5 Things that Happen in Your Life When You Meet The One

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Here are 5 things that will happen in your life when you meet the one God has for you.

1. Your Connection with this Person Will Grow Stronger and Stronger Rather than Weaker and Weaker

Infatuation starts strong and grows weaker over time. True love usually starts slow and grows stronger over time.

2. You Both Will Gladly Change Your Relationships with Other People from the Opposite Sex

The more romantically committed you are to one person, the less romantically open you should be to other people.

3. God Will Not Spare You of Problems, But He Will Empower You Through All the Trials You Will Face Together

4. When You Meet The One God Has for You, God Will Bring You Both Into Agreement on Important Life Decisions

If you want completely different things in life and neither of you are willing to budge, this probably means you are not meant to be.

5. God Will Eventually Remove All Doubts About Marrying This Person If They Are the One

Dating is meant to help you answer your questions. Marriage is for when your questions have been answered.

#shorts #love #romantic #single
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I can attest to this- these are all so true, especially the last one about doubt. When my husband and I first started talking (we hadn't been on an official date yet, ) I had a day or two where I started to feel a lot of doubt. Not anything about his character, but more so fear about getting hurt again. I really leaned into the Holy Spirit and He very quickly removed all doubt and replaced it with peace. God will often allow you to experience doubt so that you will continue to seek Him first for clarity. I remember learning this from one of your old videos and it was hugely impactful for me, so thank you, Mark!


It's going on seven months of friendship. Oh I want to hurry things along into romance, but when we're together we're so comfortable. Our talks are interesting, deep, funny, easy, revealing. Romance will change everything and it's not time for that yet.

This relationship, it's like watching a plant create it's fruit. You see the evidence, watch the progress, suspect the outcome, but must be patient as the process unfolds. Will a storm destroy the fruit? Will something interrupt the process, temporarily, or once and for all? Will the fruit be picked before it's ripe, or at exactly the right moment? Or will it wither on the vine for lack of some necessary ingredient? This is God's way. Trust Him. Trust His process.


Oh. I am trusting God for my Godly Spouse ❤️❤️❤️


It seemed spirit led in the beginning but now I just feel something isn’t right…idk if its just me…I pray about it everyday


Thankyou unjverse for my lovely and amazing spouse


God bless you for good inspiration you give us


I believe these, bcoz it really helps for 2 ppl being in love nd looking for someone whom either intentionally or untentionally to find the real one for you to know if he/she is the one while praying nd you are learning the person's inside behavior, habits nd the relationship with God


Thank you. now I have the idea how to distinguish someone from God or not.


Good video, Mark! I like the points. The main one that hit was point 1. Up until April, I'd say, my connection with someone had only grown and was getting stronger, but I've noticed a little decline on both of our behalfs. Around April was the time I had stopped following the Law of Attraction, and am wondering if that was the reason why we aren't attracted to each other as much as we used to be. Could you do a video about the Law of Attraction, and whether or not if it is Biblical?




I became a Christian after marrying my husband now. Do some of your marriage videos/shorts apply to me?


I don't know if this the right place to say this, but I am going to say it anyway. So last night, I was going to sleep. As I drifted into darkness, something strange happened. It was weird, and I don't if anyone has had this experience before. Trust me, I have had weird dreams before, nightmares, "sleep paralysis" before. But this, this way different than any experience that I had before.

So, as I was "dreaming", I could feel the core of my being, like my heart, briefly "lifting". I am not saying that I was hovering above myself and I see my below. I was in darkness. And then, I had this weird feeling of being disconnected from my body. I know it sounds strange, but that's the only way that I can describe it. Then, it was as if this sense of timelessness had came over me. I could not tell if 5 seconds or 5 billions years had pass. I could then sense my essence, feeling as if I was going up and down. And then I thought, "I don't want to leave. God I don't want to go." And then I began to think back to the Bible, of the scripture of 1st Thessalonians 5:2: " For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night." And I was like, "Uh, oh. Is He really coming back". Then I could feel myself going back down, lying back in my room, in darkness. I didn't know what to think. I was beyond scared. I just, laid there, trying to contextualize and come up for a scientific reasoning as to what I had just experienced. My heart felt like it had stopped, then restarted back again. I eventually got up and began to pray, then I watch some TV. Then I went back to sleep.

So, I just wanted to type this down and just see if anybody has had that experience. You may be thinking that I am lying, crazy, or that I had a bad burrito before I went to sleep. I just wanted to memorialize that moment, this feeling that I had Saturday, July 31, 2022 at 2:57 AM, Eastern Time. I know a day from now, a week from now, a year from now, I am going to forget this. But, I wanted just do for myself, and see if anybody has experience this.


I'm STILL waiting for my Boaz to find me. Someone PLEASE help him fix his GPS
(God Positioning System)... 😍


Hmm. That is an interesting case about infatuation. I've noticed that it's definitely true in my life.

I'm considering the possibility that a girl I met over the summer might be someone I should be open to dating. I want things to go slow so we can build a strong foundation, so I want to be friends with her for a while first.

Unfortunately I'm not a very socially confident guy and get nervous when I'm around her, to the point that I won't really feel comfortable starting conversation with her in a group setting. God appears to be setting us up to get to know each other better, we both work at the same place (different departments so we aren't coworkers) and we both go to the same Christian organization, in the same small group.

I don't want to ruin anything by either being too afraid, or by being too infatuated and rushing into things (ruined a good many relationships for me in the past). What should I do about my social anxiety and fears about this?

You know I honestly don't even know if she is single, so I'll be taking it slow, growing as a friend first and if there's anything there and we both want to, then proceed to dating. I also want to keep my options open.


I feel like these videos, both the shorts and the longer ones, are getting repetitive.


Wanna update in 6 months. Than another in 6 months after cohabitating. Let's see how long you can keep this going.


These lists are a problem. These are based on emotional connection and which is highly deceptive, subjective and not verifiable by God's word.

Most people don't know what infatuation is and it might take years for infatuation to decline but it gets stronger first ...

Please teach people God's word and not this feel-good pile of lies that doesn't help one see God clearly


There is no "the one". Human love is a myth.


5 things that will never happen for me!! :/ No such hope for a Hope-LeSS romantic (fool) such as I


I love your videos but I want to tell u something That our Lord wants everyone to know.
Pls Let women stop the makeup, jewelry and all the trousers.
It's leading a lot of people to Hell
Pls you have a way to reach a lot of people
Thank u.
