Why is Poland so Backwards

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Poland is often considered to be one of the most backwards countries in Europe. This video investigates why this is the case.

Poland is often considered to be one of the most backwards countries in Europe. There are a number of reasons for this, but one of the main reasons is that the government is influenced by the Catholic Church. This means that there is a lot of censorship and restrictions on freedom of speech.

Poland is often considered to be a backwards country with many outdated laws and traditions. But what is really behind this perception? In this video, we explore the reasons behind Poland's unpopularity among its Western peers.

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I think there is one very important thing not mentioned here.
Polish pope John Paul II elected in 1978, was also against communism and had a huge authority among Poles so that the Catholic church with its values also influenzed Poles. Most of people living now in pl are grown on the cult of John Paul II, they dont support LGBT or stuff like that cause they still treat the Church as an authority.
This is very clearly visible if you look on the youth in Poland, who grown after pope's death. They see overinfluence, hypocrisy of the Church and are now the fastest church-leaving youth in the world (people under 30 going to church on sunday: 71% in 1990 and 23% 2019)
I think elections 2024 can move present government out of power because eldery persons mainly voting them dying and are becoming least part of society and the support for our govt among youth, that is more numerous every year, is about 12%


The "Why is Poland so Backwards" I disagree with this title. Recently even leaders in western Europe admitted that Poland should have been listened to and not made fun of. Only the arguments of one side are presented in the film.


Poland has different values than the EU. And Poland wants to change the EU’s thinking to stop their self-destructive behaviors. Their lack of defense spending is one example of a self-destructive behavior being unable to defend oneself.


Poland is backward when it comes to its economy/standard of living, due to disproportional loses in the recent wars and the communist occupation, if comparing to countries in Western-Europe. When it comes to its culture, Poland is simply more conservative/right-wing than countries in Western-Europe, what have nothing to do with backwardness, but only with preferences of the Poles, due to different, tougher lessons from their history.


I dont understund why you think that Poland is backward. You admitted that Poland was economically successful. Quality life grow so until covid crisis. This doesn't sound like how backward.
I live in Poland and I dont see censorship and restrictions on freedom of speech in Poland.
Catholic mentality is very infuence in poland, but Church hasnt direct influence on polish politics, it has influence as ever NGO.
For western society poland can seem Backwards, because in poland more popular is other political views, but this isnt real.


I disagree with you. I can see here many your politics views. You should not put into "info video" about Poland, your politics view because now it's propaganda video.

The fact that Poland has chosen a different pattern of modern society does not mean that it is backward. Don't judge a country by your views. Dislike


According to the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) ranking. Poles are the tenth best educated nation in the world. In Europe, only Estonian, Finish and Irish students are better. So if Poland is backward according to this poll only 9 contries in the world are less backward and 3 in europe :-).


5:59 So you don't have an agenda? But the title of the video already says that you have an agenda!


I am Armenian. My people have fought long and hard to keep Islam away. I suggest Poland do the same, do not fall to globalism like some of your western neighbors


I feel that you have a clear bias, maybe you are not aware of this but you do. You misrepresented PO but also PiS, wrongly attributed factors of PiS victory, forgot to mention PO corruption scandals and arrogance in their second term, and many more. As I said though, I'm sure you are not doing it on purpose, bit this is not your best video, unfortunately :(

Ps. Additionally, there is a thesis in title of this video, it's a unlike you other videos and gives strong bias vibe


I don't know why you say tusk was/is prominent figure of polish politics, he literally scammed hundreds of thousands of people (and his family) in the ambergold scandal, only because he was protected by foreign powers he wasn't convinced, also dude.. like really he was the one who was discussing attack on Ukraine with Putin he's literally a traitor, yet everyone says (non-polish) that he is young, prominent charismatic etc. So when you say your video is non political you are whether ignorant or you do it on purpose regardless, when you speak about point of view of pols on l*bt matter you are clearly misinformed, or you're trying to push your agenda, so let me inform you properly, at the beginning of l*bt movement in Poland no one cared, no one besides some really close-minded individuals, social distrust towards l*bt movement has started after they saw that they had relative support from the people and so l*bt people went on rampage in the church's, and started attacking people whom the didn't like, then people stopped giving them any support etc. That was pretty loud and and some g*y celebrity's condemned l*bt movement for that, but of course all non polish observes says that it's polish society fault


The real name of the video is why poland is based.


