How is it possible to use Positive Reinforcement to train a RELIABLE recall?

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This video goes over the concept of how it is possible to train come when called using Positive Reinforcement. The key is proactive training and behavior modification where you set up training sessions so the dog can succeed step by step as criteria is raised. I talk about how it’s not so much about proofing a recall with things that make your dog excited as much as taking the time to teach your dog to be calm confident and have self-control around the things that make him excited. When you achieve that you can imagine that a recall is really easy for a dog to do in that situation. I use the example of wildlife in this video but the same holds true for anything that excites your dog. I then talk about how beneficial it is to teach your dog the concept that access to the environment and what he wants to do most is contingent on listening to you so that your dog isn’t feeling punished when being recalled to you when what he was doing was more reinforcing than what you have on your person.

Here are links to video tutorials I mentioned in the video as well as one on proofing a recall:

#professionaldogtraining #dogtraining #dogtrainer

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Happy Training!

- Emily Larlham (AKA Kikopup)
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I began training my Aussie using your method a few months ago, about late summer. His recall has become so reliable in just a few months that I'm able to let him off leash at a huge park and he returns to me mid-stride from over 200 feet. Last week he stopped chasing geese and came back immediately! I was kind of shocked actually. Thank you Thank you Thank you


Love this!! Train FOR the moment, not IN the moment!


Ok, this is a game changer. You just blew my mind with this method...I now feel like training my dog recall is attainable and not this big daunting impossible task...thank you soo much!


I have watched about a third of your entire uploads and I have yet to find a video that is anything less than amazing.


Oh lordy!!! What a day I've had! I started out, waking up and deciding that I really need to address one of my dog's prey drive and recall in any given situation (my German Shepherd loves squirrel and deer 😞). First, I've got to say I absolutely love your videos, your ethics, techniques and approach to training. Also I'm extremely grateful to you for giving the general public, inc me, access to your incredible videos, thank you!
So, I looked at this video first and decided that I needed to check on a calm settle and that I could get this from all 4 of my dogs (2 Labradors, a Lurcher and a German Shepherd) This is where the fun started. I decided rightly or wrongly, to have a go with them all together in the house. The second my treat pouch was round my waist, my big 9 yr old Labrador Dexter was fixated on me, going through his repertoire trying to work out how to get that treat. Even when I sat at my laptop watching more of your videos and reading a book he was sitting in front of me waiting for that treat. (The other three got it pretty quickly and were happy just to chill) It suddenly dawned on me, this is the root of many of the issues I have with Dexter, his inability to relax around food (of any kind!) I was training all of them individually last week to take a bow. He was the only one that just couldn't focus, he got in such a tizzy about trying to get the treat he just couldn't focus on me. So.... my focus changed today! To wear my treat pouch all day around the house and every time I see him switch off, relaxed and chilling I would reward him quietly with a treat. It took 3 hours before I was able to reward him the first time! every time I saw him relax for a for a few minutes, the moment I got up or moved towards him he was leaping up and expecting a treat. I am going to persevere! I've been blind to the fact that he had so much stress around food and I can now see that this often gets in the way of my training with him. He is just too foody! I've always blessed this trait in him as it has served me well when training him, but can now see I have created a food monster!!
Thank you once again for this video and pointing me in the direction of training the calm settle. I am a dog walker and pet dog trainer and use many of your videos and techniques when walking and training my clients. Emily, I really can't thank you enough!! Your training makes such a difference to us mere mortals! 🙂THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!! (I WILL be subscribing soon)


SO GLAD you made this video. you have no idea how many people are like "POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT DOESNT WORK...TRY DOING THISS WITH MY HIGH PREY DRIVE DOG" So glad to debunk this. Sure, you cant positively train that away in those specific situations (they are already being rewarded by the prey they are chasing, so your food reward wont matter) but positively reinforcing behaviors like non-reactivity you mentioned DOES work. Thanks again for debunking this!


This is how I trained leon Berger about 14 years ago to stop chasing herds of deer! Fab advice as per norm. Thank you for the video and getting such great content out there!❤


Thanks for this video! Our puppy is overexcited by everything outside, and any training we've "mastered" (strong quotes there) in the house goes out the window in competition with a squirrel, leaf, child, smell, butterfly... you get the picture. These concepts will help us out a lot!


You are such a good teacher. I was walking my dog today wondering about this exact topic because she is not interested in treats when we're on walks, and I have struggled with how to help her get what she wants (access to certain areas of the street) without her pulling to get there. All of your instructions in this video feel very doable and gentle. Thank you again.


Great! I love your concept videos as much as the step by step guides! Thank you very very much for all the great content you produce!


Today my dog suddenly started chasing a rabbit, but when I yelled my recall signal she came back to me immediately! I was sooo proud! We celebrated with having her play with me and she got to chase a stick around me since she wanted to CHASE. I have trained recall a lot, but I thought that stimuli would be too much for her (she did START going after it) but was pleasantly surprised the reinforcement history was strong enough to break it off. Unfortunately the wildlife here is unpredictable so it is difficult to get structured training opportunities for that but the goal is for her to never go after them at all (like your dogs).


This is probably one of my favorite videos of yours (they'll all great though!) It really nails the idea of training for behaviour, not just commands/cues. A calm, attentive dog will be much easier to work with rather than trying to train an overaroused dog with a hundred boring repetitions of recall. Conditioning and rewarding for calmness/attention, while it seems simple, makes SUCH a big difference and my training has improved drastically after I learned this from you! Thanks again!


This is AMAZING. I don't even know how to tell you how awesome this video is. Now that it is fall, Lucy is seeing squirrels for the first time (she never noticed or cared about them when she was smaller). This came at the perfect time. I will be using this every day.

Thank you for everything that you do, Emily.


Thank you very much voor this video! Fantastic tips!
This is what I did with my Smooth Foxterrier Fenja, same principle (with a little variations). I taught my dog to be calm in the environment. Of course early socialization helps in teaching the dog to be neutral towards other animals, but even if this didn't happen, you can still teach your dog to return from the woods and from other situations, not chase animals etc with using principles what you are giving.
Thank you!


Ah that is a huge piece of the puzzle that people miss. - teaching your dog to be calm around the things that they would otherwise chase. Such a great video :)


THANK YOU MY GOD I have a high drive pug and other trainers tips don’t work AT ALL he understands come here but once he gets excited he doesn’t want to listen to it anymore


That was very neat to watch your dogs standing around while all those animals ran around the yard. I may just have to pick up that DVD. :)


Yes! That was a great one. You know that feeling that know that you have some kind of a problem that you have to work on, but at the same time you don't know exactly what is the problem, because is abstract...? yeah, well that was a eureka moment, that video helped! 😊. Great as always!!


You are awesome and so kind that you shares your knowledge and experience


You don't see this every day:
A terrier being calm around rabits and squirrel.
Counter conditioning works!
We have learned a lot from your VOD
"Harnessing the Hunter'.
A detailed guide to get your dog
calm around wildlife.
