Bloodshot Eyes | What Causes Bloodshot Eyes and How to Get Rid of Them | Doctor Eye Health

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In this video I go over what causes bloodshot eyes. Bloodshot eyes, also known as a subconjunctival hemorrhage is a common thing that I see in the clinic and I wanted to share more about what they are and how they are treated. If you have experienced a red bloodshot eye before, I hope you find this video helpful and informative. Thank you for watching!

-Joseph J. Allen, OD, FAAO

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About This Video:
Are you wondering what causes bloodshot eyes? Well in this video, Joseph Allen, OD, FAAO from Doctor Eye Health reviews bloodshot eyes and how they are treated. If you are bothered by blood shot eyes and researching blood red eyes, then this is the video for you. Recently, former Vice President Joe Biden experience a bloody eye because of broken blood vessels on his eye and it looked pretty scary. Often times when we see this we are concerned about high blood pressure or hypertension causing the burst blood vessel on the eye.
#doctoreyehealth #bloodshoteyes #redeyes
Рекомендации по теме

Eye Health QOTD: Have you ever had a bloodshot eye or a subconjunctival hemorrhage?


Here are some tips:
1. Eye drops
2. Lots of sleep
3. Don’t use your phone as much
4: if you can’t stop using your phone turn down the brightness on it


YOU'RE THE ONLY YOUTUBER I HAVE ON PUSH NOTIFICATIONS. I'm studying to become an optometrist in Sweden and your passion rubs off on me! Your videos are very informative and above all, so fun to watch! Thank you for all the effort you put on your content❤


Thanks for this video! It’s made me feel at ease after I woke up with one of these bloodshot eyes 3 days ago after sleeping with my contacts, and waking up in the middle of the night struggling to take them off, the next morning I woke up with a red eye. My eye feels normal just looks scary.


I don't know why but everytime i see someone with that eye i keep thinking "ohh he developed a mangekyo sharingan"


Joseph, you’re like the Bill Nye of ophthalmology. Love your channel!


i got red eyes from looking at my phone with the light off for at least a couple of time .... i woke up to it and now it looks like Im high.. never doing this again. Im so Dumb.


Strange, I thought it was the OG kush the whole time!


Yes, I thought it was just a minor infection, Now thinking it could have been allergies. Caused by the symptoms of coughing and sneezing. Thanks, for the video and explanation.


Why has someone down thumbed this video? I've never suffered from this but still watch as it's really informative. Get a life whoever you are!


Woke up this morning with this. Was a little worried but now I feel better. Thanks for the video!!!


U just confirmed what I experienced before and allergies are bad right now with high winds blowing them around. Thanks for your affirmation. Will continue to watch.


I just notice one bad blood shot eye. My blood pressure is mostly low. I am 76 and this is the first time. I was worried. But you gave me peace of mind. I apply cold compress. I’ll see how it goes. Thank you so much for your advice. Mayu. Blessings on your way.


I have had recurring blood shot eyes since I was a kid. It wasn’t until I started working at an optometrist office in my 20’s when it was finally diagnosed as Episclaritis


This was very informative. I had blood shot eye and coincidently i was seeing my ear nose and throat doctor for other issue and was prescribed azelastine nasal solution and montelukast to prevent my nasal drip and cough in the morning. This fixed the vessel burst from the aggressive cough. TY


Scleritis with RA so may be a flare from that. Took drops, eye gel and prednisone 2nd time. Going to my other eye now. Trusting the Lord for my healing!


I have this in both eyes right now. Its literally terrifying. Conjustivities + the flu basically caused this from coughing/vomiting. Happy valentines to me :)


Thank you this video was very educational and the relief, I got to find out that this is caused by pressure or high blood pressure so now I know thanks again 😄


Thank you for the explanation Doctor Eye Health. What a relief 😅 for my bloodshot eye.


thanks Doc... you made a world a better place.