So this is an another video with hatred for Poland from a guy who calls himself really outrageously Polish. There's nothing Polish about the guy. This is obviously a provocateur who primarily wants to defame and deny Poland with his videos. Because this is not the first video of him defaming Poland. The title already clearly indicates the intention to slander Poland. Such Poland hater videos are probably allowed on YouTube. It is 100% certain that if he dared such an outrageously mendacious title about Israel, the video would be deleted. But obviously one can slander Poland on YouTube and spread any lie about Poland. The positive aspects about Poland reported at the beginning of the video are only for the alibi. So that he can then say, in the event of criticism. I also reported positive things about Poland. My video is balanced. But that's just a mendacious tactic, because the intention of the video is obvious. The slander and defamation of Poland are the real reasons why this video was made in the first place. Whereby the description of Poland's economic successes does not speak to the shameless claim about Polish backwardness. A backward country isn't the only country whose GDP isn't contracting in the financial crisis, becausePoland was the only country in EU that had economic growth in thef Financial crisis of 2007–2008 ! Poland's GDP in the crisis grew in 2009 + 2.2%. In contrast, Danish GDP contracted by -7 in 2009.

Then, of course, the usual lie about the alleged victim mentality of the Poles is used. Would he dare say that about Jews? Of course not, then the video would be deleted. But you can defame Poland like that. Yet it is a historical fact that Poland was a victim and that the Nazi nation tried to annihilate the Polish nation with genocide. So if Poles commemorate and remember the victims, then Poles have a victim mentality according to this mendacious opinion. So if I remember my grandpa being murdered by the Nazi nation, then I have a victim mentality. He wouldn't dare attack Jews like that. Simply disgusting! Then spreading the lie that Poles are influenced by Stalinism and therefore feel like victims. What an impertinence to defame Poland with such lies. Because the Poles were the greatest anti-communists and Polish thinking is certainly not Stalinist or Stalinist influenced. Then, of course, the Polish government's opinion critical of LGBT ideology is used to defame Poland. This is the standard anti-Polish argument, also used by EU left-wing bureaucrats to defame the Poles. A problem is turned into a gigantic problem. This is to make everything the Polish government does appear negative. Strange, the Polish minority is discriminated against in Lithuania. The left wing EU bureaucrats don't mind. Poles in Lithuania should claim that they are all LGBT, then their discrimination would suddenly be important.

Then it is apparently negative according to the faith "expert" to believe in God, which is supposed to be backwards. Yes, I know that from somewhere. Oh yes, that's what the communists said too. Yesterday, as today, left-wing radicals are rushing against believers in God. The communists also had no problem with killing unborn life. But apparently, in the opinion of the "expert" on the right to life, the protection of unborn life is backward. Of course, the Polish security concept "Międzymorze" will also be defamed as Polish megalomania. The concept actually made a lot of sense as an alliance against the communist threat. Also as protection against Germany. The real megalomaniacs were the Nazi nation. Unfortunately, Piłsudskis "Międzymorze" alliance plan failed. If it had worked, World War II would have been prevented and communist expansion. But that would probably be negative according to the "expert" if it saved 6 million Polish citizens who were murdered by the Nazi nation. The fact that the total of 50 million who died in Europe through the fault of the Nazi nation would also have been saved would probably also be negative. Also, the "Międzymorze" alliance system would have prevented 150, 000 murdered Poles who were murdered by the Soviets. But Poles shouldn't claim that, because that's the victim mentality. (Sarcasm)

Moreover, he also proves that he has no idea by saying that Poland is said to have been oppressed by many powers. But the Poles were only oppressed by 2, not by many. From the Sojets and the Germans. Whereby now the EU oppression has been added. But that is voluntary and another kind of oppression. Besides, the influence of the Germans on the EU is a fact. The German attempt to dominate the EU, which fails but is very damaging, will be one of the reasons why the EU will also fail. Incidentally, German media, historians and politicians defame the Poles in a similar way to the video. Also ordinary Germans also do that on the Internet. Totally hostile behavior. Whether with the LGBT mace or the alleged legal deficits in Poland. The outrageous thing is that the Germans defame the Polish legal system as influenced by politics. The only strange thing is that MPs from the PiS governing party have never been successful in Polish courts with lawsuits for defamation and the like against political opponents. So if the Polish courts were influenced, then it would have to be the other way around and the PiS politicians would always have to win. The outrageous thing about the German slanders of the Polish legal system is that the German legal system actually does not correspond to democratic standards itself at all.

