Income Inequality A 'Fundamental Threat' Says Obama - Will Anything Change?

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"President Obama made a highly personal case for raising the minimum wage and strengthening the social safety net in an address Wednesday recalling the government programs that helped him and his wife get ahead in life.

In a lengthy speech about income inequality in America, Obama declared it the "defining challenge of our time" to make sure the economy works for rich and poor alike.

"I take this personally," Obama said. "I'm only here because this country educated my grandfather on the GI bill.""* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more here from Christi Parsons / LA Times:

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I still can't fathom how anyone thinks Obama is a progressive. I mean, outside the FOX News channel.


didn't make 94% of Bush's tax cuts permanent. The Bush tax cuts had expired. They were gone. Obama created _new_ permanent tax cuts equivalent to 94% of Bush tax cuts. I know you know it. I'm just a little sad that you forgot to mention it.

Keep up the good work


An increase in minimum wage would be a great start. I'm a working student so this would definitely be an appreciated and incredibly useful.


Like most politicians, what they say and what they do, are poles apart. Speech is for softhead citizens, actions are for corporate owners.


How can you possibly stop income inequality? Really, what could anyone do? The entire system in which we live REQUIRES income inequality to operate. You want to eliminate--or even alleviate to a point of justice--income inequality? You're going to have to change a lot more than the frame that holds the System.


Yeah, this fascist is really worried about income inequality.


"When the laws undertake, to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society. have a right to complain of the injustice to their Government.: -Andrew Jackson 7th President of the USA.


I've got a proposal for you....
Put Financial Education in Public Schools for kids...
Point, set, match...


I am so cofused of what Cenk is trying to say. President Obama increased the taxes of the top 1% but left the tax cuts in place for the middle and lower income classes. So, Cenk wants to increase the taxes on the middle class?


Wan't to fix this mess? Stop making it so darn expensive to compete.  Please before you all comment bash let's put it like this: What if the person who has the cure for cancer and aids is living in a low income and is unable to pursue their goal? Fixing this is much more than raising taxes on rich, raising min wage, raising min wage will have a negative effect as soon bread will cost $10 per loaf.  Fix this by making it cheaper to open up shop, reduce licensing fees and costs.  Make for cheaper workers compensation insurance cheaper ways of getting a good start up so that you can pay rent for the space that you do business out of.  Is that happening? No... so what do you end up doing? Working for the man with more money than you because unless your a millionare you will not be able to start up a successfull company. Even Apple had millions to ressurect the company with.  Steve Jobs would not have gotten past first base with out several million and that was back when Steve Jobs refered to his business as going through a crisis.  If only having like 7million is a crisis for business what is have 10 dollars and 15 cents an hour going to do? NOT A DARN THING! Until you can FIRE YOUR BOSS and open up your own joint and put the bastards out of business by being competative you won't have fair employment, fair wages, and fair treatment. I want to go on but I'll keep it there.


Cenk, you're MASSIVELY underestimating the power of early childhood care and education. Universal pre-K would be greatly benefical to this nation if implemented properly.  It's also a step in the direction to real modern universal education.  Politicians don't talk about it much, but our public education system is a joke and is possibly the biggest cause of the majority of these systemic economic problems.  The poor and uneducated are unable to gain skills because they don't know the value of education and the government doesnt do anything to even teach these people the value of education.  Make our public schools actual modern schools and not plantations farming low-skilled service industry workers.  Give poor unfortunate children a fighting chance in this modern economy. 


Raising minimum wage, increasing welfare, and increased wealth redistribution is NOT the same thing as cleaning out government corruption and reducing the ability of the wealthy to warp laws in their favor.


I'm a little relieved that Cenk didn't plug Wolf-Pac for once.


Don't fight the feeling, Cenk.
You are not the only one whose pissed.
This society is great once you get to a certain point, some distance above mere subsistence, but subsistence living sucks-- and TOO MANY people are TOO CLOSE to (or under) that point.


Looking more and more like America's Tony Blair...


Income Inequality.... it's all a joke.  If they truly wanted to create jobs the govt. could lift it's heavy hand and actually help communities... but it's obvious they want everyone Federalized rather than localized... they are separating us and making us reliant on them (feds).  Instead of neighbors pulling together to help out 1 in their community who has lost their job or are lacking, we want a HUGE proven inefficient govt. to raise taxes on everyone because they don't want to take responsibility for their community (fellow neighbor).  It's sad All of the arguments about the problems are based on lies and untruths, and they have the American People arguing over the wrong things... purposefully so.  Stop listening to the Feds and listen to your communities/cities/state leaders/legislatures and see how ridiculous the actions of the Federal Govt. is.


Here's something that could help. Put a cap on how much markup can be charged for consumer goods. I'm all for a reasonable profit, but really, the markup on a lot of the goods we purchase is ridiculous. Another thing is, don't allow companies to cheapen their products by substituting inferior ingredients but still charge the same amount as for quality products.


Doctors are making $200, 000 per year and Dishwashers only make $20, 000/yr. The income inequality is too much.


Flat % of income tax is the answer to all of America's problems.


Obama to the victims of income inequality "Maybe we could think about giving you a bandage for that gaping wound"
