Sell Exclusion Setting Guide: The First Look! - Summoners War

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So to explain how to think about this, think about having a big bucket of legos with different colors and shapes.
First you dump out things you MIGHT want to get rid of. So, you have the big bucket now of things you ALWAYS keep, and a bunch of white blocks on the ground. What that means is the checkmarks on the first screen are what you MIGHT want to sell.
The Sell Exclusion screens let you filter those blocks on the ground to say, wait, this is a lightsaber piece, this is a ground piece, etc., and I want to keep those, which places them BACK IN THE BUCKET (and thus cannot be filtered again). What that means is the checkmarks in Sell Exclusion are things from your sell screen that you want to keep. Please note that each Sell Exclusion screen should be the most detailed set of things you want to keep (or check). Trying to combine two different keep ideas will lead you to keeping too much usually.

Notice the difference here, first screen is what you might want to sell, second screen is what you actually want to keep.

To show an example:
Let's say you want to sell all runes without an innate, except swift, violent, will, and despair.
First screen: select all runes to sell.
First Sell Exclusion screen: Set: All, Prefix: Yes, Rune Grade: Legend, Grade: 6*, Types: All
This will keep all runes with an innate. Now we add another screen for our additional condition.
Second Sell Exclusion screen: Set: Swift, Violent, Will, Despair, Prefix: Yes/No, Rune Grade: Legend, Grade: 6*, Types: All


I think of it like this "I want to sell every (grind, gem, rune) expect for the ones that has the following properties (sell exclusion page)"


Checking legendary drops is part of what makes the game fun. I'd still check them too, Sei!


Didn't watch the full video yet, but the Quantity setting is pretty straightforward. If you pull one of those pieces, it checks how many you currently have.

So if you say 5 (and down), it will keep it as long as your total is 5 or less. As soon as the one you'd pick is the 6th, it will want to sell it.


Using 1 setting for 1 runetype makes most sense - 7 settings need to be done.
For me its easier to exclude individually. No DEF for Fatal, no RES in Vampire, etc.
When switching to another dungeon change properties again.


Oh i needed this video! Gonna watch when i come home this has been confusing me so much


a bit bs that cant choose ancient as type, since i dont wanna sell certain ancient grinds that normal ones id sell since ive way more quantity of those


Would be better if c2u make sell exclusion stacks with main property. I.e, if I choose to sell legend Atk% on slot 4. No matter how I set sell exclusion sub opts, that rune will always be picked for sale.
On sell exclusion table, make your setting as simple as possible, because if the rune has one of the picked sub-options, it will be excluded. The more sub options you picked, the more runes will be excluded. I.e, for pve damage rune, I choose crit damage as the most important option. So I set it at minimum at 4% for 6star. Then add other sub opt like damage, cr and speed at max. For pvp rune set like swift, vio, will, despair, spd is king. So I pick spd sub opt at min 4. Other options are not really as important. Even a legend hp% slot 4 6, barely keep those without spd.


Does this feature work on rune management page or only on dungeon page?


The way I see it, depending on level/experience in the game, your SELL settings should be all runes EXCEPT Legend. ...and your SELL EXCLUSION settings should be Hero Runes that meet the required stats you seek.

If you're super endgame and you don't want to check every single Legend rune, then in the SELL settings, check all rune grades (including legend), BUT in the SELL EXCLUSION settings, check the Legend runes that, say, have 6 spd minimum. - Those runes wouldn't be sold automatically.


I came for a guide,

I left with confusion.


FINALLY this video what i was wait what about drop rate right now in B1-B10


I find the rune exclusion lacks a important feature. I want to spezify slot 1, 3, 5 to be more strict with subs and slot 2, 4, 6 can be little lower requirement. i couldnt find a way to do that. For example my revenge slot 6 runes are shit. but my slot 1 are really op. i want to auto sell hero slot ones but not slot 6. sry bad english. Does ayone has a idea how i can set it up


Do you plan on doing a rune exclusion guide?


What emulator are you using right now?
Im still using mumu but it lags (every 10-30 seconds i get about 1 second lag spike).
Bluestacks does not natively support proxy (for sw exporter) and i really dont want do research on how to do it with other external programs.
I heared LDplayer works, but there the wifi proxy is broken so i would also have to use external programs.
