How To Find the Perfect Affiliate Product to Sell That Your Audience Will Love

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How To Find the Perfect Affiliate Product to Sell That Your Audience Will Love | One of the most asked questions I get is, "Neil, how do I choose products to sell as an affiliate? "I don't want to ruin my reputation selling things "that my audience won't like." Well, there's a framework to find the perfect affiliate product, and if you follow it step by step, you'll end up selling much more than if you just copy and paste an Amazon affiliate code on your website hoping that you're going to generate sales. So you're probably wondering what it is, right? Today, I'm going to break down how to find the perfect affiliate product to sell to your audience that they'll love.


First, if you don't know what your audience's main problems are, what their needs, what their wants are, you need to start by surveying them and talking to them.

By figuring out what your audience needs, what their problems are, if they've paid for other products or services, it'll tell you what you can sell to them, and what you shouldn't waste your time with.

For example, if you're selling musician-related products, or your blog or your website's about music, and you find out that everyone's a expert, and you decide to sell beginner-related products, you're not going to get many conversions.

But if you find out that everyone's a beginner, and you sell beginner-related products, and then intermediate as people go up, and then expert products as they go up even more, you'll do much better.

That's why it's really important to figure out what your audience is all about, the issues and pain points they have. That way you know what to sell them from an affiliate standpoint, to generate the most income.

Second, you want to brainstorm all kinds of solutions, the products, the services, that can help your audience out. Create a blank document. Jot down any ideas that cross your mind, whether it is something that you've already seen, or no one's invented yet. There's no filter.

Third, look for products that fall into any of these categories, and are top sellers in their categories. For example, if you go on Amazon, they clearly show you what are top sellers in a category. You can install Affilitizer's Chrome extension.

So let's go over the criteria. It needs to be directly connected to the content that you write about. So if you're writing about music stuff, your offers, your products, services, need to be about music. If you start offering something else, not only will you not make any money, but people are going to be pissed off at you. It also needs to help people out.

The fourth thing you need to consider is whatever products or service you consider selling as affiliates, here are the criteria that they need to meet. Because if they don't meet these criterias, one, you won't do well, but two, you're going to look bad to your audience.

The fifth thing that you need to do is don't just put links and ads all over your website to these products and services. They need to play an active role in your content. You've got to blend them in contextually.

00:00 - Introduction
00:46 Tip 1 - Start By Surveying And Asking Questions
02:25 Tip 2 - BrainStorm All Kinds Of Solutions To Help Out The Client
02:46 Tip 3 - Look For Top Sellers Products On Their Category
04:02 Tip 4 - Meet The Criteria ( Directly Connected To The Content You Write About )
05:40 Tip 5 - Do Your Product Comparison

#SEO #NeilPatel #AffiliateMarketing
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In figuring out what people need.Always remember that People buy emotionally


Thanks neil. You introduced too many valuable websites for niche research. you are so genuine person.Thanks a lot


I think it's better to create content where you're passionate like Neal does about digital marketing. Get the organic reach and only after this to use keywords + the combination of words: affiliate program. Don't try to set up affiliate program if you have no organic traffic.


My takeaway - Teaching and selling will go together hand in hand


I really needed this as I just add products without thinking much of consumers.


Sweet Video Neil, criteria message to market match is important.


*This is so true Neil. I have bern offerred to mention products on my page but had to decline since their products were not related to my channel. Sometimes we have to wait for the right offer or find the right product ourself.* 👍


Sir, which of the queries has more likely to get close between
Comparison 2 products or pros and cons of a product
Thanks For these amazing tips


thank you for this informative content, that is helping me so mush


Love you so much Neil and your advice world classs


I'm a beginner finally i found some tips to start with .

Thank you Neil


Sir, I have physical product but I don't know any good affiliate programs website where I can list them.


What if I own a page, I make categories like ( KIDS / TECH / SHOES / HOME ) and i put the affiliate products in each categories and then I try to promote my page ?


Especially informative how and where to check out the demand for any affiliate product! Thx a lot!


Hi, I am a beginner at affiliate marketing. I plan to choose relationship niche. But I don't have any idea that what product should I promote. Please help me to pick what type of products do I pick.


Do i need a website for affiliate links.... Since some of the youtubers say that it is risky to directly posting affiliate links in pinterest, quora etc... If so can i open a free website in blogger with free domain and free hosting... Waiting for your reply


I'm stuck between choosing to build a national website and promoting it just in my country or to go ''global'' for ex webiste . com or website . es ? I guess is better global for trafic right ? finding a global name will be harder tho..


Neil, thank you for your valuable tips mentioned in this video regarding how to promote affiliate offers. I enjoyed this video. By the way, in the past, you had agreed to make a video on video SEO. Do you remember I told you that I make medical video presentations for doctors ( plastic surgeons, Orthopedic surgeons, etc)? I intend to learn the perfect way to optimize my video in Google. I am tired of buying products after products on jvzoo and warrior plus. Please suggest ranking videos on first page of Google. This is Anthony from Santacruz, Mumbai, India.


I would only promote something as an affiliate that I’ve used personally and I truly believe will help clients. Then getting affiliate revenue becomes much easier.


Hi Neal, off-topic but good timing. Can I use Ubersuggest as a teaching tool. Developing a Digital Marketing class at a local high school. Let me know if ok. Thanks
