Lying on your resume - The reality | #grindreel

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- Job gap = Bad CV.
- Bad CV = Can't get hired.
- Can't get hired = Job Gap.


A friend put it this way “job interviews are just lying contests, you lie about how qualified you are, they lie about how great the job is.”
Wow thanks for all the likes! We have our own channel now Two Stupid Guys Trade Stocks if you want to hear more of our wisdom and bad jokes!


It’s crazy how people can control your opportunity for a job regardless of credentials. I dated a chick that worked in HR and would go over resumes from home when I would be at her house and she would pass up more than qualified people for ridiculous and dumb personal reasons. People put years and finances into their careers just to be judged by someone who shouldn’t be in that position to do so.


it's disgusting. my dad always taught me that integrity was the #1 principle to abide by in life. In job hunting that is _THE WORST_ principle to follow. But it's really hard to break out of--I have a lot of guilt when I lie.


A system that doesn't reward honest behavior shouldn't expect honest conduct.


Person: *Tells the truth*
Employer: You're lying.
Person: *Lies*
Employer: I believe it.


This is legit fabulous. I'm a recruitment manager at a recruitment firm, I see the bullshit that hiring managers do behind people's backs. The harsh truth is that you're a piece of paper (your resume, obviously) to hiring managers. The key is to fill your resume with "half-truths, " over-exaggerate your skills a bit but be able to competently explain them during the interviews.

Job-hopping is generally a smart financial decision (realistically, hiring teams expect you to stay with employers for at least a year, unfortunately), always be searching for a higher-paying job while employed (obviously, don't quit a job until you have another one lined up).

Be a politician in the 9-5 world, deliver mouth service when necessary, and do just enough to get by.


I do so love how society forces you to become evil, breaking your principals and morals until you are a tool fit to be used.


"Mind letting me contact your previous employers?"
Sure, as long as you let me contact your previous employees to see why they quit.


Out of college, everyone that I know of that lied, got jobs immediately. The honest ones never got jobs and it wasn’t until they lied that they got a job lol. This stuff is real.


If you ever have a gap in your resume, just say you were taking care of a loved one that is no longer with us. They will drop any further questioning after that and if they do then they’re not worth working for.


As someone who is honest TO A FAULT, this hit hard.
It’s sad but this is so so so so so true.


As an 18 year old who just finished school, I already have 25 years of experience in both marketing and nursing, as well as a PhD in economics and a doctoral on oral health


It’s mad how we’re all taught to be good and honest from young age and life just untwists those rules and beliefs throughout the years


Honesty turned me into a habitual liar

I knew a homeless marine who lied about being a cnc machinist. He just made it up as he went and watched youtube videos on the spot.

He was the best employee in a month and he didn't know dick from Terry.

He just showed up everyday and produced the most finished parts


It really is an awful reality. I was instantly denied for 20+ jobs at WALMART because I was honest. Companies want to hire liars.


A friend of mine told me that he lied on all of his resumes back in the day. When they asked if he was familiar with computers, coding, etc he said "Yes" when it came time to do the job he would say stuff like "Oh you know the OS I used is different, or the equipment I used was different at my last job. Could you show me how to work it?" It always worked and he learned how to manage data and do other things very well. One of the biggest factors is confidence. If you ask to be shown, and get scared when all the information is given, or think "I can't do this" you will probably fail. Also a lot of good jobs require common sense rather than education. (Just throwing that out there)


I lied to every interview when I said I really want this job and I'm passionate about your company.


IM 31, In my long experience of working on jobs, what I have learned is that HR is ugly and unhuman department, so don't be ashamed to lie to them they clearly deserve it, if you tell them the truth they will turn it into something negative and use it against you.


I spent nine months unemployed after I got my masters in computer science. I got plenty of interviews for the first couple of months, but after that, things just sort of went to a screeching halt. At one point I literally had a recommendation from a guy that was at a company for years. He thought it was a sure thing. When they finally got back to me, they asked me what I’ve been doing for the past X months. Needless to say, honesty did not get me the job.