Here is the information regarding the German judiciary system that does not meet democratic standards. One can find out in this german link (Richterwahlausschuss - Wikipedia) about the German judge election procedure and how much this procedure violates democratic standards. Translated from this German Wiki link on the topic! "The judicial election process in Germany is worthy of criticism because of the lack of transparency of the process and that in the election in addition to the professional qualifications and the party-political orientation of the candidates play a role. Experts speaks of "party patronage" and "personal expansion of power of the politicl parties". The authority responsible for the selection and career of judges is not independent of the executive in Germany. If Germany were not already in the EU, Germany would be a problematic candidate for accession ... "

The Polish Constitutional Court has been criticized for not being independent. But the Polish judges in the constitutional court are not ex-politician like in Germany. The chair of the Polish Constitutional Court, Julia Przyłębska, is not an ex-politician like the German current President of the German Constitutional Court, Stephan Harbarth, who was deputy chairman of the parliamentary group of party CDU / CSU. Until recently, the CDU / CSU ruled in Germany. In the German constitutional court, most of the judges are actually former politicians from the governing parties. So many former German politicians are constitutional judges, they often come directly from parliament or the ministerial office which is why independence is not guaranteed.
On the other hand, only one of the Polish judges is an ex-politician. Other judges were only politically active in the Solidarność resistance at the time of the Soviet occupation of Poland.

By the way, all public prosecutors up to and including the Federal Public Prosecutor, who can be dismissed without comment, are supervised in Germany by active party politicians of the governing parties (ministers of justice). The public prosecutor's office in Germany is an authority bound by instructions, which is responsible for prosecution and enforcement and as such is part of the executive branch. In the hierarchy of authorities and ministries, it is ultimately dependent on instructions from the Minister of Justice. That's why there was no charge and no conviction despite the disappearance of large sums of money in connection with Chancellor Kohl and a Minister Schäuble. An example of many of the dependency of the German judiciary on politics! Another example is the love parade disaster in Duisburg where many people died! After 10 years of hearing the court there was not even a verdict! TEN YEARS None of the guilty were convicted because they are German politicians from the government parties!

Of course, according to the lies of the left wing, it is the Polish judiciary that is to be criticized and not the Germans.

But such negative aspects of the German legal system, of course, bother the Danish Germans lover. In another video he clearly showed his enthusiasm for the Germans. Yes, then of course the defamation of Poland goes with such a Danish Germans lover.

By the way, Polish pupils have significantly better ratings in the PISA OECD's Program for International Student Assessment than Danish and German pupils. Anyone can check that and google "PISA Scores by Country 2023"! They are not even able to have an efficient education system! So who is backward here?


Poland is not backward. I have lived in Poland all my life, and for the last year I have been living in Germany. Germany is backward in terms of services, banking, dealing with matters at the city hall, hospitals. Only the earnings are higher, but in every other respect Poland is better to live in. I also compare it to France, it's still the Middle Ages there.


Since progressiveness is no longer a mark of wisdom but the selfdistri tipn, backeardness turned into a positive thing.


they basically hate everyone they went to camp with.


Why is author of this clip so backwards? What do you think?


Though Poland is still backwards when it comes to some social issues, I think it's still better than many other countries like Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia etc.


This video has a backwards title. Poland is the one doing it right.


Nie wiem czy ma sens robienie takich filmów przez Ciebie. Z jednej strony rzeczywiście podkreślasz opinie, które są popularne w europie na temat Polski, z drugiej strony jednak używasz bardzo ogólnikowych tłumaczeń co do aktualnej sytuacji w Polsce. Sprawia to wrażenie, jakbyś był rzeczywiście wiarygodnym źródłem informacji co do sytuacji naszego kraju. Tymczasem sam przyznajesz, że informacje te nie są przez Ciebie potwierdzane przez życie tutaj, należą w dużej mierze do grupy ploteczek z bliskimi osobami, które jakiś wgląd w PL mają, bądź są tutaj.

Mam nadzieję, że przemyślisz to jak tworzysz swoje filmy, w jaki sposób robisz "research" i przedstawiasz strony. Inaczej skończy się na tym, że będziesz się bulwersował, słusznie wzniesionym oburzeniem ludzi, których starasz się zaszufladkować w tym klipie.
