Why Voldemort Erased His Old Identity As Tom Riddle

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The ones who went to school with Riddle knew who he was. Crabbe, Malfoy, Lestrange all knew him as Tom Riddle. They were the very earliest of the Death Eaters and I don't think ever judged him by his blood status or by his persona but by his power. Like a gang they hung out with the muscle.


They are the same person

Tom Riddle was already as psychotic as Lord Voldemort. Remember everything he did in the orphanage, and also how, as Tom Riddle he brutally murdered his father's side of the family.


I think most of the death eaters knew Voldemort was not pureblood. After his return in Goblet of fire he summoned them to a muggle graveyard and told them: "I needed my fathers' bones which is why we are here." He also told Harry about his past in front of Pettigrew and seems to have shared his past with Barty Crouch jr. Barty says: "The Dark Lord and I both had disappointing farthers and both had the pleasure to kill them."


Tom Riddle was ashamed of his actual blood status


Omg, at last there is no those 5 minutes-long adverts of VPNs.
Riddle never believed he was pure blood. He thought his mother was a muggle, bc she died.


Voldemort definitely wouldn't be out of place in The Star Wars Galaxy. Darth Voldemort has a nice ring to it. Every quality of a Sith Lord is found in him and has achieved the ultimate goal of The Sith by creating Horcruxes for immortality.


Wasn't Herpo the foul the one who first created a horcrux? But yes, I agree that he hated his blood status and from this (and maybe the fact that his mother used a love potion on his father) came his new persona and inability to have real human feelings.


I think that his first ever 5 or 6 loyal followers knew very well he is in fact a HB but only them officially. Non officially Snape might have known this too. I am sure that even if each of them knew about it they didn't care. Because some of them might have been HB and simply didn't talk about it. And for your question- I am a movie watcher before book reader. In the 1st movie I didn't put too much thinking into rather or not they are different people. In the beginning of the COS movie I thought they are not the same person. But once I saw the diary scene I began to connect the pieces. I can never forget two positive things when they are in the chamber: 1.The actor of Tom, I found him very persuasive. 2.The fire writing was such a cool moment it gave me chills.


You should definitely do a theory on what if Harry Potter was born around the events of Fantastic Beasts series and Grindelwald wanted Harry to join his war against the non-magic world?


Figuratively, they were separate. Physically they were the same. Darth Vader and Moon Knight r good examples but MK has a living split personality (when I say living its cause I believe Khonshu's magic healed Marc's mind but gave Steven and Jack life). FYI, irl bullies don't just target those they c parts of themselves they hate. It's also cause their like Draco who were raised that way, ignorant jerks or taking their own bitterness out on others just to fell better about themselves. I should know, in 6th grade early 2000's a bully would push me into my locker just to b a jerk but I always touched him back. Didn't start things but ended them all year until he transferred to a different school thank God.


Now see these are like your old videos This one and the last one, was well researched you can tell you put your time into it, A lot of thought went into it, it didn't have anything that wasn't added that wasn't Cannon, this one is very much like your old videos Love it buddy you did a great job can't wait to see what you have next


I still want to know how Tom Riddle found the chamber of secrets when he was at school?


He talks about this in chamber of secrets as his 16 year old self. He “didn’t wanna keep his filthy muggle father’s name”


Sometimes a personality get fragmented do to stress or anger or other factors. Maybe that happened to Tom Riddle. Perhaps there was a time that Tom and Voldemort shared the body. but as time moved on the Riddle personality was pushed into the background. He may have agreed with the Voldemort personality.


I don't think he could become another person but he could hide his past. It seems that the rank and file of the Death Eaters simply assumed that the Dark Lord was pureblood. Many if not most of the wizards Voldemort and his Death Eaters killed WERE purebloods.

It's interesting that the very strong wizards, Voldemort, Snape and Dumbledore were all first generation Half-bloods. Harry Potter's magic I believe never developed to its full potential because of the abuse he suffered at the hands of the Dursleys. Vernon partially squeezed the magic out of Harry. However in spite of this Harry was able, with help, to put down Lord Voldemort or perhaps I should say gave Lord Voldemort an opportunity to kill himself because that is what it boiled down to, an accidental suicide when Voldemort's own Killing curse rebounded to him.


I have to wonder if you've even read the books at all. Voldemort was 43 at the start of the First Wizarding War, not "late 50s"; and of course some of the Death Eaters knew. Avery, and the Lestrange brothers were in his little "gang" when he was at Hogwarts.


Its crazy how in real life 2 people who have horrible childhood trauma that affect them in a way that changes them can one becomes a successful serial killer and the other becomes a successful person in a good way like an artist or athlete or something


Tom and Voldy are one and the same person... "TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE" "I AM LORD VOLDEMORT" (Chamber of Secrets)


Does that mean Voldemort is Tom Riddle’s alter ego


So Tom was actually a good example of muggle blood producing extraordinary wizards...? Hermione being top of the class, becoming minister of magic earned that title but never noticed how well he fit it too. What if keeping a pure blood line weakens the magic through the generations..???
