as much as possible. Month by month, for some 8 years now, Russia desings and puts into operation one advanced, one after another, hi-tech product and service. All with great export capacity.
Until recentry, Russia had been buying many products from Ukraine. In a form of extended post-Soviet cooperation. Russia has finished that, to the collapse of Ukrainian economy. No more advanced products exported from Ukraine in serious quantities, no more development of new products and services.
Ukraine, by its suicidal actions, is on the return to stone age.


It's really horrifying. And so tragic on so many levels.
Soon after the outbreak of the war, I sent an article to a newspaper warning about prolonging a proxy war making Ukraine bleed dry.
The article was of course rejected, but here more than a year later, it's more true than ever.
Ukraine was already before the war one big sell-out - culturally, politically and economically a bottomless pit.
For instance, timber from the vast Ukrainian woods was already before the war sold clandestinely to the West - soon we'll witness a substantial deforestation of Ukraine.


Absolutely brilliant economic analysis of the war in Ukraine. Indeed, this is why the Western media only discusses the war from an ideological and military standpoint - not an economic one.


Ms Desal is so brilliant. She makes convincing arguments. What an intelligent lady. It’s so enjoyable to listen to her. Thank you.


The massacre being referred to by our panel, was 'Bucha' near Kiev, not Bakhmut. When charges (by the West) were submitted to the ICC against Russia for war crimes several months ago, it went as follows, (paraphrased) "Putin's evacuation of children away from the war zone, was interpreted as a war crime." This is all the pathetic West could come up with. The 'Bucha Massacre' (that was perpetrated by the Ukrainians to blame on Russia), didn't get presented to the ICC, because eyewitness accounts by Ukrainian civilians and the Mayor of Bucha, refute the sensational lies leveled against Russia.


Another excellent online seminar. Great to hear Prof. Dunford's perspective. 🌏


Britian does not have the resources to pay any reparations, so I do not know how this will end for Britian IF they are ordered to pay for the damage they have done or caused during this war.


The US is not an ally with Europe but a competitor for resources and hegemony. Once that is understood everything else falls into place.


Mick is GREAT!!!! Thanks for introducing him.


If what MIck says is true about the current population of Ukraine being about 31 millions, then it is about the same as it was in 1934 in the aftermath of the 32-33 famine. By 1940 the population was 40, 6 million, a clear indication of the success of the modernization of agriculture and the end to the centuries old cycles of famines. No chance of any recovery for Ukraine's population, absent the overthrow of the abomination of a government in Kiev, because there simply will be nothing for the diaspora abroad to return to. Except a soldier's uniform and a gun for fighting the war. Strong case to make that U.S. Ukraine policy is a deliberate genocide.


The US has an extraction economy not a production economy.
Interest, fees and charges are not production.


As someone who thought that economics was boring and too difficult to understand anyway,
I must say that your shows are amazing
The way you explain things is simple to understand and I think cuts through the intentional confusion
What I really love is how you explain things in a current geopolitical context
Previously, I thought that these politicians were crazy but now I see that they are very clever and doing everything for money
Much more dangerous but knowledge is power and they want to operate undercover
So, the more they are exposed the better


Listening from the UK, extremely insightful conversation which makes me hang my head in despair. I don't know how we are going to survive, I cannot for the life of me get my head around the apparent suicide of the whole of Europe in such an insane way, what on earth are these people that rule over us thinking.


If the US and other western powers are so concerned about Ukraine they should write off the debts Ukraine owes, including the private debts to private banks etc. I'm sure that all these private companies would like to prove their concern for Ukraine by giving up this money.


So nice to hear some truth being told, thank you.
